Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Your Turn

Hilary Duff wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt. Do you think she listens to them? What group or genre of music do you listen to that no one would ever think you would? Come on. You know down at the tattoo parlor you have 98 Degrees on.


sandybrook said...

ABBA has several songs in my Ipod

Anonymous said...

I like rap and trance music when I'm driving, but listen to classical music at home, where we have it playing pretty much all the time as it's relaxing and makes us feel good. People always seem surprised when they come in my car ... I guess I don't seem like the typical rap or trance fan.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Geez, @VIP! My answer is Linkin Park. But I also have a playlist with the title "Sap".

Michael H said...

I love puttering around the house to the Buena Vista Social Club channel on Pandora, when I am not getting down to old-school g-funk. I still love the music from when I was a kid, but if you listen to the same stuff over and over it gets tiresome. I can't understand how some people can have the classic rock station on all the time, for the past 25 years (since it was "classic") and then some.

I was wondering the same thing about this Duff chick -- she looks great tho.

Merlin D. Bear said...

I've shocked many a person with my musical tastes - from old school C/W (Patsy, Loretta, Conway etc) to Dean, Frank, Ella, etc.
Of course, I'm also a stereotype with my love of Broadway - that one everyone gets.

WareCat said...

Ace of Base.

Anonymous said...

This is fun ...http://www.ministryofsound.com/radio/radio-djs/89/above-and-beyond/

Michael H said...

I'm guessing that was better than the original?

Cleodacat said...

Love Buena Vista Social Club, add a margarita and a little pretending to be somewhere else with Thor and you have a mini-vacay.

K said...

I rock out to Chicago in my car. Loudly.

Kelly said...

Pretty much an open book.

Cleodacat said...

I like just about every genre. Sometimes it just suits my mood but mostly it speaks to my soul. 2Cellos Bendedictus is my current zen.

Unknown said...

I am 29 but have always been a big music person and listened to bands from the 80's and 90s. Mostly alternative stuff like The Cocteau Twins and Nick Cave which seems to surprise people for whatever reason. Maybe cause they sorta contradict my tv preferences such as The Real Housewives etc. meh, its only music

Anonymous said...

@Derek - have you seen The Real Housewives of Melbourne yet? I liked the first episode - thought it had potential - but this week's episode was dire. I don't think it'll make it for another season :-( I wish they had some 'old money' housewives on it instead :-(

Michael H said...

Exactly! I roll with rum, it just feels right.

Michael H said...

Did you ever see wings of desire?

Mama Ray said...

@ Michael H. My hubby & I ADORE Buena Vista Social Club - never pulled them up on Pandora though! Getz & Gilberto are amazing as well! Nothing better than a summer breeze, some latin jazz, and a cocktail! :)

On the other hand, I also LOVE rap & hip hop, and many other genres for that matter. (I'll pass on heavy metal though.)

Harry Knuckles said...

Listen to folk a lot: The Kingston Trio, Brothers Four, Peter Paul and Mary, Gordon Lightfoot, Glenn Yarborough, Ian and Sylvia, The Greenbriar Boys, lots more. Have many CDs and LPs and downloads and Youtube is just lousy with folk so sometimes I;ll sit for hours exploring. Huge John Denver fan. I actually cried a little when he died. Back Home Again

Unknown said...

@stepforded---no I havent but maybe I will try and check it out online cause it is not airing in Canada

Harry Knuckles said...

25 or 6 to 4

Anonymous said...

And now, as with so many of my comments, I realize that last sentence can be taken a different way. #Cocoa! #SD! #STFU!

Sunshine said...


Sherry said...

I listen to everything except rap/hip hop. But I much prefer new alternative stuff and really enjoy bluegrass. I listen to old jazz every morning and rock to Foo at night. Sunday AM is awesome for some gospel after a wake up to the classical. I am all over the place.

So long as it has words I can understand and music that has a melody I enjoy it.

Seven of Eleven said...

My playlists are almost all either indie or alt, but I do love Johnny Cash and Alison Krauss. And I know the words to every song on the Man of Constant Sorrow and Wicked soundtracks.

And of course this.

Gayeld said...

Barry Manilow.

At the Copa...

JSierra said...

Guilty pleasure bands are Good Charlotte, Panic! at the Disco, Zendaya, and Linkin Park. I went through a huge dubstep/trap phase a few years ago and can still jam out to some filthy beats in the shower or in my car.

Violet said...

@Harry John Denver is the one artist I regret never seeing in concert. Also a big Pete Seeger fan and have been mainlining youtube stuff since he died.

Frufra said...

@Michael H - just added the Buena Vista Social Club channel to my Pandora :-).

Frufra said...

@Harry - had to get in on the John Denver fan club. I adore that man - I cried when he died, too. Makes me so sad to think about him leaving this world.

TalksTooMuch said...

Anthrax, George Straight and an embarrassing amount of age-inappropriate hip hop

Alicia said...

I listen to so much Hispanic music , Pandora plays my commercials in Spanish now.

discoflux said...

Ain't no shame in my game. Here are the pandora stations I currently have setup:

Fiona Apple
Bebel Gilberto
Tears for Fears
Dolly Parton
Taking Back Sunday
Daniel Johnston
The National
Dr. Dre
Dixie Chicks
Liz Phair
Depech Mode
The Roots
The Streets
Boards of Canada
The Shins
Rilo Kiley
Built to Spill
Toad the Wet Sprocket
Cyndi Lauper

WritergirlinLa said...

Ramones, English beat, and The Replacements.

discoflux said...

ACK! Depeche!

discoflux said...

Also, Against All Odds by Phil Collins can make me cry like a baby. The Postal Service cover of it doesn't.

cece said...

I love Alice in Chains, Mudhoney, Screaming Trees - anything from that area at that period of time. It surprises people because I'm a 50 year old housewife looking person! :)

Unknown said...

Mariah Careys cover of Against All Odds is the best

auntliddy said...

My adult children are always amazed i know or like any music past 1970, lol

Violet said...

I am way too old and unhip to like the Arctic Monkeys. But I do.and have an inappropriate crush on Alex Turner. Throw in some Magnetic Fields and I'm happy.

RowdyRodimus said...

When I was in high school people were shocked to find out that along with metal and all the hair band that were around at the time that I listened to classical and the crooners from the 40's and 50's. Everyone has to give it up for Sinatra.

OneEyeCharlie said...

First off... I saw Iron Maiden in concert with Rainbow and .38 Special. I was much younger, and my hair was much longer.

Thus, old friends are a bit taken aback when I have music shuffle going and either Enya or Gilbert and Sullivan showtunes come on.

If I REALLY want to freak them, I sing along "I am called little Buttercup... dear little Buttercup"

Krgl420 said...

I listen to everything except I can't get into country, I look euro trashy but my favorite band of all time, and whom I've spent almost the whole decade of my 20s with is Phish.

Hands down the best live shows EVER

Ruby said...

TLC and Aaliyah are my favourites. And no one will ever understand that.

Oopsy_Daisy said...

I am known to be very selective in my musical range. I mostly listen to French pop from the 60s. That being said, I LOVE blasting Kanye for the rare occasions I'm alone and driving on the highway.

Sprink said...

@Harry--my first concert was PP&M. With my parents, at Red Rocks.

The people near me were smoking pot (!) and I smelled it and started crying and needed a cuddle from my mom and dad.

Loved the harmonies.

Anonymous said...

Does she HAVE to listen to IM?

My ex was giving someone a ride and turned on the CD player and my ALICE AND CHAINS CD started to play. The person inquired and my ex told him it was mine. The rider then asked if I was "white" to which my ex answered "she thinks she is". Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

Anonymous said...

The Rascals are my group, basically anything 60s rock, aside from the cliched groups the hipsters all like. Which nobody guesses from a twenty-something.

Unknown said...

Classical (Handel, Vivaldi, Chopin, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky) and Classic Country (Haggard, Waylon, Cash, George Jones, Gene Watson, Charley Pride).

People are always stunned. It never fails. I don't fit the stereotype of either genre. lol.

Anonymous said...

As someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and cries at least once a day, people are usually shocked to get in my car and hear White Zombie :)

Erik said...

I will listen to anything as long as it sounds good.

Harry Knuckles said...

Violet, Frufra and Sprink, I'm not surprised that others here also love folk. And Mr. Denver was just so amazingly talented at both writing and performing. A good guy too. Sunshine On My Shoulders

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh... French and retro! Details please, @Oopsy. Have you listened to Emilie-Claire Barlow? The Beat Goes On is a fave.

Leekalicious said...

R & B about 3/4 of the time, Top 40 country the rest of the time.

shakey said...


audrey said...

I am over 50. I listen to Metallica. I love MP3 players. You can listen to a plethora of different genres and no one knows what you are grooving to.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

I mostly listen to bands like Rammstein, Charon, A7X, 5FDP...

But I love me some old school Duran Duran.

Chris said...

I have a 19 yo and a 22 yo. I've been married 25 years, and I listen to A Day to Remember (courtesy of my son - who has inherited his mom's varied and eclectic taste in music) That's not a band you would think a 5*mumbles* year old woman would listen to...but she does. And likes it...la, la la la la la...til' everyone is singin...la, la la la, la la...

OKay said...

I listen to just about everything except for country and rap, but having said that I'm a huge Eminem fan. There's actually some country stuff I like too, come to think of it. Nothing is my guilty pleasure - I'm a proud Bay City Rollers fan!

Silkprint said...

Today driving went from Bob Seger to Eminem to Patsy Cline .

Andy said...

VH-1 Classic ran a list of 10 surprising metalheads. One of them was Demi Lovato, who said her favorite live band was Dimmu Borgir, a thrash band from Norway notable because they use 8 string guitars for super low sound, plus an awesome drummer.

Couldn't knocked me over with a feather on that revelation. So maybe Duff does like them.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Dimmu Borgir is amazing! Many black/death metal bands have classical training and incredible technical skills.
That's something I never would have guessed about Demi, for sure.

studio gulag -- said...

From ABBA to Zappa


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