Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chris Evans Says He Is Retiring From Acting - With Lots Of Exceptions

Another day and another actor who says he is retiring from acting. When is the last time you actually saw an actor retire from acting who had any success at it? Clint Eastwood? Maybe in the past couple of years but he still loved to get in front of the camera. You miss it. You crave it. Chris Evans says he wants to be a director and retire from acting. He does say that he will continue to act in Marvel movies and will act in movies he is also directing but nothing else. Uh huh. Well, that is a pretty big list right there of movies he is willing to act in. So, when he says he is retiring from acting he really doesn't mean it. All actors want to direct. Look at any television show that has been on the air longer than four years and I bet there are actors from the show listed in the credits as a director. The thing is directing is a lot of hard work and you don't get the attention you get like you do when you are in front of the camera.

Chris is just the latest in a line of actors to say they are going to retire. They don't mean it. They think they mean it and think they are moving on because they got a taste of directing. When he has trouble getting a studio to give him a nice fat paycheck for directing some indie and someone comes along with an offer to star in a movie for $10M he will probably say something like the part called to him and it was too good to pass up. I don't understand why everyone has to say they are retiring. I guess it is for the headlines, but it never comes true. All his announcement has done is give some other actor beneath him on a studio wish listget a shot and then Chris is going to wonder how come he went from Captain America to Captain Sawyer in some Lifetime television movie co-starring Tori Spelling in a few years.


Unknown said...

Tori is already getting psyched!

crila16 said...

Is this Amanda Bynes and Joaquin Phoenix retiring?

Leekalicious said...

With interest rates the way the are, the only two people in the world who can afford to retire are Bill Gates and maybe Oprah.

Now! said...

I get Chris Evans and Chris Pine confused. Also Chris Pratt. To me, they all look like Chris O'Donnell.

Count Jerkula said...

He acts? I thought he just did steroids and put on the Capt. America suit.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Rick Moranis retired for good. That's still a black day in history.

cubsfan1990 said...

quit being bitter

Anonymous said...

All actors want to direct, all directors want to produce.

These idiots need to google the word retire & read the definition.

They all start believing their own hype that their own publicist put out, & that studios who also own shows who also own magazines who also own web sites put out.

Their really aren't too many movie stars anymore & they are all replaceable.

If my grandparents do not know who they are they are not A list.

Harry Knuckles said...

Some of you people need to be more respectful of actors. Saying the lines and not bumping into the furniture isn't the easiest thing in the world, you know. And when an actor of Chris Evan's stature has something to say, about anything, let alone his own career aspirations, the rest of you need to just shut your big ignorant pie holes and listen.

timebob said...

Chris Evans is super neurotic he didn't even want to take the Captain America role at first because he knew how much attention it would get him.

He signed on for six Marvel movies. If the Avenger movies and Thor cameo is counted then he has one more movie to shoot to complete his contract.

In Chris' case I actually believe this.

witwritergirl said...

All of the real movie stars are gone anyway. We've been left with spoiled brats and idiots suffering from "exhaustion".
I'm too busy being a single mom with 2 jobs to worry about his foolishness. Trust me, there's a million hungry actors out there waiting to fill his shoes. Quit your yipping and just go.

auntliddy said...

He can relax. I dont even know who the hell he is.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

When is the last time you actually saw an actor retire from acting who had any success at it?

Let's see...Ron Howard, Rob Reiner, Penny Marshall...I'm sure there are others, but these are the first to come to mind.

Time will tell how well Chris will do as a director, but why not give him the benefit of the doubt at the beginning? I don't recall hearing that he's done anything worthy of everyone getting the knives out before he even gets started, so why don't we just see how things work out? (As for his Marvel contract, apparently the Thor: The Dark World cameo isn't being counted, FWIW, so counting the Avengers sequel, he's got 3 more movies to go.)

nurysp said...

always struck me as a cocky person who thinks hes doing us a favor by acting

nurysp said...

always struck me as a cocky person who thinks hes doing us a favor by acting

shopgirl said...

Never heard of him. Sorry dude. No press conference needed.

Tara said...

I think Chris will still act but intends to fulfill his commitments to Marvel (lots of money, fun franchise, and gives him a great profile boost and character-associated rep as a nice guy) and then start directing. He can rest on his laurels for a while having the big push of press for The Avengers to get his movies greenlit. It was a smart move. If the directing doesn't work out, he can use his role in several zillion-dollar blockbusters to sell himself as a worthy investment if he returns to acting.

lazyday603 said...

Jake Ryan (Michael Schoeffling) retired from acting when he was 30 & started making furniture. It can be done.

Jazzy said...

As mentally scattered as he is, a director?! Really?! Hmmm.

CharRicho said...

Really? For Captain America? He's the star of his own blockbuster movie franchise, and one of the stars in a related franchise that happens to be one of the biggest around (Avengers), AND was one of the stars of the Fantastic Four movies. He also has a pretty long list of not-unknown movie credits, if Marvel is not your thing. This is a celeb gossip blog, are you sure you're in the right place?!

I mean, I can understand this comment on all those reality nobodycareswhoyouare idiots, but this is a bonefide movie star. Not just an actor. A movie star.

I'm not saying that makes him special in the grand scheme of life, but this is a blog for those kinds of things...

BeckyMae said...

Move aside Chris, The glorious Sebastian Stan will take your place as Captain America and I welcome this takeover! Between Sebastian, Fassbender, McEvoy and Taylor-Johnson, there's a whole lotta reasons to watch almost every Marvel film coming up in the next decade!

MadLyb said...

How can you retire from something you've never done?

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Meh. He's whiny and his character is boring. Sebastian Stan should take over for multiple reasons.

Anonymous said...

In his defense, Chris Evans has publicly spoken about having anxiety issues, and you can tell how uncomfortable he is with media attention. He's signed on for several more Cap movies, so of course he's going to continue doing those, and I think he realizes that a lot of people depend on him to do so, but he might be more comfortable behind the camera.


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