Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Jennifer Garner on her way to high school. It does have a school uniform look to it doesn't it?

Jared Leto and 30 Seconds To Mars continue their tour.
Jason Sudeikis and his uncle George Wendt getting some food yesterday.
Ashton Kutcher leaving the studio.
Katie Holmes and her Duck Commander purse.
Keri Russell and
Matthew Rhys at The Americans premiere with
Stephanie March.
Kerry Washington on the set of Scandal.


Cleodacat said...

After serving 20 with the military, I'm no stranger to the no strings attached FWB gig but I always paid attention to which hot guy was sticking it where (and certain high risk ho's could get the scratched right off my list because there's things that rubber just don't stop). Even with Jared hotness, Miley's enough to scratch him off my "dream" list.

PghGirl said...

Jason and I went to the same elementary school at the same time! Random tidbit of the day.

Erin B said...

@Cleodacat - I'm firmly hoping that was nothing but a rumor.

LottaColada said...

Katy Holmes purse is Valentino.

Kristin Wigs said...

Love Alex Cabot.

The Dude said...


Lady Heisenberg said...

@Cleo spoken like a true poet. I was at a music festival a few years ago & we suddenly heard the loudest sea of screams imaginable. Leto walked by & it was honestly like Beatlesmania. Never forgot that sound and I still hear it whenever I see his pic. I didn't think he could look better in person. I imagine those poor guys from AFI running around going, hey, groupies, what about us?! LOL

Mama Abroad said...

George W is his uncle? Norrrrrrm!!! Love it.

Cleodacat said...

Leto is a very, very beautiful man indeed!

Harry Knuckles said...

Garner does have nice legs. Pap caller / payroll photographer. But nice legs.

Leto looks like some sort of bug.

Glitter said...

Agree with you about Garner, Harry. She is photographed daily. So is Katie Holmes, among others.

Snootches said...

Love 30STM and I've met Leto a few times. He's a wee man but yes very pretty. He took his huffy for a ride to scope out his fans before the concert. He's an attention whore and I would hella not hit it ever. But the music is tremendous!

Count Jerkula said...

ADA Cabot is #2 on my Bonable ADA list. I hate that they have a dude in the role now.

When Fugazi Enty doesnt meet my Rape/Molestation/Incest needs, I mainlone SVU.

Count Jerkula said...

*mainline SVU.

Penelope said...

Keri Russell's head looks way too large for her little body. Kinda looks like she's had work done on her pretty face, too.

Cindy said...

LMAO at Jared Leto being an attention whore -- he's a rock star and actor -- attention whoring is a prerequisite of both careers.

hairydawg said...

Katie reminds me of Natascha from Rocky and Bullwinkle in that pic. Not anything wrong with that. Too bad she wasted so much of her prime with that GMD fiasco.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Leto is ridiculously good looking. I still would, even if all of the above is true.

audrey said...

I don't think Garner has to call the paps. They know her routine with the kids and Ben...especially on weekdays when the kids are in school.

nurysp said...

george is his uncle!

Seven of Eleven said...

Again, the only uterus-bearing human who doesn't find Leto (or Norman Reedus) insanely hot. Please don't take my lady card!

I wonder if they're playing Kerry's pregnancy into the storyline on Scandal or just doing a hide the bump.

I like Katie's look. Is it wishful thinking or did she finally get big girl boots?

Love Jennifer G but the outfit does look a little on the frumpy side.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

7, I'm with you on Norman. He seems like a cool dude and a good actor but I don't get the sex appeal there. Too squinty.

Honey Bunny said...

@7 I hope they do make it part of the show. That would be a big one.

Charis said...

Remember when George Wendt was the default qnswer to blinds?

Unknown said...

I don't know if I could with Leto (though I have a major crush on him) but not because of the Miley rumor - but because he was supposedly with Lilo!!!!!! I don't think there is enough latex or bleach to kill that shit he probably got from her.

sandybrook said...

As a man with no agenda--young Jordan Catalano was hot and poor Angela understood she was unworthy. 40 yr old Jared Leto not so hot nor looking very clean either.

Brenda L said...

Jared and Angelina...that would be very hot.

hothotheat said...

@Brenda L - There's no room anywhere for those two huge egos.

Leto - I still would.

Susan said...

Jared Leto longer hair and skinnier jeans then me. I can't handle that. Not hot.

Kerry Washington has such a cute bump!

Kerri Russell and Bobby Flay's wifey are so tiny!!

chopchop said...

Where's Ryan?!?! (miss you all, old commenters who've disappeared)

PotPourri said...

Leto is a little bit off to me.


PotPourri said...

Leto is a little bit off to me.


Chief2224 said...

Really happy to see ADA Alex Cabot! She's the hottest L&O ADA ever. Love her.

Count Jerkula said...

Sorry Cheif. The Snoopy lookin broad is the hottest. Could be because she once played a rapist/murderer/auto erotic asphyxiation fan in an earlier episode but I rank her higher. Cabot's tiny button nose/nose job kinda irks me.

anon said...

Jennifer Garner isn't pregnant again is she? Not trying to fat shame her - she probably just ate lunch but something about the way that sweater is falling looks like there's something under there.

Unknown said...

There are always rumors about J. Garner being pregnant. She's super-fertile.
Kerry Washington looks adorable. I love her so much.

Aoife said...

What the hell is that get up Stephanie March (Mrs Bobby Flay) is wearing?! It looks like a reject from Project Runway.

Is George Wendt really Jason Sudeikis uncle?

Unknown said...

There's an old picture of Leto making out with Parasite. That made me so sad because he's my celeb crush :(

Kristin Wigs said...

@Count I kinda dig the new ADA. He's a slimy little asshole.

Unknown said...

Katie Holmes looks like Pippa Middleton in that photo. This is not a compliment.

Count Jerkula said...

Kristin: I certainly don't mind slimy little assholes, just not on dudes.

Kristin Wigs said...

Count: I walked right into that one...


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