Friday, March 18, 2016

Blind Item #6

Well, if she went to rehab for drugs, then it certainly did not do the job. This B+ list mostly television actress from a hit network show was doing lines of coke the other night. It has not been that long since she got out of rehab.


Tricia13 said...

Arielle Winter or Hyland

Derek Harvey said...

hayden penetire

Derek Harvey said...


anon said... disgusts me how so many of these actresses use PPD as a cover for drug rehab...totally disrespect those actresses who really dealt with it. And us regular people.

Kno Won Uno said...

I thought that was a new brand of condom - Pene Tire

Kno Won Uno said...

You know....from what I've seen up close, 'one size fits all' rehab does NOT work for drug addicts. It just doesn't. There's a reason that so, so many return to rehab again & again & again till they die. Current programs don't work.

sillycats said...


100% true. watched one of my friends succumb to drug abuse....

one size fits all doesnt work. they blame the patients when it fails but they know all too well how they are f**king people over.

BJ's No-vac said...

Hyland had a kidney transplant. Not her.

Cinabun said...

90%+ of rehabs are based on the 12 step model & with the huge cuts in mental health care coverage (which also equals millions not spent on developing alternative medication, treatments, diagnosis, etc) ppl are stuck w/ spin dry 21 day rehabs that offer no support system for ppl once they complete rehab.
It's also due to a total lack of education about addiction & it being a mental illness & not a morality issue.
If addiction was viewed as the mental illness that it is, it's criminalization would wane. Big biz doesn't want - since prisons are now privatized, they'd lose hundreds of millions on ppl not being incarcerated. Can't have that.

Cinabun said...

Blame big biz & its influence on politics & policy. Until that changes, most issues like this will not.

Kno Won Uno said...

My granddaughter is a heroin addict and an atheist (that part's fine with me, so am I). She just finished her second stint in rehab since October.
I see that there are newer programs that don't incorporate the higher power theme and focus on personal responsibility, which would be better for her. Sadly, her father's military insurance only pays for 12 step programs. If she's not dead by the end of this year, I'll be surprised. =\


[…] March 18, 2016 […]


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