Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 14, 2017

This always broke A- list rapper should be really careful about what he said to the police and his insurance company about recent events. People are saying he over inflated the value of a whole lot of items to get more money.



Crazycatlady said...

Surely Kylie can give him a loan, those shit make-up brushes have ensured that we will be stuck with that trash family until the end of time because people keep giving them money.

Colonel Blake said...

I STILL say PMK coughed up part of their current $150m deal. She knows their empire will crumble if they're not in our face 24/7. Viewership was noted to have significantly dropped yet they get an additional contract??? Shenanigans at work here.

auntliddy said...

Why shld she lend him any money? He's an adult; let him get his own shit together! Just because she has money because she works doesnt mean she shod support his broke ass!!

OB said...

Agreed @Cole. Aside from the DM and TMZ shilling for them and telling us constantly what "superstars" they are, who pays attention to this trash? I smelled a rat when it was all over the news that Kendull had replaced Gisele as the top-earning model. That is just BS, and I had no doubt PMK planted it. Same as these cosmetics sales figures--notice there is never any hard data attached? Just sweeping statements, which I'm sure are all lies

Crazycatlady said...

Sarcasm, auntliddy.

Ana Maria said...

Tyga, A list???

Thursday November said...

So the egyptian throne he had turned into a toilet was fake?!


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