Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mooshki - Movie Review - Henry Poole Is Here

Of course, I could never presume to step into DnfromMN’s shoes, but I think Luke Wilson is in need of some CDAN love.

This is a typical indie film, so it’s more character- than plot-driven. The bare bones of the story: Henry Poole buys a run down house in LA. His realtor (Cheryl Hines, yay!) has it re-stuccoed before he moves in, and a water mark on the wall appears to his neighbors to be the face of Jesus.

Henry (Luke Wilson) is a sad man, who just wants to be left alone. His next-door neighbor Esperanza (Spanish for “hope”) stops by with some homemade tamales, and sees the face of Jesus in his wall. To Henry’s dismay, she is fascinated with the appearance, and begins to tell her priest, friends, and neighbors about the miracle. Despite his best efforts, they will not stay out of his yard or his life.

On the other side of Henry lives a sweet young girl who doesn’t talk. (Central casting sure does have an endless supply of adorable little girls these days.) Her mom, “Dawn,” is played by Radha Mitchell, who is beautiful, as we’ve discussed, but particularly glowing here, I think because the makeup and lighting are more natural in this film. Her Aussie accent poked through a couple of times, and that made her all the more endearing to me.

There is also a thoughtful, bottle-glassed grocery store check-out girl, “Patience,” who is concerned about Henry (My friend turned to me at one point and said “I never discuss Noam Chomsky at my grocery store.”) and Esperanza’s priest, played by George Lopez (remarkably unannoying).

These are all sad people, each for their own reason, but the movie is sweet and funny. I know some people were concerned about the religious premise, but it’s not at all preachy, and I think it’s enjoyable and relatable as an atheist, a believer, or anything in between. Of course, there are themes of hope and faith, but the frequent humor kept them from being sappy. There were the usual indie staples - “arty” shots and a great soundtrack (thanks, Mark Pellington!), that I find a bit distracting because of their indie-ness, but still very nice on their own merits.

Luke does puppy dog eyes better than anyone else. There is one scene in particular, at the LA River (good to see it back in the movies again!), that could’ve been lifted straight from “The Royal Tenenbaums” in mood. He starts out the movie drinking like a fish, so as a CDAN reader that was a little distracting. :) Obviously as a big Wilson Bros. fan I’m biased, but I thought he looked really good, without much of the puffy at all, and the role could have been written for him.

Verdict: If you’re a fan of indie films, or any of these actors, I think you’ll really like this.


notachance said...

I, for one, am looking forward to this movie. I love Luke Wilson, and the overall "feel" of the movie from the previews just makes me think it's going to be great.

Loved the review.

bmini said...

yay Mooshki!!! Great review! I am proud of you!!

mooshki said...

Thanks, guys! :)

lutefisk said...

Way to go Mooshki!! I happen to like Luke Wilson as an actor, don't know or care much about his personal life.

mizbean said...

Good on you, Luke Wilson. I've been a fan since the Bottle Rocket days, and would cringe every time I'd see him attached to some stupid drekky romcom.

IndigoBlue said...

Hey, Moosh! Great review! Good for you! I love Indie films and documentaries and will probably rent this one. (Don't get out to the movies much). I was a little disappointed in "The Darjeeling" only because I had such high hopes based on the cast, but I'll not let my disappointment in one Wilson Bro rub off on another. lol! Keep them coming! :)

Graveyard Rabbit said...

I LOVED "The Darjeeling Limited". That was my favorite film last year.

Diff'rent strokes, yo!

sandman said...

sounds like a good one, thanks

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

YYYAAAAAAYYYY, Mooshki! Yay for articulate, burny-hot CDAN chicks!

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

P.S. Oh, and my bf and I watched Knocked Up last night and LOVED it, so thanks to you and the rest of the crew who persuaded me to ignore Heigl's presence in that movie and give it a chance. Damn! She's so CHARMING when she's acting!

Unknown said...

awesome review. loves it.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I love Luke Wilson! I would totally want him as my boyfriend if I wasn't, you know, married to my husband.

Anonymous said...

mooshki, seems like you walked in my shoes just fine. And I had hoped it would be good.

mooshki said...

Aw, thanks DN, that means a lot to me! :)

lesli said...

If you missed this film the first time around, I encourage you to check out the recently released family version. I absolutely loved this movie! It was such a great story about a real life guy who was struggling with his faith and accepting it. This is something that I've been struggling with myself for the past couple of years. It was such an encouragement to see this played out. And it's really cool that I've found a site, Right now it looks like they are giving away 10 copies of the movie for free. If you haven't seen the movie yet, or even if you have, you could always give it to a friend, but it's definitely worth checking out! PERFECT for FAMILY movie night!


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