Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Today's Blind Items - The Step Mom

Over the past decade or so, this heir to a peerage has had 24 hour security and has a food taster. It seems strange for someone who who is not actually a peer. yes, the family has a great deal of money, but for the most part, the family is unknown. Oh sure, there was the relative who was married to the super model for a bit. Anyway, the reason this heir takes all these precautions is because his stepmother would love nothing more than for the heir to die so her oldest child would then be the heir. When our heir was younger, there were any number of close calls with "accidents" that could have caused death. There was the robbery gone wrong where he might have been injured or killed, but the robber went to the wrong house. Our heir says he has had food poisoning dozens of times in his life, including since he moved out a decade ago. He is always on guard and paranoid and it has affected how he lives each day. he is constantly paranoid about being killed. If he was, then the billion or so dollars would also not have to be divided in as many different ways. 

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