Saturday, June 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 13, 2012

What former A list tweener and now a sometime bad actress has not come completely clean about a recent death and what really happened.

Miley Cyrus


Rhody said...

Well, that was the only guess back then I think

DewieTheBear said...

Was this the thing with her dog?

OT, if anyone hasn't checked it out, there's a really powerful long-form piece at Gawker by a man whose entire family was killed by a drunk driver (the writer himself was left a paraplegic). One of the best Saturday feature posts they've ever published.

Peter said...

I read gawker too! Hate the new mobile format so I haven't been there as often..

Little Ginger said...

So what really happened?

EmEyeKay said...

@Dewie, I'm loving those weekend essays. Well, most of them.

Claritysk said...

whose death?

DewieTheBear said...

The Kinja Gawker format is a disgrace. I probably read 25% as much as I used to as a result.

I just re-read his piece (it is that good) and I believe I was wrong in saying paraplegic - he was paralyzed from the neck down. Not that it is any better, I just didn't mean to be inaccurate.

Very sad situation nonetheless; as a commenter said, something like it should be posted in every single bar.

Anonymous said...

me too, whose death? I think it is referring to her Dog.

DewieTheBear said...

@EmEm, the worst one I remember off the top of my head was the Sarah Lawrence chick, which I remember because I went there and was like, "UGHHHH and this is why I hated it!" That post was the definition of "word vomit" :)

Unknown said...

One of Miley's dogs named Ziggy attacked another of her dogs named Lila and Lila died from the attack. Ziggy was rehomed.

Unknown said...

It was her dog. That's the death.

timebob said...

I think the dog got into her drug stash and Ziggy took the fall for it.

Ziggy was Liam's dog, I think he didn't want it anymore and it was a convenient excuse.

Anna Alicia said...

I second that thought

Count Jerkula said...

I think she had Chris Maltosanti over and he wound up plopping down on the dog while smacked up. Either that or Miley didn't know the pooch was allergic to peanut butter.

TeacherNan said...

Love your Sopranos & er- peanut butter reference, Count. That girl's a hillbilly with a flush bank account gone bad. Wouldn't put it past her to indulge in some critter hijinks.

di butler said...

This blind isn't true. The dog, Ziggy, she adopted, had previous issues and she was told he was fine with other pets, yet he attacked and bit Lila's throat and she died. Ziggy was then returned to the "best friends" joint and re-homed to a family with no other pets or small children. She did nothing wrong, except maybe missing signs of aggression, but even her mother said none of them had noticed an issue. Hate her all you want, but this is a crappy thing to say, the whole family rescues pets and genuinely cares about them.

MomTo4Boys said...

Wow! You really believe all the bullshit PR that's put out by her people?
I have an authentic laptop that was once owned by our first President, George Washington that I would love to sell you.

Honey Bunny said...

Everyone here knows these blinds are maybe half-truths or just a touch of truth to them. It's all in fun here. Besides, it keeps the celebrity in the lime light weather good or bad.

Unknown said...

if you like the pieces on Gawker, my favorite site (ever) is

You can spend days there reading good things. Consider yourself warned!

My favorite pieces there are the one about the missing boxer who fought Ali and the truck stop serial killer and the girl who escaped.

GoogleChoice said...

[BlindGossip] A visitor to a film set brought their dog with them. One of the lead actors (who is very well-known) chatted briefly with the dog owner, whom he had previously met. The actor told the visitor that he actually owned a similar dog years ago, and that he really missed her.

When the dog owner received a phone call requiring them to leave the set, our actor volunteered to watch the dog. The delighted dog owner accepted the offer and promised to return in about an hour.

They were actually gone about twenty minutes. When they returned, they were told that the actor had gone to his trailer, and had taken the dog with him. The dog owner went to the trailer and, amused to hear the actor talking to the dog, opened the door without knocking.

They found the actor naked and erect behind the dog. The actor quickly covered up, muttering some sort of excuse. The horrified dog owner grabbed the dog and left. The actor has since contacted the dog owner twice to offer compensation in exchange for their silence.
Top Guesses:
Woody Harrelson on The Hunter Games (movie set)
Miley & Liam (visiting set with dog Lila)


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