Sunday, March 09, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 10, 2013

This former A list tweener used to be so homophobic. She has come a long way and this weekend even spent 6 hours holed up in her hotel room with the super model who just won't come out no matter what.

Miley Cyrus/Cara Delevingne


TalksTooMuch said...

Soooo, if she's actually having sex with the ladies, then why wouldn't Iggy or Jessie J throw down? Is there some sort of heirarchy?

Unknown said...


Seven of Eleven said...

Well, apparently Cara Delasagne just would kinda sorta come out. Poor lil redneck Miley was mesmerized by the majestic caterpillar eyebrows.

sandybrook said...

NEWS FLASH Cara seems to be out!

Unknown said...

Cara is at least unique looking. Striking in a different sorta way. Miley just looks like a tweaker Cabbage Patch doll

Anonymous said...

Mileys former homophobia is most likely from her up bringing. Lots of southerners clutch the Bible and Biblical morals for dear life. Sometimes it's a good thing to move away from what you know to experience other aspects of life. Speaking to her opinion not action.

Anonymous said...

Miley acts like a stupid child on Discovery Channel. Pardon me ladies and gents but this is what she is

TalksTooMuch said...

Right! My bad! Drugs makes sense

Violet said...

Cara strikes me as the type who does not give any f***s at all about whether she's in or out. Although maybe it's the true love of a good woman - bow down Michelle (and drugs) that has dragged her kicking and screaming out of the closet

TalksTooMuch said...

I actually like Miley's new look better than he old look. She was well on her way to being another forgettable-looking chipmunk, but her new look really accents a kind of beautiful face. And not forgettable! It's not my fault, we ended up watching a bunch of her old music videos one night back to back and I was really struck by how much better she looks now. Which means, you know, nothing, everything being relative.

SugarTitz said...

miley probably afraid of southern backlash more than homophobia. plus small town upbringing. inbreeding.

SugarTitz said...

cara is devine. I don't care she is beautiful. but what sre the family issues people allude to but just tease??? incest, rape, mom on smack, abandonment??? anyone can serve up some Sunday morning dish??

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more, TTM. And what a gorgeous face she has. I just wish she'd put that tongue away.

Musically, I don't think she's that bad ... I have to admit, I do like 'Party in the USA'.

Anna said...

Maybe this isn't how Enty describes it. Isn't Cara the one they worry about for cutting, and Miley is one who seems to have overcome that issue, if, in fact, that ever was a problem for her as rumored?

Anna said...

Miley was trying to help her?

Brenda L said...

cara is the new Gia. I don't think she will live a real long time.

Unknown said...

Cara is so beautiful to me. I could stare at her all day long and listen to her sweet British accent.

Sherry said...

I'm with you Brenda..I think that's her fate as well.

And ya know what, Miley didn't grow up in some backwater town. She grew up wherever they filmed her show which I will presume was either Hell-A or Orlando. Maybe her daddy did but once he broke with his Achy Breaky Heart it was Nashville. Which IS NOT some teeny backwater.

I feel the need to defend the south since I grew up there and most people are not homophobic. People are homophobic everywhere.

Sorry for the rant...Had too much booze last night at yet another 50th birthday party (not mine-I beat them all by a few years).

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

I don't think she's quite as far gone as Gia. I think her big problem is Ritalin.

Anonymous said...

@Brenda L - I agree wholeheartedly.

Now where is Lotta Colada to get all upset about us predicting the death pool?

Kelly said...

Sing it @Sherry! I was coming to say something similar, but you got it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Miss Sherry :)

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Cara isn't pretty in the traditional sense but definitely striking.

Anonymous said...

Her mum was a big time smack addict. Her sister poppy is called poppy cos mama liked heroin so much. True story. I think her and her sisters had a tough time growing up, as you would with a strung out mum

Sprink said...

Posh. Very posh accent.

Sprink said...

I need to know: why SHOULD anyone come out? Sure, it's a hoot to speculate blah blah blah, but unless a homosexual is actively being anti-gay (and therefore hypocritical if misrepresenting themselves as straight), why should they make fecking announcements?

I've no time for Cara, I'm aware of her but she has no impact on my life whatsoever. But...I am not going to give her a hard time for not coming out. Or staying in. Or playing both sides of the fence. Or whatEVER it is she wants to do with her life.

Sheesh! Whatever happened to good manners and respecting people's privacy?!

Sprink said...

(...she sermonised, on a gossip blog...)

Anonymous said...

I am a southern girl as well. Born and bred in Virginia. Not every person in the south is homophobic but the southern churches tend to live by their bible verses like no place I've ever seen. Miley pron
Bably got a strong dose of SOUTHERN upbringing. Despite her surroundings and what kind of crap her parents got into when that went Hollywood. Our up bringings are all we know sometimes. I parent in a 50% what I was taught and a 50% the adult I've become on my own. The two class sometimes. Lol I have not found a comfortable fit for both just yet.


Anonymous said...

Clash sometime....

Scallywag said...

@laura ramona as soon as I read your post I could imagine Miley calling up Cara and singing "You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals..."

Anonymous said...

Lotta might not be here today but I remember the blind/reveal you're referring to, @Step. My problem with you predicting a death was the fact that you were predicting the death of a child, albeit from second-hand smoke from her own parents. Some of us are more sensitive to speculation about children dying.

Unknown said...

Do not understand how that girl is a model....she is very unappealing. My penis shrugs when I see a picture of her

Brenda L said...

I didn't mean to sound like I was predicting a death or playing the death pool's just a feeling I get when I look at Cara's pictures. When someone gets famous, the wheels of life can start turning very very fast. she just hits me as someone who could/would get caught up in it too quick...I hope I'm wrong and that she is surrounded with good people. It was just a feeling I had.

Brenda L said...

Doesn't help my case much that my avi is a grim reaper, does it? LOL

Gypsytrill said...

Maybe it was all innocent, and they were just playing tiddly-winks!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, put like that then yes I agree that did sound bad. And I did not mean for it to come out that way (talking about the previous blind here), so apologies if I offended anyone.

Anonymous said...

Lol@Brenda L
no your avi doesn't help your case!

Anonymous said...

It's all good, doll. I know you didn't mean any harm.

umop 3pisdn said...

She looks more like a Garbage Pail Kid

Unknown said...

Is 'holed up' some lesbian slang for a weekend tryst:)?

Unknown said...

Is 'holed up' some lesbian slang for a weekend tryst:)?

Aoife said...

Cara Delevingne is a very rich young woman who is having big fun with any and everyone while working as a model. At this point she's going to become the go to answer for any blind like this. She's been with Rihanna, now she's with Michelle Rodriguez who may be in lurve, and she was with Miley. And this is just who we know about.

Eros said...

Interesting reveal


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