Friday, February 08, 2013

Stepfather May Be Father Of Baby That 9 Year Old Delivered

There have been some crazy developments in this story of the 9 year old girl who gave birth a couple of weeks ago. Apparently doctors at the hospital where she gave birth sterilized her so she can't have more children. This was not done with the consent of anyone. Now, it also is likely that her stepfather may be the father of the baby because he has had sex with all of his stepdaughters. Police are performing DNA tests to determine whether it is the stepdad or the 15 year old boyfriend (previously it was announced he was 17). The 9 year old did not know she was pregnant until she she was 7 months along. Most of the time I'm always skeptical of the whole didn't know until I gave birth thing, but since she was 8 and 9, I tend to agree she probably had no idea. The mom works as a prostitute and the 9 year old was not allowed to go to school, but had to stay home and take care of the other 13 kids. The mom may have AIDS which she passed on to the 9 year old girl which may have also been passed on to the new baby.


Seachica said...

There are no words. Poor kid

a non a miss said...

Holy fucking shit. That's a whole bunch of awful developments.

lalaland said...

this story keeps getting more and more depressing :(

FSP said...

Ugh...just when you think one fucked up story can't get any more fucked up. Pregnant 9 yr. old. Stepfather may be the father. Prostitution. 13 kids. Aids. I can't imagine what could be next.

ethorne said...

@Rcb- my thoughts exactly.

JSierra said...

This is horrific. I want to adopt this little girl and her baby and give them a chance at an actual life.

Pip said...

What a horrific story.

LottaColada said...


Yesterday I was giving these people the benefit of the doubt thinking they were just uneducated, this is really taking shit to the next level. Horrible horrible people and parents.

By the way enty I believe it is called rape, not "having sex with his stepdaughters."

Karen said...

@JSierra, that's pretty much exactly what I said in a comment that Blogger ate!

Also, great job on sterilizing a 9-year old. Now her stepfather won't get caught impregnating her.

Silly Girl said...

OMG. This is crazy. Not to get off track, but did they sterilize her because she may have had AIDS? Any other reason is unfathomable and if I were her (when I was old enough to understand), I'd freak out and sue. Maybe. Unless she does understand and is so fucked up by the whole thing she asked to be sterilized.
OMG, this just hurts my heart.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Yes, it is RAPE.

Omg, this is so horrific. Betrayed at every turn: Mom, stepdad, doctors. I just can't wrap my mind around this kind of fuckery.

greenmountaingal said...

Just when I thought this situation couldn't get any worse. Horrible. I have no words.

Anonymous said...

Despite the fact that she didn't consent to sterilization, which is terrible to say the least, I can see what the doctor was thinking. If this child is indeed HIV+ ( which, based on the wording seems to be a pretty big if) and one child of many born to a prostitute, her chances of getting a better life for herself are realistically slim to none. Add into that the fact that it's very likely she will become a prostitute herself due to knowing nothing else and having no real options, at least she won't be having more potentially HIV+ children and the cycle of this devastating lifestyle will end with her.

Pip said...

Is there anything similar to CPS on Mexico? The story started with forced sterilization, and just kept getting worse.

Pip said...


Meanie Rhysie said...

Silly Girl, you may have a point there re: sterilization. But it seems so extreme.

Pogue Mahone said...

I figured it was incest all along but it's not right they sterilized her, now she won't be able to have kids when she's older.

Feisty said...

@rejectedcarebear - Words out of my mouth. I want to vomit. WTF is wrong with people? Hopefully the POS stepdad gets dragged out into the street and shot.

Audrey said...

This whole scenario is much more common than we think in underdeveloped and poor countries. Poverty sucks.

Pip said...

I looked up the story, and little to nothing is known about this girl. The family fled their home, and some said she is 15. Wouldn't the hospital keep a 9 year old who has just given birth after being raped by a parent? I can't imagine giving her back to the parents.

Anonymous said...

@pugglewug: ou have to remember this is a poor area of what is essentially a war-torn country due to the cartels, the government is in shambles and really not many people are going to care about the daughter of a prostitute. Very sad but true.

janele said...

The most awful child-mother story I read was from a decade or so ago. The little girl gave birth, but thought the baby was a doll. Didn't feed it, it died, but the girl still carried the corpse around with her (because she really thought it was a doll). It was so disgustingly sad.

I think the father in that case may have been one of her relatives, as well.

Karen said...

@janele, that makes me want to vom. Ugh. Sounds like something William Faulkner would write about.

LottaColada said...

For everyone trying to fill in the gaps to this story here's the original article:

Nine Year Old Who Gave Biirth in Mexico Sterilized Against Her Wishes

Unknown said...

My thoughts exactly. So sad said...

Heartbreaking. It's always hard for me to wrap my head around things like this ...can't believe this actually happened. This poor poor child.

Anna V. Xol said...

This is Mexico. If someone hurts you, oh fucking well. On any given day, I can go on a ten minute drive and look over there. There used to be gun shots but not anymore since one of the drug cartels won their power struggle. Nurses get mad at you if they don't feel you are pushing during labor and sit on you. That baby died and not once did I hear the mom or anyone say anything about suing. They probably did sterilize the little girl because she had aids. I doubt her or the baby can afford to be treated. There is no minimum of care like the emergency rooms there. You can only hope someone takes pity on you and as human beings they treat you. Either you can afford medicine or you can't. Either you can afford a blanket for your baby or it might die on a winter night. Here, we have programs and thank God for the most part our basic needs are covered.

mynerva said...

Terrible situation.

FYI the authorities are saying that the girl is medically inconsistent with a nine year old and they believe she's nearer to 15. Still doesn't change the dreadful situation she's in.

witwritergirl said...

Holy crap. Where do I start? Under no circumstances do you sterilize anyone without consent- regardless of the circumstances. She's a baby for Gods sake and now her choices in life have been made for her. I have friends who are HIV positive and no one would approve if their being sterilized without consent.
If anything, sterilize the mother and that stepfather.....1 bullet for him.

KellyLynn said...

Sterilizing poor unwed mothers isn't as uncommon as you think. In this country, it was a common practice a few decades ago to do this, and some countries still follow that practice. The victims just don't have the legal recourse that we would in such a situation.

I just feel so sad for this little girl, but her story makes me wonder how many others are out there like her. They may not be as young, but they are still too young to cope with this kind of trauma.

Audrey said...

@ Kelly - you are absolutely right. Poor women and girls in poor countries have no rights, it's disgusting. I'm sorry this happened to the little girl, but let's not pretend this doesn't happen EVERY DAY somewhere in the Third World.

yawnathon said...

@ Alma - very well put. Many people don't think of Mexico as a developing country, but it is. Huge disparity between rich and so, so poor.

It did occur to me that unless the hospital released a statement about the sterilization, that the girl could have had complications during her cesarian that led to the sterilization. It might have been the end result but not the goal. Most hospitals aren't well equipped or up-to-date in Mexico. Either way - tragic story.

Silly Girl said...

I think I missed this part, but did the baby die?

MelTheLibrarian said...

Thanks @Lotta for providing the link to the article. It seems the claim of sterilization came from the mother of the little girl and came only AFTER the situation was reported to authorities by the hospital. The claims about AIDS is hearsay for now from the neighbors, but the claims of the stepdad beating and possibly raping the little girl seems to be true do to witnesses statin they saw him beating her on their neighborhood street. Also, it does look to me like the mother possibly knew about the pregnancy but did nothing because she might have been trying to get her daughter into prostitution too. No matter what angle you look at this story from, it's

Pip said...

Thank for the article, Lotta!

MelTheLibrarian said...

I got cut off, but I was saying that no matter what ends up being the truth in the end, this is still a tragic a d very sordid story. --- The parents are guilty of something if they fled with all 14 members right before the police and mayor were due to speak with them. Overall, I hope that this little girl and her baby make it out alive from this situation. And the Mother and Stepdad should seriously be burned to death!!

Tish said...

I wish someone could go in and convince the parents to give these 14 kids up for adoption, so they would at least have 'a chance' at a normal life. Why isn't there more adoption from Mexico?

Anna V. Xol said...

Yawnathon, that's true. I had not considered complications during the c-section.

auntliddy said...

You said it perfectly.

Anna V. Xol said...

No, Silly Girl. I was just telling a story about a distant relative in law. Sorry about that.

yawnathon said...

I don't want to hijack the thread but I know this board is comprised of 98% of truly compassionate people. So many of you are involved in charity work. Here's a site I'm involved with that helps homeless children receive blankets & comforts.

Consider collecting blankets and old coats, toys, & shoes and taking them to your local shelter. Get a receipt for your taxes. Animal shelters need blankets & toys as well. We may not be able to do much about the situation in Mexico and for this poor girl, but we can make a difference with even one blanket.

Ray said...

One question....WHY wasn't the MOTHER sterilized instead?!?!

Mod7 said...

I mean REALLY people!? MY GOD

All about Eve said...

Thanks for the link @ yawnathon, I will be doing some early spring cleaning soon and we have a lot of toys, clothes and blankets to give away.

This story is heartbreaking but unfortunately not rare in poor areas, including this country and always the most vulnerable, the kids, are always the ones paying the price for the poor choices the parents make or sometimes, forced to make by circumstances.

Sherry said...

This story keeps getting sadder and sadder. So what happened to the baby?

j97 said...

@ rejectedcarebear: "Holy Fucking Shit" were the exact first 3 words that I thought of after reading that article.

feraltart said...

yawnathon, I thought the same as you. Maybe between the rapes, the pregnancy & the operation the poor little girl was so damaged she had to be sterilised or potentially die during her next pregnancy.

Silly Girl said...

I just realized 'yawnathon' was someone's name, not everyone 'yawning' talking about the story. I feel bad for the negative things I thought about those who I thought were yawning at such a terrible story.

Gabriella Oravetz said...

I am not trying to start an argument, nor am I being snarky, and God forgive me, but maybe it's for the best that she was sterilized. It's not like she is growing up like we did, and will have the opportunities like we did and do in this country. I don't really see her life turning around for the better, sadly. Maybe not bringing more children in to that scary family dynamic is for the best in the long run. I am not saying it's fair or right, but I maybe just maybe it's better that no more kids have to live like that.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wow doesn't surprise me this happened in Mexico. There is no such thing as CPS or police looking out for you. So many children are kidnapped, raped, murdered and if the child reports it there will be not a follow through with their story. I lived there for 10 years of my life and even if I was given a million dollars I wouldn't go back.

Unknown said...

I also remembered a similar case in the city in Mexico where we lived. There was a mentally handicapped woman in her young 20's who would go shouting in the streets that her father would rape her. She went on to have multiple pregnancies and the babies were never seen. She died not too long ago but this kind of stories are so common in a society where there is no justice.

RocketQueen said...

I words.

Chrissy Buns said...

There is an 11 year old in the school district I work in that just had a baby. I just don't understand the world anymore...

Silly Girl said...

@Chrissy, without giving away anything identifiable, do you know any of the details? Who is the father, are the parents present, etc.? What area is this in?
Honestly, I just don't know how this happens. I guess I was sexualized late. I didn't have sex until I was in college, and even then I was like, really? This is it? In my 40's now, however, I GET IT. For these kids, what is the attraction? Being popular? Cool? REALLY?! I would think you would be afraid of being made fun of. The ultimate form of bullying, if you will. I just don't get it.

tracynator said...

The little girl wasn't sterilized. She had a birth control device implanted. Not even close to the the same thing. Someone is looking for a pay off and is fudging the story.

yawnathon said...

Not trying to be bitchy @Tracy - serious question: what kind of birth control can doctors implant during a C-section? My dr insisted on waiting 2 months after my C-section before I could get an IUD.

g.strathmore said...

What a disaster.

pusssykatt said...

This doesn't surprise me. I watched this movie a couple of years ago "Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids"
It was heartbreaking...even the kids they were trying to get out, either wouldn't leave, or their parents preferred they also be prostitutes. It makes you so happy to be born American.

MadLyb said...

Well that would be a shock. Oddly enough, I'm against the death penalty because of the injustice of it all (see: "Texas"), but secretly, I wish all pedos, child and animal abusers were kicked off the planet.

Bpadge01 said...

Ditto. ..

Bpadge01 said...

Ditto to this also.

Chrissy Buns said...

The father of the baby is 13. They are both troubled kids from troubled families. They both enrolled in the online courses offered through our district, and they spent all day alone together, everyday, 'studying'. They also had parent sanctioned sleepovers all the time. The baby has been taken out of the girls mothers custody and will be adopted out to a stable member of the family. Other children have been removed from the little girls home, if I understood correctly. But honestly, I try to avoid the whole thing. I have a 10 almost 11 year old daughter who is in the grade below her, and she has all SORTS of questions about this situation!

Jenn said...

Not surprised about it being the stepdad, just sad. Poor child. The sterilization is awful. I hope they just tied her tubes because removing her plumbing at such an early age will wreak havoc on her system. A body, especially a young one, needs those hormones.

mooshki said...

So it's okay to sterilize someone against their will if it will make their life better? In that case, let's line up the whole freaking world for a snip. WTF, people? I can't believe you're trying to justify this.

Silly Girl said...

Thanks @Chrissy, As much as I hate to say it, some of those things make me think they tried to get pregnant, maybe so they could have each other. Regardless, it's really sad, but I'm glad the baby will be adopted out. Maybe there will be a stable home life somewhere in there for all of them.


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