Monday, December 22, 2014

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 14, 2014

The A list movie actor ex of the actress in #7 has been having sex with a cocktail waitress he met in a casino while shooting his new movie and his actress girlfriend would not be pleased.

Henry Cavill/Gina Carano


The 10th Doctor said...

So Henry is nothing like his character on The Tudors and is instead a slimebag like every gross guy in Hollywood. Not surprised.

Wednesday said...

Most guys go through this when they get famous, he has spoken of being the skinny poor kid growing up. Now girls give him attention & he's taking advantage of it.

Gina is supposed to be a real pyscho though, she thinks she has her claws in him. She probably can beat his ass.

Sean said...

Cavill and Carano are both actualyl straight? I just assumed a bearding situation.

Sarah said...

I did too Sean, but this is the often misleading CDAN so we could still be correct.

Lurkie Loo said...

The cool kids are hanging out at Anarchy Gossip, hosted by blogspot

Rrricardo said...

Why do none of these girls ever record the encounter for posterity? I mean, if you're going to slut it up, go all the way..... Lohan could have made the Forbes 400 had she set up the camera while creating that list of hers!

farila said...

Hem, his character on the Tudors was a slimebag too...
He only becomes mature in the end.


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