Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blind Item #5

This B+ list singer/celebrity seems to be fading a bit. Her drinking is well documented and apparently she also enjoys getting three or four of her backup dancers to service her orally several times each day. The ones who do so all have a special trait.


VIPblonde said...

Someone likes a tongue piercing! Get it girl!!

The Dude said...


MM said...


Della said...


VIPblonde said...

If this is Selena Gomez, I might start to like her!

MISCH said...

That is above and beyond pay grade.

caralw said...

Has to be someone on tour. I think Xtina is filming The Voice. I think Rhianna is a good guess. Or Katy Perry.

ladybaus said...


Anonymous said...

Leaning more towards RhiRhi...Katy isn't that much of a freak...Gaga is in the middle of the talk show circut & she likes to make everyone think she's a freak, but no, she's a daddy's girl

Count Jerkula said...

@VIP, if it is Selena, I gots some fapping to do.

RiRi and the back up dancers doing it are all gay. Wasn't there a reveal where she said, "His tongue still works" or "His tongue aint gay" or some shit?

This blind is a rehash to cram more ads.

Chris said...

Rihanna is higher than B+ though

skimpymist said...

She must be a nympho because regular people do not crave continuous sex all day. This is rihanna since I remember the blind about the gay backup dancer servicing her backstage. So I guess this means her gay male dancers have herpes.

Tish said...

Rhianna is A list, and she does a lot more than drink.

erin123 said...

Kesha and bearded backup dancers?

sandybrook said...

I want this to be Miley and it to be females eating her out. BUT it is not

Anonymous said...

Ke$ha would also be a good guess here...

Freya said...

Ke$ha is on tour now.
Wasn't her reality show renewed for a second season?

Unknown said...


Seven of Eleven said...

"his tongue isn't gay"? So klassy.

Kelly said...

Katy and Rhianna are A list. Xtina.

Biggin said...

Ke$ha fo sho!. The dancers have beards!

OneEyeCharlie said...

"because regular people do not crave continuous sex all day" Au contraire!

NomNom83 said...

Taylor Swift is totes gonna get sued by all her back-up dancers.

stigs84 said...

Ke$ha's the only singer I can think of who's fading. Her second album had dissapointing sales and only one big hit song compared to her first album which was HUGE.

stigs84 said...

Ke$ha's the only singer I can think of who's fading. Her second album had dissapointing sales and only one big hit song compared to her first album which was HUGE.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

agree Ke$ha sounds about right. riri is definitely A+. she is everywhere

caralw said...

Ok. I am on the Ke$ha train.

NYer said...

wasn't kesha the reveal for one of the heaving drinking blinds recently, as in passing out at a bus bench? now the special trait is interesting--i'm on the piercing train (so to speak)

Count Jerkula said...

Yes she was NYer.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The rating isn't right to be Rihanna.

Im going for Christina. Rating fits and freakiness fits.

Anonymous said...

Okay i change my guess-- Christina or Kesha.

Count Jerkula said...

If it is X-Tina, when is the last time that broad has been on tour, w/ back up dancers? No compare that to when is the last time RiRi HASN'T been on tour.

Miss RiRi, baby, if you are reading and will be performing in the Philly/NJ/NYC area anytime soon, I'll eat that thing for ya. You want me on my knees, worshiping that cooch? Put a foot up on some amplifier case backstage, pull your pants down, grab a handful of my hair and ride my tongue like a bucking fucking bronco. After you cum, yo can turn around, lean towards the wall and force my face into your ass. You can thing it is to treat me like the worthless piece of trash I am, but I'll consider getting to eat your ass my reward for making you cum so well. Just let me know if I am allowed to use fingers or just my tongue.

Then after the show, we can get some booze and drugs and tag team some strippers. There is one dive strip club in Philly that has a sex shop built in, so we could splurge on some toys to work over the strips with.

BrainyAngel said...

Rihanna also has a song called "Fading"

MadLyb said...

I agree with the Ke$ha guess. She was never A list, and her music is just horrible, so I guess she would be fading by now.


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