Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3 -Anniversary Month

April 20, 2011

So, this is not really celebrity gossip per se, but it is tabloid fodder, so I think it works. There is a Republican out there who is in the top 3 or 4 potential candidates for President. He wants to desperately run, but is trying to come up with a payoff for his mistress. Cheating is not unusual for him considering he even married a mistress in the past.

Newt Gingrich


sandybrook said...

He ran anyway and didn't fare so well. Now he'll be in the Cabinet of Idiocy.

back again said...

evidently,Trump's idea of "draining the swamp" is very different from mine.

longtimereader said...

And now he has more power than ever, funny old world.

sandybrook said...

His idea of draining the swamp is my idea of draining the snake. Pissing all over everything everywhere.

Toppermadison said...

His version is actually "swamping the drain". But, you know, he's confused.

Dude said...

Wow, the poor poor whiney libtards!

GoTrollUrSelf said...

Anyone who'd sleep with Newt Gingrich deserves compensation.
From what I can see, Trump's actually feeding the swamp.
I suspect we'll see business as usual.

AndrewBW said...


Gingrich: 'I want to be the general planner' of Trump administration

Published November 14, 2016


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday that he would prefer an advisory position to President-elect Donald Trump as opposed to a Cabinet post in the incoming administration.

"I want to be the general planner, looking out over the next eight years and trying to design how we fundamentally reshape the federal government," Gingrich told Fox News' Megyn Kelly on "The Kelly File." "That’s a very broad job. The closest analogy probably is [New Deal architect] Harry Hopkins and the work he did for Franklin Delano Roosevelt."

[Harry Hopkins is spinning in his grave.]

back again said...

Actually, I'm hearing that people from both sides of the fence are not that thrilled that Newt Gingrich will have such an integral role in the new presidential staff.

Simon said...

As kellyanne pointed out you can't have ALL novices as the candidate himself is. He needs some with experience or you have chaos. Let's see what he actually does when he's in office before condemning. I am hoping he does well or we are all screwed.

AMartel said...

Oh, how outrageous and unprecedented, a politician with a mistress. Gingrich's personal life is a well known disaster area not unlike a certain politician on the Dem's side who they really ought to have heeded. His political acumen and knowledge is an asset, however.

david said...

Addressing all the concerns above whether or not Trump succeeds:
Professor Lichtman, the guy who predicted Trump winning just after the GOP convention, is predicting Trump doesn't last 4 years as president.
He says the GOP brass will tire of Trump quickly because he is such a lose canon that they will start impeachment against him; and he will resign leaving Pence to serve out the term.

I predicted Trump would resign (sometime) after being sworn in because he will make more money from Trump TV than as President.
(Just my two cents)

DUH said...

Defeating Hillary Clinton gets rid of most of the effluvia in the swamp. The air smells fresher already.

DUH said...

Yeah, ok.

LauraOK said...

David's correct about Professir Allan Lichtman of American University, who successfully predicted the results of elections for the past 30 years. He who uses 13 variables, and ignores polls, to predict who will win. He called it for Trump months ahead of time (although he said in an interview that he hoped he was wrong). He's also predicting now that Trump be impeached within a year.

LauraOK said...


Bitch please said...

Fuck cooperating with Trump and giving him a chance. This man is normalizing white supremacy by letting Bannon have 2nd highest post in WH. Protests across the nation are occurring daily! #AmericanResistance

Sadie said...

LOL! The mind boggles that there were 3 women on the planet willing to sleep with Gingrich. Such a pig.

Rolf said...

And I always thought Gingrich was into male escorts. One never stops learning.

spiffypaws said...

+1 to the nth degree

spiffypaws said...

Just you wait. Your name describes you perfectly

Washdcgal said...

I love Trump even more now that I view the spoiled baby crybabies sore losers of the DNC party.

Washdcgal said...

You are a racist !

Washdcgal said...

I meant bitch please is a racist
I voted for him as did all the women in my family

Carrie said...

I can't wait for January until Donald j trump is President! Draintheswamp president elect trump!

Carrie said...

Thank God trump won! We won ! Yea liberals are crybabies. I was upset when obola won but I didn't cry for weeks ..grow some balls you little wusses

Samuel said...

Liberals are showing themselves to be very weak insipid sore losers. Not attractive. We went from the greatest generation in 1940s who fought hitter, Mussolini and Japan to save the world to the millennial so who need safe spaces cry when their candidate doesn't win...result of the &everyone gets a trophy mentality " how far we have fallen in 60 years...this generation couldn't defend itself against a pack of the pills bury doughboys ...I actually think the USA needs to institute Israel 2 years of compulsory military experience..make men outta you little weak babies

Gloria dejesus said...

Waawaawaa I didn't get my way where's my rattle ..I'm a bitch racist and I need to attack white people cause I didn't get my way.....where is my crib and blank i.e...wawawawawa

Juanita Suarez said...

The only candidate that would have been impeached is Hilary the crook who took millions from Saudis behind 9/11 and rape women and throw gays off buildings
I came from corrupt country and you rich people do not knows how lucky you are to have Donnie trump Bueno

Lena Dunham's Unused 1-Way Plane Ticket to Canada said...

Both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have mistresses and the liberals don't seem to bothered by that. I wonder why that is? Still, they should at least be happy about the election outcome in California... I understand the drought is now over there as all of the reservoirs have been filled to the brim with liberal tears this past week! ;D


June Gordon said...

YEAH TRUMP. He gonna show them coloreds what what!!!!

Me an ALL the gals that turn trix in Knoxville was for TRUMP!!!!! We identify with his wife BIG TIME!!!!


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