Saturday, October 13, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 6, 2018

It isn't like anyone will do anything because no one wants to make the A+ list singer mad or embarrassed. Everyone does a little bribing, but usually the recipient of the bribe does not brag to the world about the wonderful bribe being given and why they are receiving it.

Taylor Swift bribing Grammy voters with VIP tickets.


Miss Anne Thrope said...

So who bragged? azalea banks?

Miss Anne Thrope said...

Maybe it was Kanye, Azalia is probably not a Grammy voter

Unknown said...

I'm going to vote Nov.6,will she give tickets too?

- said...

Look what she made them do.

plot said...

It's probably a combination of this and Swifty put out a really great album, 1989, which didn't get the awards it should so they gave this mediocre album, fuck if I can remember the name, all the awards as an apology of sorts.

Happens all the time at the Oscars.

plot said...

Oh right, Revolution, which is an awfully presumptive name.

Miss Anne Thrope said...

Okay now wait a sec, who bragged? Taylor Swift bragged about getting nominated for Grammys and then announced she was giving VIP seats for her show to Grammy voters? I usually am not so confused by these blinds. Ugh I can't stand Taylor Swift, can't stand the Grammys, it's all a sham.

longtimereader said...

Wow, artist gives free tickets and/or meal/entertainment for the night, shocking. Is she also providing hookers and blow? is there a new Lambo in the drive? Not really understanding the difference between hospitality and a genuine bribe are we Enty? I'd expect every P.R. person for a potential nominee to be doing the former. If not then they deserve to lose their job.

RowdyRodimus said...

It's kind of fitting since Taylor Swift is the biggest media created superstar since Nirvana (anyone who watched MTV when they released Nevermind should remember how every hour on MTV News they were talking them up and playing Smells Like Teen Spirit 75 times a day including MTV Raps I believe.


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