Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Taylor Momsen Gets Booed In Scotland

Maybe Taylor Momsen should have stayed in school just a bit longer. Last night in Scotland, Taylor Momsen told a crowd of people who actually paid to see her perform that they were the craziest fans in all of England. Just one problem. Scotland is not in England and the crowd was not happy. Not only did they boo, but Taylor was so shamed that she had to go on her Twitter and apologize for her slip up. Probably as bad as telling crowd in Detroit that you are happy playing Chicago.

It kind of made me nostalgic for all of the Britney Spears things she said on her tour. I miss those days.


RocketQueen said...

And this, kids, is why you at least finish high school.
Oh but wait, didn't she say she was more mature than everyone in school and therefore didn't need it? Yes. Clearly.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I've been to Scotland. I'm surprised they didn't rush the stage and give her a few Glasgow kisses. ;)

MISCH said...

Yes, the Scot's the Irish and the Welsh take that very personally...

timebob said...

Love her fake irish/scottish/english acccent.

Really Americans we split from England for a reason. Stop trying to fake their accent even if it is cooler then ours.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Sorry to jump in there, but being that my family is Irish, I can tell ya that the reason we take that personally is that the English tried to kill all of us, repeatedly.

jess said...

That's a big no-no! Silly girl.

Seachica said...

It's much worse than telling a crowd in Detroit that you are happy playing Chicago. There is alot of hidden anger over the way the English have treated the Scots over the years, and people incorrectly use "English" to mean scottish, welsh, irish all the time. It's extremely irritating if you are scottish, irish or welsh!

FWIW, I know alot of educated people who get confused between the UK, Great Britain, and England/Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland.

Pookie said...

way to play into the stupid american cliché, taylor! i hope she's snowed in at some airport in eurpoe and can't come home.

The Nightmare Child said...

@Sue Ellen - You mentioned the Glasgow Smile. We're getting married. Take these glass slippers, they are yours now. : )

I'm still tripped out that she used to be little Cindy Lou Who. She's a lovely girl...but severely damaged, so I can kind of relate.

The Nightmare Child said...

But the hardcore Anglophile in me wants her to go out like Mary, Queen Of Scots...because that faux pas is unforgivable.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


Haha! I was hoping someone would get it! Yes!

Who doesn't like a headbutt to the teeth?

p.s. I hope they're not shards of glass. Thank you.

__-__=__ said...

Shouldn't her minders have made sure she knew where she was after the Detroit incident? It's not easy traveling and playing like that. Not glamorous either.

The Nightmare Child said...

@Sue Ellen - Oh, I got it.

And no, they're not shards of glass. They're actual glass slippers. They look like Manolos.

Anonymous said...

What a dork!!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I wonder if they come in Chuck Taylors?

Barton Fink said...

Ultimately, I think the joke is on the idiots who paid money to see Taylor Momsen perform. Seriously. Wouldn't you already have jettisoned your dignity as a human being simply by buying those tickets?

libby said...

Along with what Valerie said above, this is much more serious than confusing cities in America. It is offensive like calling all Asians "Japanese" or "Chinese." There is a long, brutal history there that we Americans are too short-sighted to care to recall.

Just like many people are ignorant of historical events or cultural changes from before they themselves were born, we Americans do tend to forget there was a whole lot of history between the years 33 and 1620.

The Nightmare Child said...

@Sue Ellen - The wedding is off. Chuck Taylors. So not cute. : (

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Ah well. I don't think my boyfriend would have gone for it anyway.

Robert said...

valerie and libby summed it all up.
During an interview once, somebody asked Mick Jagger if he needed a cheat sheet to remember song lyrics, and he said he needed one to remembeer what city he was performing in that night. But he at least knew what country he was in.

mooshki said...

LOL, Barton!

MadLyb said...

I watched one of her music videos the other day, because I wanted to be objective, but found her singing 'blah'. Without the platinum extensions, racoon eyes and risque outfits, not to mention her stint on 'Gossip Girl' and the fact that she's jailbait, I just don't see her band booking the shows they do. I guess child stars pretty much get the same education the Hitler Youth did - pretty much none.

I think you guys probably read the story that was out recently about how tutors of child stars let their studies slide, and how it affected them later in life. Sad.

Then again, if they did a survey, most Americans wouldn't know where Glasgow was - and I'm not slamming America, just using an example of what I suspect going from past surveys of this nature.

I apologize in advance for the typos and crappy grammar.

kathrynnova said...

eddie izzard said it best when he performed in san fran:

"yes, there ARE other countries"

thanks for promoting the bad american stereotype, taylor.

ardleighstreet said...

Well at least she didn't say it in Ireland. Certain cousins of mine would have beaten her to a raccoon eyed pulp.

This is why my Dad gave me history books of Ireland and Scotland as well as America. He told me to learn the history of my ancestors. My father did not want to have raised an ignorant child.

Meg said...

Ooopsie! I didn't really hear that much booing but loved the screechy "It's SCOTLAND!" ha!

My nephew asked me for a globe for Christmas (IDK WTF). I could not find a decent size one for less than $50 & most of the nicer looking ones were $80. Why do they cost so much? My sister couldn't believe how expensive they were but made a joke about maybe that is why Americans are such idiots about geography.


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