Sunday, July 10, 2016

Blind Item #1

Sponsors are fleeing in droves from this daytime talk show host after she made some very controversial comments. The amount of revenue lost so far is enough where the show might get canceled.


Tricia13 said...

Wendy Williams I guess....

JJ said...

For someone in media for so long, her foot stays in her mouth. HSBC and NAACP comments were really ignorant.

loveless said...

You are correct. She said that the NAACP and HBCU shouldn't exist.

Tricia13 said...

Thx- had no idea:(

sunshine said...

Who finds this controversial? Why do blacks get black only things but whites are forbidden from the same? She's right.

Paint Chips said...

She was on her best and most apologetic behavior today.

Mashavu Gordon said... do realize that it was illegal for African Americans to attend predominantly white institutions when these colleges and the NAACP were founded, right? You do realize that the original NAACP had Jewish (white) Board Members? It was founded "To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination."

Studio54 said...

Everyone should see "OJ: Made in America" where Wendy Williams is kissing the double murderer's backside and gushing all over him on her radio show, before his robbery arrest. She's just vile, and now I know why.

Debunker said...

She didn't say that HBCU shouldn't exist. She said she would be uncomfortable with the thought of historically white colleges being used to describe predominantly white college populations. At the turn of the last century, Irish, Italians and Jews were all considered the n word. Funny how now other posters on sites like Hollywood Street King blame the Jews for all the misfortunes suffered by people of color. Set up like a bowling pin...

NYCStudent said...

Thank you for this wisdom, Mashavu Gordon. It is appreciated. The truth and context are crucial in every situation.

Hot Cola said...

Jews, Irish & Italians, were discriminated against all the way up to the 60's. Yes, not as bad as blacks, they were aloud to sit on a bus but for all other purposes, promotions for example, and Elite Schools, they were excluded.

Hot Cola said...

Well, maybe not excluded, but sertinly viewed as " second rate". Segregated neighborhoods, whits- only country clubs, etc.

Kathy Kack said...

What an ignorant completely out of touch thing to say. Wow racist and asshole much?!


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