Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 1, 2015

This former tweener actress turned decent singer with a horrible attitude has a rule when she is out at clubs If you want to talk to her, you need to give her a present of some coke.

Ariana Grande


President The Donald said...

I was thinking it would be bring a twinkie for Frankie, if you catch my drift....

sandybrook said...

Well she's lowered her standards hasn't she? Weren't there BIs here that said she only associated with guys who had nice, big cars or had a lot of money to spend on her?

Lurky McLurkster said...

Quite the difference, though, in talking to her and "being associated".

sandybrook said...

So you give her coke, she asks you if you have a big car or a lot of money. You say no. She says GTFO?

AndrewBW said...

I can work with that. But what if you give her a lot of coke?

Melissa said...

Ugh, coke is so juvenile. As is this trick.
No one will remember her in 10 years, may she fade away and o.d.

Kno Won Uno said...

Or a car full of coke?

MissBitch said...

Taking coke from strangers is sketchy. I use only organic coke.

Penelope2 said...

Does anyone really want to talk to her that much?

longtimereader said...

FoF was in a club and a girl offered a b.j. for coke, he goes to the bathroom and gets his and then the girl says where is the coke? He turns and says ' there is none, and let that be a lesson to you!'. Legend.


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