Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Blind Item #12

This A- list reality star from that MTV reality show got her daughter lip fillers.


Tricia13 said...


Derek Harvey said...

farrah abarahm

sandybrook said...

she also made her up to look like a ho on the stroll.

Tricia13 said...

And the pix are horrifying:(

Kno Won Uno said...

Is that even legal?!

Kno Won Uno said...

The answer is, it's only FDA approved for adults - but money buys anything.
Freaky ass pictures.

Derek Harvey said...

This is is the same broad that took her (then) 4 yr old daughter and father with her to the porn office to negotiate more money lol

Kno Won Uno said...

Sorry for the multi-post. It's illegal in some states before 16 and in some states before 12.
It's not strictly legal in any US state for a frickin seven year old.

Marianne said...

How could anyone get lip fillers on a child, nonetheless a six year old...shame on that porno lunatic and worse yet shame on that non board certified plastic surgeon who did it!!

Wow said...

Nobody calling the social workers??

Malibuborebee said...

Can't the father or grandparents of her kid step in and take custody? Plenty of whores have children and they're perfectly good parents but this one's crazy.

Airhead said...

Farrah's baby daddy passed away before her daughter was born. She pays for her moms lifestyle so i don't think her mom cares.

shakey said...

Too bad the doctor (or most likely cosmetologist) couldn't lose his/her license.

Zilla1 said...

Farrah knows she's over the hill and plans to have her kid take over her streetcorner by the time she hits ten. Chop, chop, time's a wasting.

Bodacious Ta-tas said...

Let's not forget that Farrah had the kid's eyebrows waxed when she was about 3 years old. I remember seeing a video of it and the poor little girl was screaming and crying during the procedure.

Poot said...

... Who had a horrendous allergic reaction to lip fillers herself, so knowingly risked her kid's safety. Vile.

Malibuborebee said...

I see, thank you, @Airhead. It's too bad that there's no one to step up but I suppose a lot of kids have it even worse.

Silver lining: That little girl is going to exact a mother lode of revenge on PornMom as soon as she's old enough.

ellie said...

NO! She did NOT get her 6 year old lip fillers!!! If she did, she needs her child taken away and that doctor should lose their license! Holy shit!

ellie said...

Where can I find these pictures?

Hot Cola said...


Airheard said...

Oh yeah! She is going to be Farrah & 100x worse because that's what Farrah taught her.

Cat said...

I think this is Farrah but surely not??! Her daughter is six yrs old

Tricia13 said...

Hey@ellie...her 6 year old looks like a 26 year old:( not sure about the fillers but a ton of make up- I think they were on tmz?

MissBumptious said...

I've had lip fillers and they're incredibly painful. I was really, really sore and swollen for at least two days. No kid should go through that.

TTBella212 said...

I could be wrong, but it looks like she over drew her daughters lips and too mich make up. I hope to god i'm right. This b**** is crazy. I wish the parents of Derek would sue for custody.


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