Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Susan Sarandon Calls The Pope A Nazi

While appearing at the normally very stuffy Hamptons Film Festival over the weekend, Susan Sarandon decided to shake things up a bit. Seriously, usually the most exciting thing that happens at the Hamptons Film Festival is someone mistakenly wears white thinking it is the Hamptons so they should be able to get away with it, but then get chided or worse, shunned because it is October. During a Q&A with Bob Balaban, Susan was talking about how she sent a copy of Sister Helen Prejean's book to the pope. She then said, "The last one. Not this Nazi one we have now." When Bob hinted that maybe Susan might want to back down from that statement, she called him a Nazi again. I think at this point in her life most people know Susan has some very strong beliefs and is definitely not shy about sharing them. Whether it is ping pong or popes, Susan is going to let you know what she thinks and feels and does not really care if you share the same opinion or not.


ms_wonderland said...

I'm not very well up on Popes, but this is the one who was a member of Hitler Youth, yes?

Aly said...

As well as The Most Holy Protector of Pedophiles.

ms snarky said...

I think he quite likely is a Nazi. Popes seem to be a motley bunch. They don't get to be king out of niceness.

FrenchGirl said...

when The Pope was young, every one(under 18) in Germany was member of Hilter's Youth

MontanaMarriott said...

Well the Vatican confirmed that he was a member of Hitler's Youth corp so she is telling the truth.

selenakyle said...

A-frickin'-men, Aly.

That is the whole BS thing about Catholicism today. They even want to canonize the previous Pope and he hid more GD pedophiles and their abuses than anyone.

Fuckers. Literally.

crila16 said...

Yes...and Susan Sarandon was in Pretty Babies which is light child porn.

MISCH said...

She just said what so many others think...you go girl.

timebob said...

Pope Bene was 14 and was forced into nazi youth camp like all boys his age were at the time.

Not that i'm defending the church either. I think she was trying to make a joke or something.

crila16 said...
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crila16 said...

Not to defend the church either...but Pope Bene also protected a small group of Jews from the Nazi's. When he was young he was forced into these Nazi groups, just like all young, non-jewish boys were in Germany and surrounding areas.

mr. ray said...

She IS speaking the truth on this!

Patty said...

"we have now" I didn't realize she was a practicing Catholic.

I wont judge anyone who had to grow up in Nazi Germany. I can't imagine the future was bright.

Moose said...

As she has aged, her blatant hypocrisy have made this former fan sick of her. She rails against the hysteric, hate laden speech of those on the right. But will engage in the same tactic, and laugh about it, when it suits her agenda.

Good luck getting all the 30 year old ass you can get, Louise. Because there are less and less of us interested in seeing your movies.

Susan said...

As a lifelong Catholic, I can definitely say that so many things the church does nauseates me to no end: the hating on gays, the coverups of the pedophile priests that are STILL there, the reluctance to believe and help victims of the blatant child/sexual abuse, the secrets, the lies, the hierarchy, etc.

That said I firmly believe there is a time and a place to open your big mouth about these things, and I'm not sure the Hamptons Film Fest is that place. Is she in a film about the church or something?

RJ said...

I have no problem with any one busting on popes or the Catholic church in general for their willful non-action (at best) and cover up of widespread child molestation and rape. But as much as I dislike that, I hardly think it's right to call the current Pope a Nazi. Susan Sarandon has the very good fortune to have been born a woman in American in the 20th Century. That is a blessing beyond words. We've never been forced to do anything. She has no idea what is was like to be a young child in Nazi Germany back then.

Karmen said...

crilia16's comment made me do some research, and apparently, yes, the pope was forced to join the Hitler Youth against his will. Apparently his father was anti-Nazi. Doesn't seem fair to call some a Nazi if they were forced to do it against their will.


Also, anyone who says you can't wear white after Labor Day is an antiquated nitwit.

crila16 said...

Well said Patty and RJ. I agree with both of you completely.

RocketQueen said...

I'm not sure if she's a Catholic (she seems to imply she is), but if she is, doesn't she have the right to criticize the leadership of her own religion?? It bothers me how many believe the church and its leadership should be exempt from criticism.

Voice O' Reason said...

Some really great points made in these last few posts and I really like what RJ said. Susan must not be having a lot going on with her little Ping Pong parlor and thus needs to draw attention to herself.

I have trouble believing that if she herself were in 1930s Nazi Germany that she would have been any sort of Nazi resistance hero. Granted the Catholic Church has its issues I won't deny that nor am I excusing that. But for someone like Susan, who chest thumps about being such a "tolerant person" I would think she would have more class than to name call when clearly she doesn't understand the circumstances.

JagerLilly808 said...

She's an idiot, plain and simple. He's not a Nazi. This woman sickens me anymore.

pegd said...

Well said Moose!

Amartel said...

Lady Bountiful is really turning into quite the attention whore lately. Screeching out "Nazi" (twice in case anyone missed the first screech). What a thoughtful and reasoned point of view.

ForSure said...

My father in law was about 11 or 12 during Hitler's time and he was forced into the Nazi youth as well. His father told him to go, smile, repeat everything he was told, and then come straight home... where he helped his father set up a secret radio in the basement so they could listen to the BBC. They resisted in many small ways until the Americans came. His father almost got arrested for taking water to a traincar full of male prisoners (probably Jews, might have been Gypsies).

I don't care who was in the Nazi youth by force, I care who put those philosophies in their heart and carried them for years/decades after the war. People use the word Nazi to describe anyone they don't like (Obama as a Nazi, really?) and it is diluting the meaning. That should not be allowed to happen.

As for the Catholic church, doesn't matter who is the Pope, the institution has committed so many crimes against humanity in my lifetime (missing babies in Spain, pedophiles, AIDS issues in Africa) that they should honesty be brought in front of the Hague (not the faithful, not the religion, the institutional leaders, big difference).

Okay, off the soap box.

AMD said...

The current Pope is a nazi but it has nothing to do with his role in the Hitler Youth. Read up on the despicable stunt the Church recently pulled in Brazil with respect to a 9 year old girl raped and impregnated by her stepfather and then try and tell me Susan Sarandon doesn't have a point, even if it was an inartful one.


The stepfather, by the way, was NOT excommunicated.

ardleighstreet said...

I will NOT judge him for being in Hitler Youth then. He would most likely have been labeled as a traitor and killed if he hadn't. I do not like his stance now on many things but I will not judge him for his youth.

To me she just is playing this to stay relevant. You don't see him calling you an overly made up cougar, Susan.

Amartel said...

Catholic Church doctrine opposes abortion as the taking of innocent life. They take this issue seriously. Whether or not you agree with Catholic Church doctrine, following this doctrine does not make the Pope a "Nazi". Words have meaning. If you call someone a "Nazi," they should actually be a Nazi. Otherwise, you are diluting the truly awful meaning of the word. You have an understandable issue with the Church's reaction to the situation in Brazil. Find a way to express your disapproval in a credible and meaningful way. Screeching out "Nazi" is not credible or meaningful. It's especially galling coming from privileged "celebrities" like Ms. Sarandon, people who have never ever had to live through what Pope Benedict lived through when he was a young teenager. He fought back against his conscription by refusing to attend meetings, and he and his family suffered for it. That's speaking truth to power. What Ms. Sarandon is doing is called self-promotion.

Anotheramy said...

Regardless of how true her statement may or may not be, what was she thinking? She is an old pro and should know that this behavior gets the youngsters in trouble.

mooshki said...

Amartel, for once I completely agree with you.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Saradon was raised Catholic, I believe (Roman Catholic)?

@AMD - That story is horrible. :(

I need a little more information on this. Is it similar to Hank Williams Jr. calling Obama "Hitler"?

Liz said...

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, @Lelaina. Calling our President Hitler or calling the Pope a Nazi... both seem way past bad form to me.


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