Thursday, June 30, 2016

Blind Item #3

Speaking of closets, this closeted foreign born Academy Award winner doesn't even pay anything to his wife for keeping her silence. Not a penny and it isn't like they live a glamorous life or anything. I suppose there would be child support if they split, but she could have got herself a much better deal.


Tricia13 said...

Hugh Jackman maybe

sandybrook said...

Eddie redmayne

Tricia13 said...

Bingo Sandy- Hugh only nominated and I couldn't see it . Def. Hannah Bagshawe(?) and ER

sandybrook said...

thx! Take over, I'm out the door for a few hours....

Tricia13 said...

Me too in a bit- weather is crazy though(rain, sun, rain). Summer summer summertime....:)

Kno Won Uno said...

What? What does this mean?
Does everyone else pay their spouses? What?

Tricia13 said...

I know right? With Entys inflation with this topic I'm shocked he/she isn't a divorce "lawyer".... Would make a killin' and get outta mom n dads place lol.

Tricia13 said...


bush bunny said...

Eddie Redmayne is from a wealthy and prominent British family. This doesn't sound like the way they do things in that group. Could be wrong, of course, it just doesn't sound like a classy thing to do.

Guesser said...

First of all, he probably has a prenuptial. Maybe she likes the same lifestyle he does? If he's gay, maybe they are great friends who choose to raise a family together? Maybe he 's bi, and she doesn't care. Most of the straight married actors cheat, some people don't see much of a difference.

Dutch said...

Just because the guy does not pay her, doesn't mean that she does not have access to his money.

HH314 said...


longtimereader said...

Speaking as a Brit, they are generally the most unclassy people on the planet. There are creepy rumours about this guy...

Claire said...

Exactly! Who literally gives their wife a paycheck? Most marriages involve the sharing of resources.

bush bunny said...

Since you are a Brit, I can understand your stance on this. I have British DNA and once lived in London (in the 60s) but can't really call myself a Brit legally. The Brit side arrived in the US in the mid-1600s. My bragging rights long expired. However, he just looks so sweet and caring. Creepy rumors? Can you imagine a weekend at Charles & Camilla's? I'll bet Prince Philip is still chasing the Queen around the room. No, not Elton, Elizabeth. Wish you would expound on the creepy rumors part.

Surly said...

You haven't heard of the upper east side wives getting a "bonus" in December based on "performance" and how well stocks did that year.

Claire said...

I don't think I want to know. I am perfectly happy being in a relationship where neither of us pays the other to lie for them!

xxx said...

Enty, out of curiosity how much does Benedict Cumberbatch pay Sophie Hunter per month? she acts like he never pays her enough! i heard the guy's frugal but damn she's so badly behaved i wonder i wonder what's up with that...

not saying Benedict's gay, just saying that one bad of a marriage convenience. it's like she married him out of spite to drain the man's bank account dry.

xxx said...

well Sophie Hunter lived in NY, she must be familiar with these arrangements. shocker.

xxx said...

it's not a "paycheck" but allowances.

Hot Cola said...

You are serious!?!

¿? said...

Lol so on top of being an alleged heroin addict and pedophile, he's also in the closet. What's next, cumberbatch and hiddles are in ménage à trois? ????


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