Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Five parts today.

I guess I don't see what the big attraction is to having IV treatments but Ryan Phillippe and his girlfriend participated in it.

Sam Trammel is pumped after throwing out the first pitch.
Snooki out at the pool with her family.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5


sandybrook said...


ladybaus said...

not moi...
1 is clearly from Toronto---great pics everyone

sandybrook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sandybrook said...


S.joy said...

Beautiful readers!

Sugar said...

No derek
No Candyland

Hi Readers!!!

#5 where are you in your pic?

Love the shirts in #1!

Sugar said...

Hi S. Joy!!! Good to see ya!

OneEyeCharlie said...

Maybe Ryan and his girlfriend are anemic and they're getting iron transfusions?

Love Sam Trammel. I still laugh thinking about Seven Psychopaths.

Great reader pics!

TalksTooMuch said...

So cool, y'all are gorgeous! When did we get another dude?? And I swear, that looks just like umop.on top! Does your dude read here too, umop?

Lookit the gorgeous kiddos! Snookiespawn and reader bebeh!

sandybrook said...

I am wasting my second guess and saying Candyland is in the country on June 3rd 2014 about the same time she sent in a pic she just took.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Hello to our lovely readers! Fess up now!

Kristin Wigs said...

Readers!! And Not Derek! We seem to have a lot of readers sending in court photos.

Those IVs awesome for hangover.

sandybrook said...

As usual the readers outshine these so called celebs (Sam Trammell really being the only one close)

Unknown said...

Again, you all are adorable :)

Unknown said...

Again, you all are adorable :)

Gossip-Monster said...

Ha! Love those Rob Ford t-shirts. And mother and daughter in #4, simply beautiful.

CoBe said...

Is #5 Table Mountain? If so, how was it? Hubs is on his way there now (without me)

Kelly said...

Is the IV just for re-hydration?
Hi gorgeous readers!

surfer said...

Great reader pics!

I really hope the couple in #1 didn't pay for those T-shirts!

figgy said...

Is Snooki pregnant again?

(cute reader! :-) )

PugsterMom said...

Yes snooks is pregs. Readers are so beautiful. Where is #5 taken. #4 beautiful daughter.

AJ said...

Hello Wonderful Readers !!!
Always happy to see your photos :-)

AJ said...

I think so. Whenever I end up in the ER for dehydration from my crohns, I get an IV with the same colored liquids. Could be something very similar.

Anonymous said...

You readers all look great!

Pip said...

In Vegas, they give IVs for people with hangovers from buses. Motrin and coffee usually is good eniugh for me.

CanadianMiss said...

I don't dare send in a photo.

Also, Ryan P and his girlfriend are giving off HUGE douche vibes.

Shelly Shell said...

The latest things for drunks is supposed to be to get an IV the next morning.

Violet said...

hello reader 3 you have the look of Basil Fawlty about you.

sandybrook said...

Ill stick to aspirin before I go to bed as long as I am capable and able to remember.:(

Kelly said...

OK, yes, I've heard doctors do it sometimes.

Candyland said...

Oh, Sandy...you only have one guess left! I'm beginning to think Sugar may pull this one out.

I'd like to know where #5 was taken? Very cool.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Then I could use a drip now.

SERIOUSLY Readers, really beautiful pics. And it's really cool of u submitting them.

Mark Kaepplein said...

IV chelation therapy? Vitamins? They can douche together too.

sandybrook said...

Yeah I know after I put it in I was thinking you aren't near mountains Candyland and dont count Charlie out. Hes a snake laying in the bushes.

Jessi said...

Is #3 Count?

Kristin Wigs said...

Never count Charlie out. He has heightened senses ever since -- well you know...

sandybrook said...

Count has often stated he will never give his haters the satisfaction of putting a face to his comments.

Seven of Eleven said...

S Joy! <3

Yes, those are banana bags for hangovers that Ryan Pee and his girl are sporting. The hooch picture in the background makes it even klassier.

Hi, readers! #4, you and your little one are so adorable!

Sugar said...

The one time I wish I could have IVed a hangover away was in New Orleans back in 1994 when I had far too many Hurricanes and shots and whippits and felt like I was going to DIE the next day, for realz. I would have douched it up with 2 IV's if I could have. God that was so miserable. Puking up red isn't cool either. Blerg, college.

WritergirlinLa said...

I've done the IV treatments before. They refresh you and give you energy. Those look like b vitamins.

ForSure said...

I've lost track of the times I've had to watch my father get stuck for assorted reasons since 2010. "Fashionable" IV use is just not okay. *Counting to ten, perhaps there is more to this photo. Serenity now...*

Sherry said...

#3 is not Count. #4 -Perfect picture of you and your little one..Everyone is gorgeous.

Can't wait until we start seeing the most anticipated pics of all.

BeckyMae said...

My mate fell asleep at our local one night, we lost him and thought he had gone home but the bar staff had called the ambulance and took him to hospital......a few hours on the IV and a taxi home in the morning he said he'd never felt better! IV all the way....

Gorgeous readers! I'm losing hope that mine will be chosen, only five a day....c'mon Enty!! We need our own post surely!!??

StuffandNonsense said...

Great photos again readers! Fabbo!

FingerBinger said...

I think I need one of those Rob Ford T-shirts.

Jordan said...

More very unattractive readers... explains why you all like ripping people so much all day long.

TalksTooMuch said...

Jordan, please and sincerely, go get bent. And glasses. All gorgeous peeps.

73angelD said...

Love the Rob Ford t-shirts!

kelli grrrl said...

For god's sake, Jordan, why ya got to be so turdly?

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

That mountain is fist-bumping God!

Lady Heisenberg said...

#1 is my favorite couples photo of the year, fucking seriously

You all rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jordan, you are so FUNNY.

Apparently you like ripping people so much, too!

OneEyeCharlie said...

*hisssssssssss* "Cobra Kai. Do or die"

OneEyeCharlie said...

Damn straight, Kristin! My guessing ninja skills are strong like bull.

Jessie said...

Hello readers.

Nice to see you back S Joy!

Dena said...

I love seeing the reader photos, but for the love of Yeezus give us Derek! I can't handle the antici

Unknown said...

Love the shirts in #1 - so funny.

Simon Cowell does that douchey IV thing once a week. He pretends it makes up for all his smoking, drinking and partying the rest of the time.

Unknown said...

Love the shirts in #1 - so funny.

Simon Cowell does that douchey IV thing once a week. He pretends it makes up for all his smoking, drinking and partying the rest of the time.

Brenda L said...

I guess Enty is holding the Derek photo to guarantee hits every day?

Kristin Wigs said...

Word , Brenda. Derek better look like Antonio Banderas when all is said and done.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

People actually do that, voluntarily get IV's? I've landed in the ER with dehydration way too many times -- it's not fun and those celebs are cuckoo!

Anonymous said...

Jordan Jordan Jordan.... Wrong, Mean, AND Boring. That's like the douchebag trifecta.

Unknown said...


Sprink said...

I'm starting to feel worried for Derek. When the pic hits, oh...I can't stand it. Talk about living up to expectations!

Sprink said...

Hi Jordan. Where's your photo? I haven't submitted my photo either.

Not ganging up on you because of your unkind comment, just pointing out that it's easy to be critical, not so easy to put yourself out there.

Honestly, Jordan? I just want to give you a hug. I think you need one.

Sunny said...

Jordan and Brian sittin in a tree

Dena said...


TalksTooMuch said...

Hee hee hee

another Tim Curry fan!

Kristin Wigs said...

No reader has claimed one of these beautiful faces?

Runswithscissors said...

I love fawlty towers!!!!!

Runswithscissors said...

Couple #1, you take the prize!!!

I'm there! I was selected by the enties!!! Yaaay!!!
Sorry I didn't log in earlier, was crazy busy this afternoon.

TalksTooMuch said...

But which one are you, Runswithscissors??

Kristin Wigs said...

Runswithscissors, are #1???

Seven of Eleven said...

@scissors, are you the kiss blower or the God fist-pumping mountain lady?


Snootches said...

Thought it might be Devil's Tower, but you may be right.

Snootches said...

I love you Jordan...now fuck off

umop 3pisdn said...

guess again eh

umop 3pisdn said...

Hi TTM...#1 here, in my favorite position...ON TOP.
*disclaimer...not on top of rob ford*

umop 3pisdn said...

I'm a little late posting but great pics guys & dolls. Reader #4 is gorgeous ;)

umop 3pisdn said...

Thank you...

umop 3pisdn said...

Seriously...how can you look at #4 and say that w/ a straight face Jordamn

umop 3pisdn said...

Thank you Lady H...can't be taken all the credit, my Aunt & Uncle gave them to us as a gift. I rock the $h!t outta mine

umop 3pisdn said...

I'm late chiming in, but I proudly claim #1

umop 3pisdn said...

Thank you @Runs. We enjoy wearing our shirts and getting the most bizarre looks

umop 3pisdn said...

I have had my fair share of needles (for medical purposes ONLY...or when I've been in a drunken stupor) and cannot fathom doing it just cause

Jill of All Trades said...

Reader #3 looks yuummmmmy, ESP if he is who I think he is (@Violet, I wanted to be all sauve and clever like you but this is all I could come up with ;0)

re: IV Treatments. Those do look awesome and I can't tell you how many times I dreamed we could have access to IV's for hangovers. Now I realize there a sooo many products and treatments I thought I needed/wanted that were really just things to help my body recover from booze.

I bet if I did that IV thing now, I wouldn't even feel a difference and ironically enough THAT is a GOOD thing. It's like we need to poison ourselves just so we can celebrate finding a cure. Smh.

Alita said...

AJ/Reno, it's probably Hartmann's, which is a great mix of minerals, particularly potassium, in saline - all the stuff you miss after not eating/drinking, and vomiting and having diarrhoea. Stuff of life for people that have had a bad GI tract time.

Alita said...

+1 on the S Joy loving - nice to see you, lovely lady!

Beautiful reader pics, but now you need to fess up like our glorious #1 star that found being upside down meant she was on the top ;)

Runswithscissors said...

I'm #2. :-)

Coochiemud said...

Beautiful. All the readers are so lovely.

Alita said...

Hey runswithscissors, sorry I missed that - you did out yourself indeed! I think everyone is a great gossip friend but your snap deserves a high five for your sultry look; very sexy (in a platonic appreciating the human form way ;). When you give snarky comments I'll imagine you blowing a kiss while you do it from here on out!

Alita said...

Not saying you're snarky now, just if you happen to be once or twice at some point. In the future. Not meant to be backhanded.

AJ said...

TY. We knew someone would know eventually. And isn't that the truth ... IV fluids are life saving for people with GI issues. People forget how serious dehydration can really be.

AJ said...

Hi !!! Love your photo and screen name.

Seven of Eleven said...

@Alita, but you actually live in the future!

TalksTooMuch said...

I thought that was you, umop! Looking great, and hubba hubba on the dewd!

TalksTooMuch said...

Yay, Runswithscissors! Love the pic!

Runswithscissors said...

Thank you everyone!

@Alita, thank you for the break. I really don't mean to be snarky, certainly not self righteous. My parents have given up in me, say I was born this way, I do monitor myself and many times try to delete what I published. I don't mean it in a bad way, I'm more of a devil's advocate.
I have gotten into trouble because of it, but I've also gained sincere, strong, true friendships.
So, please, do not ale my snarkiness the wrong way, and if I offend someone, I'm sorry.
That's why I like this blog so much, everyone in here is so accepting and, at times, forgiving.
I lack the smarts of most everyone here, so this is all I got.

Thank you, now I give the podium to our newest AA member.

NJ FireFighter said...

Awesome reader photos again! We know #1 and #2 (both lovely)! How about the rest?

Jewell thang said...

Hahahaaha. What a dickface.

Alita said...

Seven, you think that would assist me in not writing comments that come out different than what I meant. A simple ironic kiss-blowing reference turns into me inadvertently calling runswithscissors a snarkster.

That said, just to give you a preview using super powers, I've been experiencing Thursday for about 30mins and so far its turned out brilliantly! Don't hold make hopes for good weather (cold) but emotionally it seems very stable.

mzmarymac said...

#4 - you and your daughter are gorgeous!

mzmarymac said...

#4 - you and your daughter are gorgeous!


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