Monday, March 24, 2014

Your Turn

A celebrity you have a crush on but are embarrassed to let your friends know. You would never tell anyone.


Kristin Wigs said...

But I'd tell this group of vagrants? NEXT!

FSP said...

This is Sabotage

Sugar said...

My crush is Wiglet. Shhhh don't tell!

Susan said...

Kid Rock. But I would tell my friends.

WareCat said...

Ron White.
I still think he looked better b4 he dropped the weight.
Jonah Hill.
I like my men thick.
& that aint no secret.

Jessi said...

Harry Styles, because I could be his mother! But I think he is adorable!

Susan said...

Vince Vaughn and Steve Carrell, too. What can I say? I like to get my laugh on.

Christopher Cruz said...

Andy Cohen, Tuc Watkins, Skyler Astin. No shame though!!!

WareCat said...

Where have u been Wig?!
How dare u have a life outside of CDaN!
Are u cheating on me?
Is there someone else?
Wat did I do?
Y dnt u love me?!
I'll change I promise.
Dnt leave me!!!!!!

Bitchy and Bort said...


Violet said...

God, I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone, including a bunch of strangers on the net. I will just keep my happy little thoughts all to myself.

VeronicaCostello said...

Benny C. No shame. I like gingers.

Angela said...

The sham wow guy, cause I'm weird like that. He reminds me of my tatted up, pierced ex who smoked bowls all day & could groove in bed.

Leekalicious said...

The Rock (not embarrassed) ; Ian Somerhalder (embarrassed), Billy Ray Cyrus, Michael Hutchence (not embarrassed, know he's dead), Johnny Weismuller (not emb., know he's dead) ; Billy the Exterminator (not emb).Jenny Shimizu (not embarrassed) love long hair on a man.

sandybrook said...

No f 'n way I'm hanging myself by answering this.

Anonymous said...

Well... It's NOT this guy.

Harry Knuckles said...

I'm with you on the Ron White love, Warecat (in a non sexy way of course). The guy is just screaming funny. I've always thought he would make the perfect latenight host if the network could just leave him alone with no censoring.

Runswithscissors said...

Not a celeb.

(Hanging head low, muttering in a low voice) a cartoon character, Zechs Merquise from Gundam Wing series.

Feedly said...

...Seth MacFarlane. I don't really want to do anything with him except listen to him sing and crack wise.

Unknown said...

ron howard, back in the happy days <3

Kelly said...

None of these are embarrassing considering I love Glee and Katy Perry. ;)

Sunshine said...


Mugshotland Creator said...

samantha ronson. its not a crush its love

Anonymous said...

Here you go, Leek: long-haired man

WareCat said...

U ever see his current wife, Harry?
She's sexy as hell & a friggin Opera singer.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Spike from Buffy the Vampire slayer-James Marsters(those lips,that voice!)
Mail from Firefly/Castle- Nathan fillion ( that butt, that...everything)
Max Headroom/ Doctor Doctor- Matt Frewer ( sarcastically funny wit)
Picard- Patrick Stewart (his Does things to me....)

Harry Knuckles said...

The love of my life. The most beautiful and alluring woman that has ever lived: Nancy Kwan.

Violet said...

@Reno ok seeing as how you've admitted to Glee, my crush was Cory Monteith. Sad. I will keep to non addicted crushes in the future.

Lisa said...

one direction. any of them.

Mama Ray said...

I once had a crazy sex dream about Eminem when pregnant, with the setting being my old high school auditorium! You know how pregnancy brings on vivid crazy dreams... he's not normally my type either. It was actually pretty damn hot too.

Harry Knuckles said...

WareCat, I knew about the Opera singing, This picture is the 1st time I've seen her. Super pretty.

Kristin Wigs said...

Warecat!! Funny you mention that. While y'all were fighting last week I went over to Celebitchy. They're sweet and lovely, so naturally I was asked to leave :/

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Yeah, you lot already know.

Kelly said...

@Violet He was absolutely yummy. No shame on that. I've been crying the last 2 episodes where they mention him. I'm such a dork.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Old/er Hollywood
Rock Hudson- when I learned he was gay, my girl heart broke :'(
Peter O'Toole- he looked like he could do the nasty things with grace while drawling " my dear girl, the position isn't impossible.. Just point your knee to the left and lean..." ( sigh)
Cary Grant ..~I can't give you anything but loooove~..
Sean Connery- definitely BEFORE the reveal...( The Wind and the Lion) '74

Leekalicious said...

@Cocoa Thanks! I like mullets too. I know I'm going to be sorry about that one.

Tammy said...

I like 'em big, too, WareCat and have always had a huge crush on John Goodman. (not at all embarrassed, though!) I can definitely see the appeal of Ron White, but he always looks kind of oily/greasy to me for some reason.

Mark B said...

Sue Perkins. Not that anyone here has even heard of her in all likelyhood lol

Leekalicious said...

How could I forget Steve Harvey.

jw11 said...

Nicholas Hoult. Am ashamed because I am 45.
He is just a baby but he is so charming

Harry Knuckles said...

The lovely Emma Watson.

Steampunk Jazz said...

@ wiglet, celeb B has no taste for flava! We shall diss them while we welcome you home!
Hey everybody!

Violet said...

@Mark. Sue Perkins is amazing! And Mel. What sane person wouldn't love both of them?

-P said...

Truly ashamed, but I do tell my friends so they can know what kind of sleazeball I am: Russell Brand. I'd do him in a heartbeat.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lil P said...

David Hasselhoff. But I do admit it and have defended him vigorously about the drunken cheeseburger eating off the floor incident. He's the only celeb that follows me on twitter. Made my day

WareCat said...

Oh sweet Jesus.
I can finally sleep again.
& cancel my missing persons report w/ the CPD.

gloaming said...

Louis CK.
Actually, not embarrassing at all. I proudly lust for him.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Ashamed of: Michael Anthony Hall- 16 candles/weird science (I know..I know)

Maureen said...

Steve Martin in hear he's really smart and kind of a recluse. I could deal with that. I'd live him for his brain.

Stephanie Fralick said...

Charlie Hunnam.

Sass71 said...

Dan Aykroyd and Powers Booth.

clearly4you said...

I don't think I have had any crushes that I was embarrassed of, but the biggest 4 were/are: Michael Hutchence (STILL sad over him), Paul Walker (same), Corey Haim (sad but over it), and Kid Rock (yay, at least 1 is still alive).

bored soccer mom said...

I find him strangely hot too. Lol!

bored soccer mom said...

Johnny Knoxville. Or Eminem.

I feel so dirty just typing that. Lol!

Erik said...

Mel B

WareCat said...

Omg, soccer mom!
Can please share Knoxville w/ me?
Pwetty peas!!!

Caraface said...

Christopher Eccleston. He's so odd looking, but somehow he makes it work. I would also wreck Louis CK, with no shame or regrets. Oh, and Charlie Day.

Turkish Taffy said...

Eddie Izzard

Sherry said...

I'm so candid I'm sure most of my friends just want me to shut up.

No big crushes to reveal.

NYer said...


PJ said...

Gordon Ramsay. (I know! I know!) But there is something about that temper of his in the kitchen (I wouldn't tolerate it being directed at me in day to day life). I like a man overflowing with testosterone-I'll take that over a brow beaten, whiny, girly man any day!-and I feel like there is a lot of handsome hiding underneath those wrinkles...

Snootches said...

Steampunk, are you a proud AARP member?

Leekalicious said...

Taking too many turns here, but closer to home (Canada): Jian Ghomeshi, musician and CBC host.

PJ said...

Lol about Charlie Day! I used to crush on him a little when I first started watching It's Always Sunny (him, not his character) but I have to say that Rob McEhlenney has replaced him totally for me in the list department and I have zero shame about that at all :) I just love Mac so much!

laesmralda said...

Adam Duritz.
I just got VIP/meet and greet tickets to Counting Crows and my husband is worried. Lol

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

The dude who plays Lord Bolton on Game of Thrones. What the fuck is the matter with me?

PJ said...

I just watched Mermaids for the first time since childhood over the weekend; she's amazing! I really wish she's act more because she really is just that damn good in front of the camera :) (I don't at all crush on her though.)

CharRicho said...

Used to be Kevin Federline, back when he was in back-up dancer shape.

These days the only embarrasing one is probably the much-too-young for me Zac Effron. Most of my crushes are now at least relatively age-appropriate, and somewhat respectable in that they have actually jobs and/or talents. (i.e. not the washed up backup dancer ex-husband of a celebrity)

califblondy said...

He's hot and I love Scotch breath.

califblondy said...

Andy Gibb. God I miss tight pants on guys. I just want to be your everything...

bored soccer mom said...

Yes we can share.

And then NEVER EVER speak of it again Warecat. Ha!

cece said...

Jerry Cantrell - Alice in Chains. Forever and ever! :)

auntliddy said...

Well i was 9 but Pat Boone! Sad!!

Freyja said...

Alexander Skarsgard. Hugh crush on him, but I am not embarrassed. My friends know :)

Lisa said...

Ain't no shame in crushing on Tuc Watkins and Nathan Fillion! Stand proud.

Mine's Martin Freeman. Makes you feel better about yourself, huh?

Flicknik said...

Still waiting to run into Adrienne Barbeau or CharleneTtilton.

Dinkles said...

Archer, I don't care he's a cartoon, I looove him lol.

Unknown said...

Sorry for the re-post:

The man with the shortest legs and sloppiest fists in Hollywood...Josh Brolin. He's a massive drunk, an uber douche and not the best looking man I have seen. I am so ashamed mainly because I love Diane Lane so much and he's such a teeny little man who looks like a neanderthal. Ugh, just kill me. Please?

Other than him, I'm not embarrassed by anyone because he is the only person I like who is an asshole. Oh, and his new piece of ass is barely subpar. She is nothing and I mean nothing like Diane Lane, who is still a hot, sexy bitch.

BeckyMae said...

Nah I am proud to be on he Louis Theroux-Tom Hiddles BF knows I love a floppy haired British nerdboy

Seven of Eleven said...

Oh, Steamy, my sister from another mister!

I have no shame whatsoever in admitting I would do naughty things to Captain Hammer. He can call me Saffron any day of the week.

James Marsters has the most delectable voice. If you're an audiobook fan, listen to him read the Jim Butcher series. Try not to drool.

When I was a kid, I watched Night Court every day after school while I did my homework. Years and years later, I woke up from a naughty dream starring John Larroquette!

THOR (please, I see your shocked face).

Patrick Stewart is old enough to be my granddad, but I freaking love him. His acting class video killed me!

Unknown said...

I have always had a thing for Pauly Shore.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Kid Rock..I know I would get eleventeen different STDs just shaking his hand but he does something to me ..I mean the dude wears overalls in public..this is me (._.) ashamed

Runswithscissors said...

OMG! John larroquete!! Yaaaas!!! That was a big reason I watched Night Court when I was a child!!!!

Runswithscissors said...

Oooh, there is something so special about him. I find him so hot too, an accountant. Mmmh. Seems all the guys from Sheffield are so broken, Sean bean, the dudes from def leppard, there's something in the water.

Mr. Brightside said...

Jeremy Irons.

Mr. Brightside said...

Jeremy Irons.

OKay said...

I used to love Pauly Shore So. Much. back in the day. All my friends knew that, though.

TONIc said...

Adam Levine. You can start throwing rotten fruit in my direction NOW.

Unknown said...

Harvey Keitel. Serious thing for him since Reservoir Dogs.

Laura said...

Patrick Dempsey
Alec Baldwin

Laura said...

Oh...and Jason Bateman!

Marybel said...

Jack Nicholson and Willie Nelson

Anonymous said...

when we were younger my cousin had a crush on jessie camp the homeless mtv vj i might have too

ecua said...

Ethan Hawke. And, yes-I am deeply ashamed to admit it!

Autumn said...

Russell Brand!! Oh God, love him.
Jason Segel (not so bad right?)
Agreed, with those who said Eminem...

MadLyb said...

Kate Moenig. I find some butch lesbians really hot, even though I am hetero, or thought I was. I guess at my age, it doesn't matter and you can swing any which way and people don't care.

I adore Russell Brand, but wouldn't let my friends and family know, because, "I don't have celebrity crushes." Ha!

Alita said...

Steampunk -
I suspect we couldn't loan each other DVDs because they all match ;)

Spike and Mal - very yes, but I mean while in character.

Picard - yeah ... Vash got it right. But as long as it was late TNG or DS9, I'd prefer Worf. Human women are too fragile? Just try me ;)

Alita said...

Mareeeee says no!

Julie said...

Rob Pattinson... without a moments hesitation

volliger said...

Loretta Young. Feel the absurdity: flattering types have pegged me in the neighborhood of Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel and, uh, Shane Diesel.

PugsterMom said...

Pierce Brosnan

tootie said...

I would probably tell my friends. Chris O'Dowd. I thought he would have made an amazing Christian Gray.

tootie said...

I would probably tell my friends. Chris O'Dowd. I thought he would have made an amazing Christian Gray.

PotPourri said...

It's still the same no matter what age I am...Rod Stewart, Mick Jagger, Keith Richard, Don Henley, Prince Harry, and Donnie Osmond is a throw-away.

Buddy Bones Smith said...

Late to the party as usual, but...
Adam Levine
John Cusack
Gordon Ramsay

But I'm not ashamed of my forever crush on Gary Oldman. I've loved him since I saw him in Sid and Nancy back in 87.

Anonymous said...

I have a huge crush on Eddie Redmayne, the dude who played Marius in the Les Miserables movie. He's a skinny effeminate awkward freckly boy who makes ridiculous faces, and I generally prefer bigger men, but I am in LOVE with him.

Maybe it's something about a heartfelt rendition of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables," because I also kind of like Michael Ball, who played Marius in the 10th Anniversary concert.

Anonymous said...

I have a huge crush on Eddie Redmayne, the dude who played Marius in the Les Miserables movie. He's a skinny effeminate awkward freckly boy who makes ridiculous faces, and I generally prefer bigger men, but I am in LOVE with him.

Maybe it's something about a heartfelt rendition of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables," because I also kind of like Michael Ball, who played Marius in the 10th Anniversary concert.

Sprink said...

Not really celebrities...British politicians: Boris Johnson and Michael Gove. Not sure I could ever say it out loud but they're both sexy in a very, very strange way.

Shinobi Jedi said...

Best. Answer. Ever.

MovingOn said...

Bill Clinton and Chris Walken (about 25 yr ago).


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