Thursday, May 15, 2014

Casey Kasem Has Been Found

Well that didn't take long. Just a few days after a judge ordered that Casey Kasem be located, a court investigator has done just that. The DJ legend had been taken from California to Washington State in what is turning into a huge battle between his wife and his kids. The kids have accused Jean Kasem of moving their father constantly and not letting them see him. One of the children was awarded a temporary conservatorship three days ago which led to the order from the judge for Casey to be located. The attorney for Jean Kasem said he didn't know where his client had placed Casey. Casey Kasem suffers from advanced Parkinson's and can longer speak and has been moved from one home to another in an effort to keep him away from his kids. I think they wanted the conservatorship not only to make sure their dad was ok, but also because they probably want to gain access to his financial records to see how much money has been spent by his wife and if there will be anything left for them when he passes.


sandybrook said...

Kanye and Jamie cue up Golddigger.

Unknown said...

this is a private family issue, happens every damn day in "step" situations.

TalksTooMuch said...

Glad Shaggy is okay!

Violet said...

You should never live your life expecting a great inheritance pay off. Just my twopenneth.

Bacon Ranch said...

Maybe his kids just love him and have always seen Jean for what she is.
I'm glad he has been found.

Even if he can't speak I hope he keeps reaching for the stars.

FSP said...

Now if they can only find Shelly.

Patty said...

The kids have gone on record saying they don't care about the house and money. They just want their father.

Count Jerkula said...

Wife trying to spend as much money as she can before she has to split it with the kids? Like the Ed McMahon situation?

Unknown said...

If they can find Casey that quick, WHY can't they find Shelly???

surfer said...

Yup - what Patty says. In a previous court filing, the kids said they were only concerned for his well-being, not his money. What an awful situation.

rocky619ca said...

The last days should be spending time with him before he goes not playing these games.
This cray cray wife probably got the $ locked away years ago in the making.
It should be about his kids, siblings and the rest of the relatives spending what lil time there is just with him.

Unknown said... beat me.

Susan said...

Awww. This one gives me the sads. Casey Kasam reminds me of my childhood, particularly Sunday mornings with his weekly count down.

Why would you keep a sick man from his children? Maybe she has her reasons but when somebody is that sick you need to let shit go. Family feuds are too common and such a waste of energy.

audrey said...

What a horrible way to live out the rest of your life...having people fight over you while you are unable to speak for yourself. Hopefully they can work out their problems before he passes.

Kristin Wigs said...

Casey and Jean have been married for over 30 years. That'd be one helluva gold digging scam.

Erin B said...

The kids have already stated they know they are not in his will & are fine with that. They just want to see him.

Henriette said...

His wife is an asshole to the tenth degree. She's been keeping his kids away from him for a while.

Frosty said...

I don't think he has Parkinson's -- he has Lewy body.

Sherry said...

Sad situation. What could be Jean's reason for moving him? There are very adequate care facilities in SoCal. Why move him to CA? Something is curious here.

And yeah no one is guaranteed any $$ from their parents. But from other posters that's not their intent.

He is also mainstay from my childhood. The feed played on the station where my mama worked in CLT.

Sherry said...

Move to WA. Just woke up. My first post.

rajahcat said...

some serious family shit-must be family shit week in Celeb world

__-__=__ said...

You think if the kids wanted the money they would say that? Death always exposes greed. Something is way wrong here.

SugarTitz said...

i forsee long fight after death

MISCH said...

Families and money….the kids are entitled to a % by law, but that depends on what's left in the estate.

auntliddy said...

His wife must be nutty. Who moves a sick, incapacitated man around like a chess piece? He should be able to see ALL his children And older kids are all established, they arent looking for money, just want their dad.

Gayeld said...


Gayeld said...

@Peggy. They know where Shelly is. They just can't get over the razor wire and barbed spikes pointing in to talk to her.

Snapdragon said...

This makes me so sad. The countdown, Scooby Doo... I remember when his wife was on Cheers and on that terrible spinoff. I just did not like her screen presence.

AKM said...

Kristen, I thought the same thing. How is she a golddigger if they've been together, apparently happy and with a child, for several decades?! Maybe it's the kids who are PsOS, after all. *shrug*

Unknown said...

She doesn't want one of them to try and change his will IMO. I can't imagine their pain though. I wonder how much he saw them before. There are barely a handful of pics.

Theresa said...

I was going to mention that. Plus they have a child together. They always seemed tight in the 90s when they were seen everywhere. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Unknown said...

It is really starting to sound and look like the wife is playing games which probably means she is hiding something, Sounds like maybe the kids are right.

Sherry said...

It's very hard in CA to get an elderly person to change their will if they are unable to speak. We need to change property for my MIL and the law states no one can be there for undue influence. Sadly she's not of sound enough mind to follow the instructions she would be given. It's too confusing for her.

Brenda L said...

I'm just sad that we are in a world where an adult child's concern for their dying parent is automatically branded as greed and "will-digging"....maybe, just maybe, these kids love their dad?

If Casey Kasem is a smart man, surely he already had his will in place very soon after his diagnosis?

nurysp said...

fuckin vultures

JoElla said...

This story is getting stranger and stranger. I don't know what to think at this point.

Unknown said...

Don't forget the guards armed with automatic weapons.

Vestal Surgeon said...

Sad. Families suck.

Ari said...

They were all over the news. Maybe if they'd established a firm relationship while he was in good health...

RowdyRodimus said...

Everyone keeps bringing up Shaggy but don't forget he was also Teletran-1 and Cliffjumper on Transformers

Unknown said...

Well if the kids were interested in the money they aren't going to publicly announce it.

However moving this man around to avoid his kids is first of all not good for the poor man, when you are elderly and ill consistency is very important and it does sounds like she is the one being the golddigger.

Unknown said...

He is quite likely already incompetent for legal purposes and the will couldn't be changed and I am pretty sure any judge would rule that way.

That is why we all and I am remiss in this as well should have wills and powers of attorney for financial and medical consents ready while we are still healthy and of clear mind remembering to update those documents as circumstances change as they happen, like changes to tax laws, change in marital status, kids etc. Even if you don't have substantial assets if you become legally incompetent who do you want making the medical calls on your behalf - the state?

feraltart said...

My SIL's did this with my MIL. She had food poisoning, ende up in hospital. She got some home care & they were told to leave her alone so she could fend for herself (by healthcare professionals) . They ignored this & instead took her to one doctor who diagnosed her with dementia & then the next day had her sign complete Power of Attorney over to the two eldest sisters. There was no second opinion. They then had her assessed to go into a nursing home, the assessor did not speak to my husband.
We found all the papers proving this after the events and when her house had been sold to pay for the nursing home.
Her best friend in the nursing home died (she's been there just over 2 years now), she wanted a memorial plaque for her. The sisters refused because they didn't like her friend! It is illegal for them to refuse, it is her money, they are just supposed to help her access it. My husband & I got the memorial plaque for her. She cried with gratitude. I could throttle his sisters with my bare hands, and yet, if you talked to them, we are the worst in the world.
I had also previously offered to have my MIL live with us, but her daughters had made out my hubby & I were totally incompetent & I think she truly regrets her decision now. By the way, I am so competent at looking after people, that I have ben asked for the 5th time to be a godmother (even though I'm an atheist). Sorry for the rant, very close to home.

mistang said...

Not sure either way, but there is a reason he has been moved like this. I had read a while ago (will try to find) that it's not only the kids that have tried to contact them, but also his own friends, brother, and former personal assistant. She blocked out anyone that knew Casey.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the long distance dedication of Diana Ross' "Missing You" worked. And on with the countdown!

TLP said...

I remember Barbara Marx Sinatra being accused of doing the same thing with Frank. Lots of others I can't remember. It's all so sad


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