Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Ellen Pompeo out shopping when she would probably be home and

staring at the photos David Beckham uploaded to his Facebook page.
Meanwhile Gerard Butler does some staring of his own in Miami.
Jodie Foster out shopping. A rare pap photo.
Suri Cruise and Katie Holmes are probably headed to a kid's birthday party and Suri wanted the present for herself.
Kelly Osbourne in NYC with her boyfriend.
Yeah, sometimes I don't even think Miley Cyrus knows why she chose certain outfits.
Melissa McCarthy at the premiere of her new movie co-starring
Jason Bateman.


Sarah said...

Jason Bateman is still a cutie

The Real Dragon said...

is that Matthew Mcgonhey(watever u spell is name) with Gerry Butler.

skimpymist said...

What's in the box suri
I've said it before and ill said it again miley and the biebs are carbon copying each other. If they dated no one would be able to tell them apart.

loubea said...

Shelley's in the box

The Real Dragon said...

lmao Skimpy all i thought was Brad Pitts"What's in the Box"from the movie seven.

Sherry said...

I loves me some Mellissa McCarthy but that outfit is doing her no favors. Not sure I like the color but then I'm not a fan of grey.

Speaking of bad colors, hate the odd purple of Kelly's hair. Her boyfriends hair is awesome!

Totally doesn't look like Jodie.

Jason Bateman..Yum!

Karen said...

@dragon, and now so am I!

LottaColada said...

I was wondering the same thing about Gerard, who is he with?

Where is your ring Kelly?

Miley looks like a 30 year old soccer mom still trying to cling to her youth.... WTH?

Amber said...

Am I the only one that feels like Pitt's delivery of "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!" kind of tainted the movie? It was SO awful.

Miley reminds me of when I was 10 or 11 and wished I was big enough to wear clothes like that in the 90s.

The Real Dragon said...

LMAO sorry guys. that's classic line.

jax said...

hmm...is Kelly O pregnant? engaged and wearing a coat the *should* fit.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad Melissa McCarthy is finally getting the attention she deserves. I've loved her since "Gilmore Girls".

Amber said...

@jax - I think she has a really big scarf on and it's taking up room under her buttoned coat. I have the same issue today!

Amber said...

she was wearing a pretty tight dress at the GGs.

Del Riser said...

@dragon,it kind of looks like Matthew M's hair, but he would have gained back a lot of weight to look like that. Would his wife like him hanging out with Gerard?

I thought Jodie looked stunning when she got her award.

Most kids want the present for themselves. It's one of the first lessons they learn about giving,
right after learning to share.

Jason is still a favorite.

lazyday603 said...

Didn't Barton Fink wander around the whole movie carrying a severed head in a box too?

Gayeld said...

*cleaning rice off desktop*

Sweetiebird said...

Anyone else at first think Gerard Butler was carrying a huge sub/hogie/grinder in that beach picture?

prolixe said...

Oh dear. Fans self.

Haha @ Gerard leering. At first I thought he was holding a sub sandwich.

Suri's expression in Suri's Burn Book is even funnier. I think I'd have a grumpy look too if I were being chased around by paps.

WTH, Miley?

auntliddy said...

Melissa m lets her freak flag fly and doesnt care what anybody thinks!! Good fir her.

Roman Holiday said...

Wow Enty, throwing shade at a six year old, for shame! tsk tsk tsk....

The Real Dragon said...

@del u probably right.

Anonymous said...

Miley, put it away. We've all seen it before, we've all got our own, or are married to our own, half the planet has what you have, you're not special, you're not interesting, nobody CARES. PUT. IT> AWAY ALREADY! Goddamn, I feel like her Mom right now. Fuck!
After looking at Melissa, ( thank you Hollywood for allowing a big girl to succeed), I now feel super hot. And yes, that does really look like Mcconaghuery too tired to spell, next to Gerry Butter, ( a more apropriate name for him anyways), and those skags he's checking out! Dear lord, that's bottom of the chum barrel right there. Get some standards man, you're a goddamn movie star!

1Jazzimom said...

I can't see throwing shade at a 6 yr old either, @R.Holiday.

All about Eve said...

Is it strange that David Beckham does nothing for me?

Poor Suri, even as an adult I buy awesome birthday gifts and end up wanting them too lol

Not crazy about Miley's outfits but she's young and trying different looks so good for her.

Trish said...

^^^^ this!!! Sookie

ethorne said...

Oh Becks. Drool.

I think Miley picks her outfits from old eps of 90210.

Why is no one carrying Suri!?!! Wtf!

Kelly said...

I think Suri's just pissed she's gotta walk on her own.

g.strathmore said...

I like Melissa's shirt/dress thing. I would totally wear that.

parissucksliterally said...

As usual, Miley looks like an idiot.

Love Jodie, love Jason Bateman.

Anna V. Xol said...

No, you are right. That part always made me cringe but not how it's intended to, Never could put my finger on it until you mentioned it.

Anna V. Xol said...

I want to see the new Melissa Mcarthy and Jason Bateman movie! Looks very funny.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sylvia said...

Miley no matter what you wear you still look like trailer trash.

Love Melissa Mc.

car54 said...

Did anyone see the Scientology book author on the View today? She did a great job despite the fact that none of the women of the View can interview their way out of a cardboard box.

Too bad Barbara wasn't on to talk about what a lovely young man Tom Cruise is. His name never came up.

RocketQueen said...

I can't stand Kelly Osbourne. I hope somebody puts her on Fashion Police notice about that ill-fitting coat so she knows how it feels to be on the other side. Catty, petty witch. Sorry....I can't stand her.

ablake said...


Melissa McCarthy looks like she should be floating above the streets of NYC on thanksgiving.

Just. Wow. Fire that stylist now.

David Beckham could come sit by me any day.

greenmountaingal said...

I know he's a pig, but that picture of Gerard Butler is cracking me up.

I like Melissa McCarthy, but I don't think that outfit was the best choice.

Ellen Pompeo bores me. Remind me again why she's famous?

David Beckham...words won't even do him justice.

I know it's not cool to snark on kids, but Suri was much cuter as a baby.

Pogue Mahone said...

Miley looks like a trailer park skank.

Maja With a J said...

I think Melissa looks great!

Andrea said...

Yes. Very strange

Anonymous said...

David B....stop it.

Melissa...stooooooop it.


That's it.

Jenn said...

Jason is still so cute. Major teen crush.
Becks though, is from my very grown up years. Jeez, you'd think Posh would smile more, going home to that every day.
I used to look up to Jodie when I was a girl, thought she was so awesome. I haven't changed my mind.
Melissa should've gone up one size with that shirt, or a different style. She's very cute though. Love her eyes.
The spawn of Oz is a disappointment. Pfft. Her bf is hot though.

Frufra said...

@Sweetiebird, prolixe - I had to blow up the pic of Gerard Butler, because at first I thought he was holding a 40 in a brown paper bag! You can tell what kind of neighborhood I grew up in, eh?

canadachick said...

i think its Bradley Cooper with Gerard?? I think they are hanging with Leo Decaprio in Miami. Theres a hilarious picture of Cooper and Leo shirtless on a balcony - Cooper totally has bed head ;)

The Real Dragon said...

Is Kelly Osbourne is Preggers?

Sherry said...

Jax: OT - I'm looking at an ad for a photo exhibit in NYC. One picture by Marion Post Wolcott entitled "Crossroads" shows a gas station / roadside store in Louisiana that advertises Jax beer. Is that how you came by your moniker? Just curious.

Pip said...

Miley looks horrible.

@All About Eve, David Beckham for nothing for me either. Way too much of a pretty boy. I think his package is photoshopped quite often, including in that picture.

I'm glad to see women who aren't stick thin in the entertainment industry. With that being said, Melissa McCarthy looks extremely unhealthy at that weight. She's a great comedic actress, but I am sick of seeing her in roles where her weight is part of the "joke".

All about Eve said...

@Puggle, he's good looking but all I can think about is that voice!! And yes, his package looks rather strange here.

Sherry said...

I heard Becks voice but never noticed it to be unusual. Am I missing something?

poovey-tunt said...

Melissa McCarthy's outfit isn't great but she's looking INFINITELY better there than she has on the red carpet in the past. She does herself no favors (nor do other women her size, btw) when she goes with tents instead of something more fitted/tailored.

Baby steps, baby steps. She needs to take more risks to figure out what works and what doesn't. It's scary, though - even women who are size 2s get scathing comments about what they're wearing and it's so much worse the larger the dress size - so I can see why she may be reluctant.

chopchop said...

Kelly's either pregnant or gaining. That coat is straining under the pressure. I know because I've been there. Still think you're a talentless bitch though, Kelly.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@poovey-tunt - You took the words out of my mouth regarding Melissa McCarthy. I think this outfit looks great!

I liked Jodie's speech better the second time I listened to it, but now when I see her I wanna shout: I'm 50!!


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