Monday, June 16, 2014

Your Turn

What is the place you remember had the cheapest drinks ever?


sandybrook said...

7-11 69 cent big gulps. :)

Violet said...

Our local Wetherspoons. God bless pubs open from 9am and all the alcoholics who frequent them from that hour.

Beetlejuice said...

Free water at Panera.

Violet said...

And V jr 1 has discovered that his parents drinks cupboard is a pretty good source of very cheap alcohol.

OneEyeCharlie said...

Moscow, circa 1989. It was amazing what a pack of Marlboros or Kools could buy in Soviet Russia.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he doesn't fill the bottles back up with water to make the levels match at least?

sandybrook said...

Nothing like starting young eh Violet?

FSP said...

Couple bars in Mexico $1/beer

WareCat said...

2 Bucks bar.

AndrewBW said...

My living room.

Anonymous said...

There was a place by my university called The Library and then Squires and they did 50cent beer on Wednesdays. They were small cups but for some lightweight first year, $2 would get you properly lost. I should note that I'm 26, so we're not talking about "well with inflation it would actually be about $5.00..."

Violet said...

Sadly his growing ability to drink alcohol is matched by his growing lack of common sense. His methodology is to swear blind it was not him and his friends who drank a bottle of whiskey and ask how could I not trust him.

Melpomene25 said...

Penny pitchers at a Purdue bar. Good times!

Karen said...

A couple years ago at this divey bar down in Richmond, VA, a group of about 11 of us each had 2-4 drinks and wound up with a tab under $80. Still don't know how that happened.

Krystie Rachelle said...

This little bar in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Pitchers of beer were $1.50 and the locals were complaining because they raised the prices for the rodeo.

auntliddy said...

I dont drink, never did, have zero idea whats cheap and whats not.

Anonymous said...

Well the dirty martini offer still stands, Violet. Especially as it seems your supplies are dwindling...

Turkish Taffy said...

Fred's Tavern, Dover, NJ. There was a really great club in Dover, I forget the name. Southside Johnny, Syl Sylvain, David Johanssen, all the big NYC club bands of the 80's would play there. Anyway, afterwards, everyone headed over to Fred's, an awesome dive bar.

Sunshine said...

The Ludway, Miami FL

Turkish Taffy said...

Fred's Tavern, Dover, NJ. There was a really great club in Dover, I forget the name. Southside Johnny, Syl Sylvain, David Johanssen, all the big NYC club bands of the 80's would play there. Anyway, afterwards, everyone headed over to Fred's, an awesome dive bar.

Count Jerkula said...

Bar A in Belmar used to have $0.50 drafts on Tuesdays when Love Lies Bleeding played. They were 7oz dixie cups, but ya get a dozen or so at a clip, among a couple people.

Bar down the street was being sold and the new owners didn't want to pay for the inventory (turning joint from bar w/ kitchen to a restaurant w/ bar). The closing party was on a Sunday and what ever you wanted was a dollar. Draft beer or top shelf scotch. None of the employees were being retained, so they didn't give a fuck about anything. I went in for beers and shots. Gave the chick a $20, she gave me beers in a 6pk holder, 8 shot glasses, and a 1/2 bottle of chilled Jaeger, told me to poor my own.

That may have been the second craziest party I ever went to. First being a house that was being foreclosed, because daddy took off w/ a whore. House was solely in his name, so mom and 2 sons were wrecking it and invited people over to join in. The story in the local paper said $30+ worth of damage. At one point people were ripping out the kitchen counter tops and throwing them into the pool.

Gossip-Monster said...

A local place in college had 25 cent beer night. The cups were smallish but also, I'm old!

Michel said...

Ms. Mae's. New Orleans. 85 cent well drinks all the time. in the 1980's. AWESOME! Place was so small, like a shotgun house.

Violet said...

One day TnC I and my secret John Denver fantasy will take you up on that offer.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Ahh, the 80's ...
Mrs P's - Penny beer Wednesdays
50 cent schnapps shots all the time
The Armory 75 cent well drinks all the time

Sherry said...

Taffy that place sounds awesome!

The Roxy on Independent Blvd had like $.50 bud in the big red solo cups on Thursday and LADIES DRANK FREE! Oh man, you can't beat that with a stick. Of course that lead to some impaired judgement on my part with the mens..

Dexamyl said...

In college there was a local hotel bar--"fancy" but tacky--that had the greatest happy hour with a free buffet and cheap 2-for-1 drinks. We could have dinner and get drunk too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good! I'll have to dust off the guitar and start practicing the chords for Country Road...

Wen said...

At any friend's house.

Unknown said...

WVU. The Dungeon. 10 cent drafts and 25 cent well drinks. Freshmen Heaven. The Den on campus had 42oz. Sodas for 35 cents.

clearly4you said...

Quarter drafts on Thurs eves at a place called Zelda's near the Univ of Pittsburgh circa 1993. It ceased to exist a long time ago. All you needed was a college ID to get in. Fun times.

Kelly said...

Buck fifty beers at a country bar.

califblondy said...

Draft beer at the Press Room downtown San Diego was cheap for me back in the 70's. I was underage too so it was really exciting to sit at the bar next to men in suits. Lots of drunk attorneys asking for my number. Good times.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Czech Republic. Beer is cheaper than water pretty much. Pints for 10-30cents

WritergirlinLa said...

Parties at Sundance. The free liquor flows. Even Stella Artois has a tent and the beer is free. I'm a huge fan of FREE!!!!

Lady Heisenberg said...

But clearly the answer is VEGAS

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

My brothers house. (At my house I still have to buy tbe alcohol.)

AJ said...

This liquor store right by my first apartment in Spring Lake. It used to have an itty bitty bar with five bar stools in the back. We'd end our night with car-bombs that they basically charged us just for the beer. It was the perfect way to end our evenings & stumble home.

Theresa said...

When I was in college there was a bar that had 25¢ beers (drafts) on Thursday nights. I had an apartment above the bar so needless to say I was always in there. Good times.

AJ said...

Bar A still does beat the cock .... I mean Beat the Clock every Tursday as far as I know.

LA Native said...

Sandbar in Crescent Beach, FL. Still does. Ridiculously cheap!

Unknown said...

A Dallas bar that had free unlimited happy hour drinks for females. It attracted alot of guys.

crila16 said...

My friend's apt on Sat night.

Candyland said...

Ten cent pitchers of Busch when I was in college. Tuesday night special!

Unknown said...

Penny draft $5 cover Mondays in college ladies night!

Sean said...

A bar that we went to in high school had "free" drink Wednesday nights. From 9-10pm, well drinks were free. And from Midnight to 1am, well drinks were free. Thursday mornings were rough at school.

plokzy said...

Foufounes Electrique on Thursday, ladies night, 5$ pitchers. Just don't mind the huge crowd and 60% bro population and your good... The karaoke sports station on st Cath is awesome too, getting drunk with natives is more fun than people think.

All this is in Montreal btw. And current.

biteme said...

The 80's were a good time. There was a club in Marin County that had $.25 well drinks one night. Only catch is you had to finish your current drink to get the next one for a quarter. Only for a few hours though but what a great time and I still remember to this day.

kelli grrrl said...

The 80s rocked. I was a teenager working at an airline in Las Vegas (transplanted from a smallish town in the Pacific Northwest -- talk about culture shock). My friends and I were dirt poor, and we'd hang out at Binion's Horseshoe on Fremont street where the well drinks were 50 cents AND they never, ever carded us!!!!!

AnalogExperience said...

Someone said "The Library" bar and that was Texas- I remember going there for cheap drinks. There were quite a few bars in Houston that still do the "dollar beer" nights and at clubs downtown girls walk around with free shots to try all the time. Cheapest place for a drunk has got to be Houston TX.

Unknown said...

Senior year in high school, Hendersons in Heilbronn, Germany. Tuesday nights were 50 Pfennig Night (back when they still used Deutsche Marks and Pfennigs).

50 pfennig is equivalent to 10 cents. All I remember is on Wednesday mornings waking up w/ something bizarre in my room (street signs, construction cones, multi colored idea how it got there). Good times though. Loved 50 Pfennig night at Hendersons!

PghGirl said...

Ohio State University circa 1990. Buckets of tap beer and plastic cups.

Hammer_Girl said...

Last Saturday of the month was ladies drink free if you entered by 10p with a $10 cover charge. I was friends with the cop who did security there, so he would get me however many armbands I needed saying we got there in time and he let us in a side door.

RowdyRodimus said...

Perry's Place. Free drinks for me and my guests anytime I showed up as long as I sang "Beth" and "No More Mister Nice Guy" for the bartenders and owners.

High Heels said...

I was a bartender in tourist resorts and could drink for free as much as I wanted to. If I went to other bars, I said I would not pay for my drinks cause I get them free everywhere. It works when you're young and pretty! Couple of years later I went on holiday to one of the islands where I used to work. Recognised a few people from back in the day and got free drinks all week!

Seven of Eleven said...

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

punningtons said...

Ah, Wetherspoons. I feel all nostalgic. 50p a pint nights at Shark in Edinburgh, although you could hardly classify the arse water they served as real booze

ohboycreative1953 said...
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ohboycreative1953 said...
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ohboycreative1953 said...

The venerable 150-year-old Antoine's Restaurant in the French Quarter STILL serves 25c shaken martinis daily with their classic Creole $20.14 3-course lunches! Sashay in and stagger out!

me said...

MSU at Crunchys .25 beer

aemish said...

We found a dollar draft bar in Key West that our friends we hung out with all the long weekend that lived there didn't even know about.. and it was right in the city with live carribean music.. forgot the name but it's probably still there.. I went there with my daughter a couple years ago and am pretty sure we strolled right by it

Kara said...

VFW near the UMass campus had 25 cent beers.

A club I used to go to in London had really crappy well drinks for 10p in the early 90's.

Bulgaria in the 90's was a place of wonder and cheapness. I don't remember how much pop cost, but a large pizza at the "Italian" restaurant was somewhere around 80 cents.

In the town I live in, beers are 2 bucks and pitchers 7.

Pink_Palace said...

Drinkin w/Lincoln nights @ the Milk Bar in Jax. FL back in the day...and any college bar from 19-29. We were always double fisted and drank for free...

Sunny said...

PAC Shores in Ocean Beach. Thank you for being there when I was single and poor

BeckyMae said...

Etihad First Class Lounge three days Piper Heidesek champs and a gourmet cheese plate......noms.....

Jerry said...

Club Med Cancun, 1987. 3 beads for a beer.

Topper Madison said...

In the late 1980s when beers in LA cost around $2.00 each, I flew back to Minnesota for the holidays. My old roommate picked me up and drove me to my folk's place about 70 miles away from the airport. On the way there, we stopped at a tiny bar in a tiny town. The bartender put down two beers for us and said, "80 cents." I was amazed that a bottle of beer was less than a dollar! I put $2 down on the bar. He took one and gave me change. I told him I was buying both beers, and he said they were 40 cents apiece.

anon said...

Blauvelt Inn - Blauvelt, NY - I'm thinking 35 cent glasses of beer but that seems sooo cheap now!

caydian said...

Nickel night at The Jolly Fox in Huntsville, TX. Place is still open. Probably still smells like feet.


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