Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reality Shows Move To The Second Degree

When Dina Lohan got a reality show I asked myself if we had got to the point where we had run out of ideas on reality shows that we now had to move on and find interesting siblings and parents of celebrities to fill up reality time space. The only relative reality show I am willing to entertain at this point are Denise Richards' sister and her family or the Ick! Nast! guy. Other than that I really don't want to watch a relative of a celebrity become a celebrity and then it would move to the neighbor and then it would turn into some Slacker thing where people just walked past another reality star and then we decided to stay with them and follow their life. That actually wouldn't be half bad now that I think about it. You wouldn't know what you would get each week. Is it a guy who just works and goes home and plays with his Wii or is it a woman who is a doctor and has to operate on gun shot victims that week. If even the producers didn't know who they were following that would be kind of fun.

Anyway, the reason I bring all of this up is that Tobey Maguire's mom is getting her own reality show. Called Growing Up Maguire it will follow Tobey's mom and his brother Weston around as she protects her son from the "downside of the entertainment industry." Simple, keep out Lindsay and Paris. Next show please.


califblondy said...

How unappealing.

I'll stick with the finding true love shows and the real housewives from wherever.

Cheryl said...

I'd watch Ick, nast! if it was a show devoted to all things ick, nast. Kind of like Sick, Sad, World from Daria.

CDAN Mod said...

**rolls eyes**

RocketQueen said...

That sounds terrible. So, exposing your son to Hollywood and "reality" to keep him away from the downside of entertainment? Pre-fail.

Unknown said...

Does Mrs Maguire realize how this will devalue her son? Suddenly he's not TM the movie star, but TM the reality TV spawn. He becomes synonymous with Lohan for heaven's sake.

So that's the end of Tobey Maguire.

Pookie said...

i predict it's canceled in the 2nd episode.

jax said...

i like enty's idea. they could do it like Take Home Chef, walk around in public,find someone semi interesting and voyeur away! They could call it 24h with...

selenakyle said...

I'm done with anything remotely termed "reality." Over it all.

Got my own reality to tend to.


FrenchGirl said...

poor tobey maguire!

ardleighstreet said...

Thanks but no thanks. I'd rather watch paint dry.

shakey said...

It isn't Tobey she's trying to *ahem* "protect", it's Weston.

This has zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz all over it.

Judi said...

Why? What the eff for? Who ARE these people and why would anyone care? Ben Silverman's idea?


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