Friday, May 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 11, 2015

Apparently this A+ list mostly movie actor who is almost back down to A is not so clean and sober. A recent accident where he suffered a nasty burn while wasted shows that. This is really going to inconvenience his actress wife who has been enjoying her girlfriend the past few weeks.

Johnny Depp/Amber Heard


Me said...

But he didn't have a burn. There are pictures of him when he was still recovering in LA with a friend and after, a few days back shopping with Amber in the gold coast and it's quite visible he has a ferule on his middle finger (the finger that needed a pin inserted after he broke it up) but the rest of his hand looked all fine. No burns marks or anything like that

sandybrook said...

Please Enty Johnny knows all about the bitch and probably Amber shares her with him.

Me said...

the picture with a friend,when he was still in LA

With his wife the past week shopping in Australia

And here's a video, he doesn't have a burn on his hand

Whywhywhy??? said...

Amen sandybrook. indeed

TopperMadison said...

I read it more like she wasn't terribly interested in spending time with him--not that he would be surprised to know she has a girlfriend.

Malibuborebee said...

Wasn't there a blind about Depp staying at a friend's and avoiding Heard while she went crazy and called all over town trying to find him?


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