Friday, November 18, 2011

The Idiot Of The Week - Graphic

It always amazes me what people will do when they are drunk. If there is one thing I have repeatedly hammered into my head it is do not go to the zoo drunk. Obviously this guy does not live by that rule and decided he would visit this Brazilian zoo drunk and to go ahead and visit the spider monkeys while he was there. Sure, they look cute, but they will bit as he found out. He should just be grateful he came across the spider monkeys before he saw the tiger exhibit.


redhotpepper said...

Dumbass. Is he wearing Underroos?

Comma Chaser said...

Huh, and I just happened to be looking for a workable premise to kick off my _Contagion 2: The Quickening_ script. Thanks, enty, and you too, drunk dumbass zoo guy!

lunaire said...

How foolish and disturbing.

Interesting that the other monkeys were pulling that one biting monkey back.

RocketQueen said...

Team monkeys.

Sian said...

Why the hell is everyone just watching?? The guy is drunk and in water which isn't good for a start, and if he's in a zoo why is there not someone there to remove him?! I actually find this video pretty disturbing, everyone was laughing when it was obviously a pretty dangerous situation...

Lelaina Pierce said...

^Thats sad about the lion....& bullshit he was put down.

I don't think I can watch this video, but people's stupidity, drunk & sober never ceases to amaze me.

Principessa said...

Ummmm....does that water look very bubbly to anyone else? Just sayin, after he got bit that water looked pretty turbulent...


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