Thursday, December 21, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 15, 2017

This past weekend, this cranky foreign born permanent A list singer solo and in a group performed at an event. The promoters sent over a couple of bottles of very expensive champagne to his wife and guests. The wife takes a sip of the just opened champagne and says it is flat. She then does the same with the second bottle of newly opened champagne and then empties them both out in the champagne buckets.

Phil Collins/Orianne Collins


airhead said...

the site is either under attack or no one cares. I looked this women up because IDK who the heck she is and she looks like a sour apple box face.

also correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't flat champagne be white wine?

Guesser said...

I thought they were divorced, and planning to remarry?

sandybrook said...

Shit happens if it's warm gets chilled and gets warm again and rechilled.

longtimereader said...

Kstew still has a career, shovelface not so much.

Jayne Townsley said...

I about through a major fit at Disney this past week over something because the last button had been pushed....sometimes it happens.

Jayne Townsley said...

Also, if cranky is the worst about Phil, I'll count myself lucky someone's music I like isn't connected to them being a child predator or the like.

Thursday November said...

"Longtimereader" doesn't know how to read.

Just Paige said...

@Roxy sorry to burst your bubble but Phil Collins is a general prick. Racist and alleged wife beater. Lily Collins has publicly stated he wasn’t part of her childhood and she was fine with that.

Fifi LaRue said...

Phil Collins put out a false story years ago, a real sob story about how his wife left him, and he desperately tried to get her back. Turns out, he sent the wife a fax telling her he was divorcing her. Out of left field.
Reading this story, so glad not to be in their social circle. Sounds like being in hell.

auntliddy said...

Were divorced, got remarried. She is supposed to be a real hardcase, always bitching at someone!

Enthusiasm Quotes said...

Very Nice And Interesting Post
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