Friday, July 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 6, 2015

For those of you wanting this newly married couple consisting of an out of work former B list franchise actress and a B+ list mostly television actor from a long running almost network show to split, you may be in luck. Fractures are appearing and they were out in full force with a full on loud argument the other night. Our actress has been desperate to get pregnant and our actor has been kind of on board in an I’m not going to complain if you are not using protection, but I’m not actively trying kind of way. Well, things changed when he found out about some of her recent activities with others. Yeah. Now he wants her to get back on the pill.

Nikki Reed/Ian Somerhalder


sandybrook said...

They seem to be on a world tour and were posting lovey dovey b.s. daily

SnJ said...

So I guess she's SO desperate that she doesn't care who the baby daddy is? That's kind of cold.

H2O said...

I don't care about these two people at all, whether together or separate.

Bubbalicious said...

Get out now Ian! You are too good for her!

~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~ said...

nikki really seems to be a sad for him...

whatzmyname said...

Didnt he watch the movie 13? It was based on her childhood. That girl has serious issues that will continue throughout her life. She was also known for being and easy lay in LA so I dont know why he would marry such a woman. She is trouble in capital letters. Not mother/wife material at all.

mooshki said...

Whoa, when did we time warp into the '50s?

shut up said...

Uh, so you think a whore CAN be turned into a housewife? OK then...good luck with denying reality. I doubt you'd think a cheating man would change, so why would a whorish woman? Let's be real here, OK?

Kym said...

Why would I want them to split? Misery loves company

Brooke said...

I don't believe a single word in this article (including the "b list" mentions since they are factually incorrect), and I am disgusted, yet laughing, at all the transparentally envious and juvenile comments by these readers.

ehehe said...

I'd like to know why he married her to begin with.
She has a reputation of a super fickle woman obsessed with being married, she is kind of dumb and very basic looking. She's also super fake: every time she gets together with a man, she adopts his interests and pretends she's always been into those things.
He could do so much better.

ehehe said...

I'd like to know why he married her. She is fake and not smart at all. She's basic looking. What's the draw?

Ehehewell said...

I'm curious as to why he married her to begin with.
It's not about that old movie. She's just very fake, not very smart and has nothing going for her looks-wise except for being skinny.


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