Monday, October 17, 2011

Kelly Osbourne Calls Christina Aguilera Fat Again

Christina Aguilera must have really hurt Kelly Osbourne's feelings by always calling her a "fat f**k." Now, whenever Kelly has the chance to slam Christina in front of many people as possible she goes for it. On Friday, during Fashion Police, Kelly said something to the effect of when Christina was calling Kelly fat, that Kelly was never as fat as Christina is now. Joan Rivers also attacked Christina for being fat. They both were commenting on the awful outfit Christina wore to the Michael Jackson tribute concert which I agree is ugly, but I don't think Christina is fat. I just think the outfit is for crap. One of the commentators on the show thinks Christina is still a 2/4 and Kelly says Kelly is a 2/4 now so no way. All I know is when you see Christina in person she is a very very tiny person. Granted I have not seen her in person in the past few months but she is not fat. An alcoholic? Probably. Fat? No.


Rita said...

This is going to bite Kelly in the ass a few years from now.

Why not be a bit of a Lady and take the high road. It was acceptable, and even cute the first time, but now, just shut up Kelly, gloating is as ugly as jealousy.

BTW, Christina should really better handle her business, she's been fat before, admittedly scarfing fried chicken and junk food all day long (after her Pepto-Bismal-like pink plastic dress incident), and had lost all the weight afterwards eating healthy and working her butt off. It's all that alcohol, and late-nights. Does not do the body, or face any good.

crila16 said...

Christina is a blonde Snookie.

timebob said...

she also had a kid that can change your body type a bit.

I don't think she is fat either, it is just a crap outfit that makes her look like a bloated sausage. She looks like she just rolled off the private plane onto the stage with hair & makeup just slapped on her.

I think Kelly needs to let go this Christina hating obsession. It's kinda lame. I have never heard or read Christina bashing Kelly or calling her a fatty fat head.

Lady J said...

Kelly needs to STFU and Get the fuck over it. Christina may not be as small as she once was but at least she has talent, as opposed to someone who became famous because of their father.

Baka Neko said...

No matter what Kelly says the fact is Christina is Famous for her singing and Kelly is famous for her father.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Welp. That's how it goes. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

figgy said...

I take some pleasure in seeing Christina look like shit too, I must admit. She seems like a bitch. I don't blame Kelly for making fun of her, tho yes, it would have been classy to let the opportunity pass.

And yeah, I think Christina's pretty fat now. Not "normal world fat," but "Hollywood fat," yeah.

Anonymous said...

I agree...Kelly is one of those people who is famous for being famous. Christina has talent. Cattiness is never attractive.

MontanaMarriott said...

The problem with Xtina is that she has Alcoholics Bloat, all that liquor makes one bloated, if she stopped drinking she would be thin again.

Rita said...

Figgy - Remember when Christina said that Britney was over after her breakdown (headshaving), that she would never get back on top, and would never lose the weight back?

It's mean, but look at you now Christina.

Still think Kelly should stop now. I've heard that Christina was really awful to people, including Kelly, but enough already, it's getting uglier then Christina's back-dimply thighs.

selenakyle said...

Well she sure as hell looked terrible performing in that gawd-awful leotard and stockings, "fat" or not. JMO.

Anonymous said...

Christina has suppsedly always been a huge beeyatch, so if Kelly wants to take the opportunity to slam her, whatever. Christina said all kinds of nasty things about Kelly publicly. I agree it would be more dignified to take the high road, but sometimes the temptation is too strong.
Christina is Hollywood fat ... like, no longer a size 2. She's also got the alcohol bloat thing going on. And every time I see a photo of her from the MJ concert I think it's Dee Snider from Twisted Sister for a second.

Anonymous said...


Susan said...

Oh, Christina.

I always root for this one, even though it seems she is filled with sucktitude.

The thing is, when Christina first broke out - I'm talking "Genie in the Bottle" days, she was waifer thin. She was a teenager for god's sake. But, she was probably 90 pounds soaking wet.

She is definitely out of shape, bloated and makes god awful fashion and makeup choices a la Snookie. So, Michael K's moniker of Snooktina is spot on in my book.

I would LOVE to see Christina have an extreme makeover fitness edition and just get healthy. And then record a kick ass album of power ballades and standards that really showcase her talent, because compared to so many of these American Idol and fake wannabe audio-tuned hussies, girlfriend CAN sing. She's just so much the unloved stepchild of whoever is big at the moment: Brit Brit, Gaga, etc. And her shitty attitude does not help matters. Le sigh.

Bleu said...

Kelly looks exactly the same size as Christina and unfortunately it doesn't matter how thin Kelly gets, she's got that bloated bulimic jaw so always looks much bigger than she probably is. In addition, as someone mentioned above, she actually is going to gain that weight back -- there's nothing small about her and she's unnaturally light right now. And if Kelly thought it was bad being harassed the first time it will come back exponentially now that she's clearly got no problem going on the attack.

kathrynnova said...
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Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

So the bullied becomes the bully. Nice job parenting, Sharon and Ozzy.

As others have pointed out, CA has talent. What is Kelly's talent again? Oh yeah, being a worthless c-u-next-tuesday right up there with the Kardashians, a celebrity with no discernible talent. Bitch can piss off. CA will still be relevant next year at this time. Kelly will soon be a distant memory.

annabella said...

I'm no fan of Christina as I don't like her music, but the girl is talented, fat or not. no doubt an alcoholic, but that doesn't diminish the talent (at least it hasn't yet).

Kelly is just a spoiled rich kid who has zero talent. the only reason she is famous is because of her parents.

so, if I were to have to choose between being a talented fat b***ch or a no-talent fat b***ch, I'd choose the former.

nicola said...

Kelly needs to hush up. She clearly has put too much confidence in that gastric bypass surgery of hers. Besides, fat or thin, Christina can sing. Other than working the nepotism angle, I still haven't figured out what Kelly's talent is.

chopchop said...

Kelly Osborne is still fat. Yeah I said it. Her calves and thighs are way bigger than Christina's ... and so is her immature, fat, ugly mouth. Kelly claims she was never that big?? What the fuck ever, Kelly, you were pushing 200. Christina is *maybe* 140.

Evidence? Why, sure:

I don't really like either of these bitches but Team AnyoneBesidesTalentlessRealityHacks.

chopchop said...

Sorry. Got a little fired up there. *shame*

ms snarky said...

While I agree Kelly should behave more like a lady, I also think that Christina is fat.

Overweight is a relative thing, and she's carrying 30 pounds extra on that tiny frame. Sorry, people, but 30 pounds overweight is fat, particularly if you started out at the size she did.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I don't recall ever reading (Not saying it didn't happen) that CA called KO fat multiple times, but even if she did, Kelly mentioning it the once should have been payback for CA. Now she just seems like as big of a bitch for the same type of bullying that CA did.

CA does NOT dress to flatter her body but I still don't think she is fat.

ChasingHeaven said...

Here's a thought: How about women stop attacking each other for their weight? We have it crammed down our throats enough as it is in the media, why add fuel to the fire? Disgusting.

Lafawnduh said...

Kelly needs to hold her lips tight. She is a heavy woman with a thick frame that is just smaller at this point. She will balloon out before too long. She needs to show compassion for heavy set people. She is one of them and will be a struggle with weight all her life. Plus she was a complete lazy drug addicted over privileged Hollywood child of famous people. She was shameful when she was a phat addict (with horrendous tattoos). Christina may be a beyotch, but she is self made and she deserves respect! Why do we give a darn what Kelly has to say? Who does she think she is? Coattails!
How quickly Kelly forgets exactly how FAT she was. Look up any FAT photo and see she was over 160 with huge FAT arms and FAT stubby legs with no knee caps. Xtina has a figure and is just a little bit curvier. She looks just fine.

MISCH said...

Kelly SHUT UP, you know that you are predisposed to be chubby....if you slip up on your diet and exercise Christina will be calling you fat also....

RocketQueen said...

I seriously can't stand Kelly Osbourne. So she claims fat comments are hurtful then goes around hurling fat comments herself? What a petty, bitter, hypocrite. Fuck off, Kelly. I agree with the others that at least Christina has talent.

ForSure said...

Thank you, ChasingHeaven. Both Christina and Kelly should be ashamed of themselves for this behavior, Kelly moreso because she is "up" right now, while christina is kind of 'down'.

I saw the photos on dlisted this week of Christina at the pumpkin patch in tight black leggings. She is not fat. Her face is bloated and her hair is horrible (please lose the extensions and go to your natural color), but she is not fat. She has so much talent, but she makes very bad decisions and she needs help before she becomes Whitney Houston.

surfer said...

This is mean girl sh*t. To Kelly, I would say "people who live in glass houses...." Crap like this upsets me. Most females (supermodels excluded), at some point in their life, yo-yo with their weight. Kelly has had a host of issues, so she should know better than anyone to not kick someone while they're struggling. And if Christina would wear clothes a size larger instead of stuffing herself into her old things, her weight gain might be less noticeable.

Hayley said...

Kelly, WE GET IT, Christina made fun of you. Trust me, the public gets that she's a catty biatch. But you're not doing yourself any favors, lady.

Monty said...

I cannot imagine what Kelly is like now if she was a mean spoiled brat before the reality show.
I would love it if Adele told kelly to shut the f up.

Barton Fink said...

First of all, are we discussing that photograph at the top of the story? That's clearly a guy named Dwayne, performing at a "cross-dressing for straight guys who are also hockey fans" event at a strip mall somewhere. If you look, you can see Dwayne's testicles, and he's wearing a Barbie wig that he had to beat up his sister to get.

As for whether the real Christina is fat, or if she's just a bloated waste of space, that's one for future historians to decide, isn't it?

feraltart said...

@ChasingHeaven, thank you for putting so eloquently what I wanted to write.

Lux Luthor said...

Everything chop chop said. And LMAO @ Barton Fink! Love all the comments in this thread, you guys are cracking me up.

Jolene Jolene said...

Ugh, shut UP, Kelly! Her comments do nothing but show her lingering insecurities from once being bigger. So you're thinner now. Do you want a medal?

MadLyb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kerri said...

It's a very sad world when someone Christina is deemed to be fat.
Kelly should watch herself, as someone who has struggled with weight all my life, I know that what comes off, tends to come back again.

Krissie said...

Kelly is bananas if she really thinks Christina is fatter now than she (Kelly) ever was. Christina is large but Kelly was HUGE.

I don't like Christina and her bitchy attitude, but Kelly is foolish to keep talking about who is fat when we all know Kelly will probably be fat again within the next two years. She has lost weight before and gained it all back. Her natural frame is not small and she is probably dieting like crazy to stay the size she is now. (I personally think one of the reasons she's being so mean is because she is hungry and cranky.)

Lily said...

I don't know, I've seen pics recently and think Christina has got to be about 135-140. Which at her height, IS fat. And given that no one has ever accused Christina of being even a remotely nice person, I suspect Kelly is totally justified.

Jasmine said...

I just think judging someone's worth by their increasing (or decreasing) waist size is horrible and wrong and needs to STOP.

And for those of you dissing Kelly's weight from before or making snide predictions of her future 'fat' self, and doing so in defense of Xtina--- way to continue the seemingly neverending cycle of bullying.

What both women need to do is realize calling another woman fat isnt the worst insult you could throw at her- how about going after somebody's mental capacity if you wanna insult them instead of all this bullshit body objectification.

Woman are valued in our society based upon their bodies and beauty. Lets try breaking this shit up before we begin the game of who deserves to be called fat more here? Cause that is a game that leads no where but down.

Jasmine said...

But I will say Xtina needs a comb stat- girlfriend's hair is looking tore up~

B said...

Kelly Osbourne should shut the hell up!She is Not naturally skinny like that and she will not be that skinny in the future.She and Joan Rivers represent what is wrong with women in our culture hurting each other for the titilation of men or to make up for their own low self -esteem.What women are not supposed to be above a size 2?Fuck them!

Wil said...

It's booze bloat. Sadly. Hope Xtina gets some help and isn't constantly dealing with unhelpful shit like Kelly Osbourne's endless need to prove she is better than everyone else.

Kelly is really - also sadly - turning into a "pretty on the outside" person, isn't she. She needs to grow up and let perceived slights go already. That seems to be all she does now .. typical low self esteem behavior, I am afraid.

Salsa Lover said...

@ChasingHeaven THANK YOU!!! I agree. I get so sick and tired of women bashing women or this constant state of "She's fat. She is ugly. She's too skinny!" So annoying!!!

Henriette said...

Kelly will balloon up and should shut-up! Get over it Kelly! Just be thankful your father is famous or we wouldn't know who you were.


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