Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 11, 2016

This former A list celebrity who took a turn through several forms of reality television before heading back to her hometown and her celebrity family is worried. Apparently she is so worried that her family has been trying to reach a settlement that would keep her former lover from taking a paternity test.

Bristol Palin


Kno Won Uno said...

So which child are we talking about? Both baby daddies are former lovers and she recently reached agreements with both Levi Johnston and Dakota Meyer.

Aeol said...

I heard they took the test and it is Meyers. Not that I believe anything these Froot Loops say.

Salaam said...

She was just in court with former hot vacant eyed dumb stud Levi last week, and Levi got joint custody of their kid, so it has to be the other one.

BTW, Levis going to do another Playgirl Spread - full frontal.

June Gordon said...

The child was conceived in Vegas.

The odds of winning a Jackpot at Caesar's are better than the odds of it being any particular father.

Ottokatz said...

Actually, no. That's a rumor the Payless are spreading to piss off Sunny.

March said...

No he isn't doing a playgirl spread - that is a rumor given to Fox News by Rob Shuter of Levi's wife Sunny just posted this on her Facebook page:

"Shouldn't Fox News have to have conformation about something so personal in someone's life? Or are they a tabloid now and just write about anything? Levi has not spoke to Playgirl about doing another issue but the part that he spent 7 years and $100,000 in legal fees fighting for his son is very true. I guess he needs to speak up again to clear up some rumors!"

So no, Levi has absolutely NO plans to take it all off for money any time soon.

Gee, I wonder who would have sent out a story like this in an attempt to damage Levi's image?

Hot Cola said...

Levi should do the spread and cover these legal fees.. 100k is A LOT for a young dad with 3 kids...

Nailed It said...

Derek Harvey


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