Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Random Photos Part Three - National Board Of Review Awards

Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer

Maria Bello
Emma Thompson
Meryl Streep
Martin Scorcese and Leonardo DiCaprio
Olympia Dukakis and Sarah Polley
Long time never see Mike Myers
Bruce Dern
Will Forte won last night and totally deserved it. You have to see Nebraska if you get a chance.


MollyMo said...

Jessica and Octavia look gorgeous. It must rule to be Meryl Streep and be the coolest person in the room at all times, rivaled only by Tom Hanks.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or Dicaprio s attitude last few years reminds me of Jack Nicholson. mmmm

Cindy said...

Leonardo looks like a bobble-head.

TalksTooMuch said...

I love Emma Thompson. Look, a wind DID come and Mike Myers face got stuck! That's his "I'm a very handsome man!'" face. Will Forte is fantastic

ktmonster said...

Did Will get plastic surgery. He is decided hotter now than when he was on SNL. He just looks slightly different, the nose maybe?

auntliddy said...

octavia is gorgeous!! And i love her name.

NaughtyNurse said...

Emma looks a wee bit crazy there.

PeaceLoveVizsla said...

There has to be something wrong with Mike Myers, right? He strikes me as someone where something went wrong somewhere along the way causing the break up of his marriage and his rare appearances.

parissucksliterally said...

Emma Thompson looks adorable.

Topper Madison said...

Agreed. "Nebraska" is a phenomenal movie. I think it's now my second-favorite Alexander Payne film--following closely behind "About Schmidt" and trailed closely by "The Descendants."

OneEyeCharlie said...

If Emma Thompson needed to cuddle, I would be willing to accommodate her.

Lauren said...

Which is great if you want your ass to look small.

Lauren said...

I loves me some Maria Bello, but does her face look janky somehow? Might just be me...

Rosie riveter said...

Fuck. Meryl. Streep.

Seven of Eleven said...

Did Chastain steal that dress from The Help?

I love Meryl's glasses! Must have...

Aw, Mike Meyers is turning into Shrek!

Will Forte reminds me of Luke Wilson. Yummm.

Anonymous said...

That colour is dreadful on Jessica - she needs a new stylist, STAT.

Ugh! Can't stand that stupid Emma Thompson woman. She's a whiney moany bitchy twat.

Mike Myers needs to stop with the fillers - he looks ridiculous.

Olympia and Meryl look terrible!

Leo is morphing into Jack Nicholson, which is NOT a good thing.

Actually, this whole line-up is of strange looking people ... the last guy takes the cake though - weird.

Chief2224 said...

I'm happy to see the picture of Olympia Dukakis because, for some reason, I thought she died years ago. Glad to see I was wrong.

Stepforded, I agree on Chastain's dress...BUT she wore such amazing shoes with it that they make up for the awful dress. Seriously, they were that great. I think I saw a picture on Jezebel but I'm too tired to find it. Check it out if you can.

rajahcat said...

Meryl looks great here and I LOVE her.......always speaks her mind. Of course she's earned the right to though.

Real talent does that.......

Anonymous said...

You know coke bloat? I think Mike Myers has Cock Bloat. Just saying. Queeeeeeeeen!


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