Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Fix Was In

Last week I wrote about a candidate who felt like they needed to kill to keep their secrets. Actually, not even to keep secrets so much as to keep secrets of others. It turns out that close to that same period in time there was another killing, a double homicide actually, that was set up and paid for by another candidate. The double murder was lost in a wave of murders in this city that has seen many thousands of murders since these double homicides. How easy it was to just not investigate that one too thoroughly and before you know it there were hundreds of others much more newsworthy to push those two of the front page.

A mother of one of the victims has tried to speak out. Each time she does, reporters are sent tips en masse from unknown accounts that she is crazy and shouldn't be believed. They mention her 5150 hold like it was from the day before rather than decades ago.

Back in the day when this candidate was an unknown he would run around town with this very connected politician/celebrity who moved in very high circles. How high? He and that A+ lister who always seems to turn up in these blinds have been best buddies forever. Anyway, our candidate and his friend would cruise gay nightclubs almost every happy hour. It was a cheap way to eat and drink and they could meet lots of willing men. Each of them found someone who they liked more than the others. A few years later, it would be those two men who were found dead.

It was more the celebrity/politician who found the person to commit the murder than our candidate. He didn't spare any expense and hired the best. The problem was the double murder was perfect. Execution style hit. No robbery, and no motive. Neither had connections to drugs or gangs and the killings were just too slick. The thing is though, if you hire someone less experienced, they start talking and get busted and then start talking about people who hired them. Better to have some questions about motive down the road than someone in custody singing like a canary.

There is another celebrity involved in all of this. An A- list dual threat actor who can currently be seen on a fairly hit network show. When he had an opportunity to get close to the candidate after the murders, he started hearing whispers. His mistake was going to the candidate and asking him about it. Well, the candidate was already a winner and wanted to be a winner again, so the next thing you know he pushes the actor out of his life for good.

To make all of this look more like a conspiracy theory, a person is hired who is obviously a little off and who is always willing to do anything for money. They discredit the guy who doesn't care since he has been paid and everyone just goes on to the next thing and forgets all the evidence staring directly them in the face.


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sandybrook said...

Obama and Jesse Jackson Jr for the politicians, Chicago for the city.
Terrance Howard for the actor?

Tricia13 said...

Chicago as the city?Rahm Emmanuel as one of the players?

AvignonVagabond said...
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Tricia13 said...

+-1 Terrance Howard

Tricia13 said...

Raym and Obama are very good friends

FormerPolitico said...
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Anonymous said...
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mike m said...

Obama and Rahm

Sd Auntie said...

Don't believe it at,all. Sounds like crazy Jones made up crap. Jones is the DL guy if anything.

sandybrook said...

I would have said Rahm except I don't consider him a celebrity. Just a career politician.

B626 said...

Obama in
No idea who was murdered
Anthony Anderson as the dual threat actor friend

AvignonVagabond said...

I agree with you, John. This site has been flooded with blinds from Extreme Right-Wing fools. Remember when Trump made it his mission to declare Obama was not born in America?

That being said the answer for the Dual Threat is suppose to be LL Cool J. He wrote an open letter to Obama trying to get some childhood friends of his outta the slammer.

FormerPolitico said...
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Anonymous said...

Obama and Rahm cruising together will make a helluva movie someday.

Adrian Zmed said...

Living in Chicago, I can tell you this all rings very true. Obama's crew is capable of anything. This is Obama and Rahm.

Beth said...

Obama gay rumors? That's new.

Enty, are you getting funding from the same crew as Blind Gossip?

AvignonVagabond said...

@FormerPolitico-WTF? Are they suppose to be slinging riffles over their shoulders and chugging beer to be considered hetero?

just sayin' said...

there have been rumors about obama being gay for a decade. and michelle being transgender. the longest running story is from larry sinclair, google him. he even wrote a book in 2009 called "cocaine, sex. lies & murder?" he's still alive and well. huh. enty's scraping the bottom of society's barrel this week.

AvignonVagabond said...

LMAO Michelle was born a man and Obama is gay. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife...

FormerPolitico said...
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LizOz said...

Oh god the right wing trolls are out in force. If he is, I’m sure he’s not the first closeted president, but that doesn’t make him a murderer or Michelle a man. And it certainly doesn’t take away from his accomplishments

Alexandria said...

So "The Candidate" one is Obama? And if that's Obama, this is mindblooow! So many murders in politics, nuts. And Kubrick warned to never go near power.

plot said...

So nothing else is sticking so Enty is letting Reich Wing sources insinuate that Barak and Rahm are gay?

Gosh, I hope there's a lot of money being paid to CDAN to share such obvious bullshit.

FormerPolitico said...
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Tyler said...

Enty, you're jumping the shark to the point that I hardly bother anymore. I want gossip, not fake news.

BTW, still waiting for the HTGAWM actor, AND the royal within the top 10 in line to the throne to come out of the closet. Well?

Rafael said...

OMG It´s Trump! He likes them "very young" too. He is friend with pedo Jeffrey Epstein and supported pedo Roy Moore.
Lock him up!!

Adrian Zmed said...

Further clarifying: Rahm is friends with Geffen (guy who appears in blinds all the time). Obama is the politician. So Rahm and Obama cruise Chicago bar scene. Not sure who the actor is.

Obama as Bi-sexual (same with Rahm) has been around forever.

I don't think people get how awfully corrupt Chicago is as a city/local government. It is all one big joke to the people here and especially insiders. Bribing to get anything done at all business wise is a way of life here. And never cross the people in power.

If you know anything about Rahm's old man, you will be surprised by noyhing.

P.s. buddy of mine went to grade school and synagogue with Zeke E. Rahm E was an evil little prick even back before he turned 10. Capable of anything.

Anonymous said...

It's an open secret that Obama borrowed the kids of Chicago neighbors Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt.

At this point, you wonder if Trump, with all of his NYPD and NatEnq sources, is right about Obama's birthplace. Barack seems like a complete CIA project.

Adrian Zmed said...

Easy D. And Marty Nesbitt allowed to buy the evil University of Phoenix right before Obama Admin left office even as their Dept of Education put other schools out of business. Payback to Marty (a very dapper guy himself).

Sd Auntie said...

Take a hike Easy.

plot said...

-Rahm is friends with Geffen

Prove it. Show us they are real tight, like best buddies, which is something more than attending an event together.

-Obama as Bi-sexual (same with Rahm) has been around forever.

Not in anywhere not 4chan it hasn't, but do keep lying.

-I don't think people get how awfully corrupt Chicago is as a city/local government

OMG!!!!! Then anyone who has ever lived or worked in Chicago is connected to ebil things!!!

Want corruption? Check out LAPD.

plot said...

-Rahm E was an evil little prick even back before he turned 10.

Most of us were evil little pricks in grade school, which says nothing about us as adults.

Met Rahm have you? He's intense. He swears like crazy. He's ambitious and driven. And he has had a lot of girlfriends in the past before he met his wife.

just sayin' said...

+1 lizoz.

what's happening here? cdan going full-on-info-wars is turning my world upside down almost as badly as trump's election did. so many longtime sensible commenters are saying things that i can't believe. maybe i saw it coming when himmmm went on a diatribe about his utter detestation of msnbc and rachel maddow a couple of months ago.

Joshua said...

Glad you and a few others still provide a little sanity around here.

Beth said...

Of course this new direction picks up speed AFTER the recent articles about Enty and the site. Whoever is doing PR for Enty ("Enty"?), well played.

Kendrick Schroder said...

In a time of hyper-partisanship, everyone and no one is suspect (depending on what side you're on). But, if you want to talk about the "other side," there's always a certain billionaire and a certain Mormon-land politician not to mention the current POTUS who are known (suspected in the case of the first two?) to have attended at least one of the parties of a certain disgraced NY real estate magnet in the 90s. The thing about politics though is that even the icons and idols are only useful to the party until they're not. By the 60s and 70s, progressives and leftists (including but not limited to man of the hour Gore Vidal) were pouring gas on the FDR-was-a-pretty-bad guy fire, and per Trump himself not even Reagan is sacrosanct on that side anymore. (Back in the 80s, you were a crank to suggest his people cut a deal with Iran to delay the release of the hostages until after the election, despite the fact that the Congressional investigation concluded it probably happened.) One day, O might not be so sacred either.

.robert said...

Hillary's people are the ones that started the birther stuff. It just stuck around since then since they would not just show an old birth certificate to shut it up.

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand the childish notion that one political team is clean as a whistle (the one i support, obviously) and the other is pure evil. GTFO with your partisan BS. There is genuine research suggesting that Rahm is shady. As for Barack, I reckon you have to be unscrupulous and corrupt to some extent if wanna be POTUS. I just don't trust Enty. He has given me every reason not to.

Phelps said...

"Obama gay rumors? That's new."

Not new. Kevin at hillbuzz was covering all of this from original Boystown sources in Chicago as far back as 2005. Obama liked to hit clubs and bathhouses, and his type was to have an older white guy service him without returning the favor. He had a couple of guys who threatened to go public before the 2012 election who ended up murdered execution style. Kevin covered all that as well.

Jimbonius said...
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Jimbonius said...

You'd think after all the things we've read and seen, people could be grown up enough to realize that there is no side of the political spectrum that is clean. Reich Wing? Really? You act as if there aren't right wingers who are murdering or doing worse to cover their asses. Have you not been paying attention?

This is about Obama for sure, and the story has been around as long as he has been ascending. Nothing new in this blind, and certainly nothing cooked up by any trumpkins - this story is old.

Some of you act like most of this isn't fiction anyway.

Jimbonius said...
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plot said...

-Reich Wing? Really?

Yeah, really. If you don't see the parallels between the party of Donny Moscow and the Nazis, more fool you.

plot said...

-Nothing new in this blind, and certainly nothing cooked up by any trumpkins - this story is old.

The proto-Trumpkins on 4chan were the source of this rumor ages ago. If you don't think they've been trying to discredit that horrible black president (yes /s) for a decade now, you are being deliberately obtuse.

Unknown said...

Who cares politically which side this is about. If any of it is true, which I tend to think it is, democrat or republican it is reprehensible and OBAMA is not untouchable. So if Enty talks about Obama it is right wing propaganda? Really? The question should be why did they get away with it and who was murdered? I see the liberals coming out. Quit playing politics and question whether people really got killed. And if you think the site is "right wing" quit reading.

Jeff Macauley said...

I don't have a problem believing Obama and Rahm would cruise for guys back in the day and it doesn't alter at all the admiration I have for 44. If he had people killed to cover up his sexy doings, well, obviously that would change my opinion. But, in internet gossip conjecture land, if someone was going to be killed, why wouldn't it have been Larry Sinclair who wrote about giving Obama blowjobs and getting high with him in his limo? Seems he'd be the one you'd want to shut down.

Jimbonius said...

Donny Moscow and the Nazis.

They played my 8th grade Spring Fling dance.

plot said...

-it is reprehensible and OBAMA is not untouchable

Oh so everything rumored about Obama MUST BE TRUE!!!!

-if you think the site is "right wing" quit reading

Don't tell others what to do, sweetie.

Sd Auntie said...

YES!!! Thanks Plot.

asb said...

i worked in a highend store before obama went for the senate. the who's who of female chicago shopped there. alot of the aa women in particular mo, mh, dr, vj. we heard all the juice. i would believe just about anything re ram. bo? never heard he was gay. ever. others? yes. we had fun with those rumors and realities. alot of tea was spilled in our fitting rooms when people flew in for fittings.

Adrian Zmed said...

Plot knows nothing about Chicago. This has been around before 4chan existed. And you don't know shit about the Marty Nesbitt matter.

Enty - this one will get vomited out eventually.

plot said...

-They played my 8th grade Spring Fling dance

Catchy ain't it! ;P

Beth said...

Calling bullshit on this particular blind does not mean that people think that those involved are squeaky clean. That's not even implied. It's that this particular blind seems to be based on right-wing conspiracy theories, something which this site has not traditionally embraced.

Moreover, the number of newbies to the site using tactics that are common to commenting on political sites is somewhat suspect.

plot said...

-This has been around before 4chan existed.

Before 2003? I doubt that. Prove it.

JrSlims said...

Wow, I never put together until now that Ari Emanuel is Rahm Emanuel's brother.

Sd Auntie said...

I've been here longtime girlie and u need to stick to blind gossip or National Enquired.

AvignonVagabond said...

Only the Right-Wing are allowed to express an opinion and if others choose to do so- they should leave because they make the rules and are the only ones who should be allowed to speak. Ever.

Newbomb said...

I can see Obama being a bottom.

Guesser said...

David Geffen is close to Ari Emanual,Rahm's brother and has held fundraisers for R. Ari is the inspiration for the agent in Entourage. Rahm has been known to be of questionable character since the Clinton days. Clinton himself didn't trust him. Nobody would put anything past him. I do believe the gay Obama stuff was thrown in for conspiracy click bait, old story. As for the birther stories, originally spread by HRC, easily looked up,and remembered.

asb said...

no way terrance howard. also isnt je on cable?
terrance has his own ish though...

asb said...

this i agree with

plot said...

-David Geffen is close to Ari Emanual

How close? What do you know besides they are both big powers in Hollywood? And how, pray tell us, does this make Rahm and David besties? Oh, it's your imaginary scenario I see, where everything bad in the universe is connected to a Clinton!

-David Geffen is close to Ari Emanual

Yet kept him part of his administration for years, but your scenario doesn't work under those conditions.

-As for the birther stories, originally spread by HRC

Donny Moscow made his media brand on those stories which ushered him into office on the backs of racists and idiots. Can't deny it.

GoogleSleuth said...

@plot - I WHOLLY agree with everything you’re saying. I believe there’s at least some truth to most of Enty’s blinds, but this grain of salt is far too big to swallow. The right wing trolls are on some kind of roll today... the crazy conspiracy stories bring in the hits, which bring in the money for CDAN. Tsk tsk, Enty.

That being said, as a native Chicagoan, I would be remiss not to mention how corrupt this city is. I grew up in the suburbs (same high school as Rahm, ironically, though I don’t know anyone who knows him), and now I live in a different suburb about an hour from there. The corruption is felt even out here in the boonies. Everything comes down to power and money. Even at a smaller scale (rigged red light cameras, lying on reports, race/status profiling, etc.) it’s horrendous. And it goes all the way up to the state- don’t get me started on Rauner and the temper tantrum he threw over the budget. And it’s not a partisan issue, either. I’ve heard the same complaints from both sides of the political spectrum. And obviously, the corruption gets worse the closer to the city that you are. I do not include Obama in any of this- I think he’s a stand up guy and made a terrific president. And yes, LA does have a corrupt police department as well, but don’t discount Chicago. Crazy and terrible things happen all of the time.

Guesser said...

@JrSlims,this is why the Geffen connection needs to be stated. This might explain the real reason Geffen is so far untouchable, the Hollywood and political connection runs deep. Look up Geffen's yacht,see virtually every Hollywood and political celebrity known.

Dan said...

I am not a right wing conspiracy nut, and have heard the Obama rumors for years, from non-white wring conspiracy sources. Don't know why a lot of you are being so defensive about it.

mike m said...

@plot, silly you, don't you know that it was Hildabeast who started the Birther stuff about the fraud obamama?

Don't worry, it's all coming to boil now and hopefully your head doesn't explode.

And with all the crap thrown at Trump it sure if fun to watch the libtards get their panties in a bunch when dear leader obamama is called out on his nefarious actions.

Anonymous said...

Blind coming next year to CDAN: “This former A list, foreign-born president of an A++ list country is back to using reptilian bodyguards ...”

Here’s where I am on this:

If Enty wants to tell me who’s sleeping with who/cheating on who/doing coke in the bathroom at a fundraiser/etc., go right ahead and drop some hints on identity to protect the site from being sued, go right ahead.

If Enty wants to accuse people of murder — especially those who have run the country — name names and put your name behind it. REPORT it. Make your report subject to scrutiny. Let us know you have first-hand knowledge from multiple sources who have direct knowledge. NAME NAMES. Provide documentation and SPECIFIC FACTS (when and where these illicit meetings took pace, who are the alleged murder victims, if you claim to know who the actual murderers are then NAME THE HITMAN/MEN, if there’s an actor who knows this, identify them so they can confirm or deny). Do some big-boy journalism, don’t hide behind some 4chan-ish rumors.

You wanna play, get in the sandbox.

Otherwise, go back to being a coy gossip site.

plot said...


Thanks for the pleasant reply, a rarity lately.

I've never had a bad time in Chicago which is totally at odds with the obvious corruption of the place. When I read about how deeply the dirt runs there, it's like examining a whole system of bad faith, cynicism and bad actions mostly represented by third world bribery cultures. I know the Chicago cops are horrible, too, been that way for decades.

What I won't commit to is the wholesale condemnation of every rep or pol just because they worked or came from Chicago or Illinois. Hell, I'm positive that Obama had to work with some really awful people to be known in Illinois. Of course, he fell backwards into the Senate seat, without too much commitment to Illinois party politics, which means he probably wasn't deeply rooted inside the horrible Illinois game. (in this way he reminds me of Harry Truman honestly who grew inside a bad party in Missouri but to come out of it, by accident almost, to be a very honest politician.) That's all, I guess.

BestMan said...

Frank Marshall Davis
Openly bisexual now
A bit of a deviant
Old Obama friend and Mentor


Anonymous said...

Why do some Leftists decry poorly-sourced "conspiracy theories" half of the time...then push "conspiracy theories" the other half?

Trump being "in bed" with Russia is probably the greatest conspiracy theory of modern times. Not a shred of evidence but the Left relentlessly pushes it.

What some of you really mean, I think, is that Enty should only print gossip that could help the Democratic Party out.

plot said...

Thank-you Saintpat!!!!!

plot said...

- have heard the Obama rumors for years, from non-white wring conspiracy sources.

Who were copying the Reich Wing sources of 4chan and Infowars. Don't be a fool.

just sayin' said...

+1 john the savage. i love a good conspiracy as much as the next person. but partisanship ruins it. i believe there's plenty of bad stuff the left has done. you don't have to make every blind about the evil left though, it takes away credibility. and running a blind that says websites are taking down the culkin child leather story, when they haven't, is just stupid.

Whatever said...

plot just might be a biased, liberal snowflake. Keep crying, dick head.

plot said...

-This might explain the real reason Geffen is so far untouchable

You might want to extend that protection and wonder why the hidden billionaires in all US politics get away with bankrupting our country, killing our Constitutional rights, our environment, our social safety net, our programs for children and mothers, sacrifice minorities and the needy, so they can move more of their cash overseas out of reach from contributing to our system.

Geffen's sins are terrible. He is a horrible person, no doubt about it. But maybe you should focus your concern on relieving him and his ilk of the greater powers they seek.

Krab said...

This sounds utterly ridiculous. I do believe Rahm is shady as hell, but he and Obama picking up boys? Oh come on now. I bet they killed the former boyfriends via GMO chemtrails injected as flu shots, too.

Arshes said...

What ever happened to the politicians wife that was gonna press charges against Don Henley. That was to have happened already.

plot said...

-Trump being "in bed" with Russia is probably the greatest conspiracy theory of modern times. Not a shred of evidence but the Left relentlessly pushes it.

Well, except for three ongoing federal investigations and many state investigations into Donny money laundering for the Russians, yeah, no evidence except the indictments of three of his close advisers and more to come, except every policing agency of our federal government agreeing that after seeing the evidence Donny Moscow colluded with the Russians to swing this last election, yeah, except for all that and more to come, right.

Except for Donny Moscow being strangely unable to defend this country against the machinations of Vlad and the Kleptocrats, yeah, nothing there.

Beth said...

@Arshes, I believe that's due to come out in late winter/early spring 2018.

BayAreaGirl said...

WTF, What has happened to this site? I agree that this blind and many recently have been a stretch too far.

@Google-Sleuth, unfortunately corruption is a theme familiar to many police departments. Hello Oakland PD! However, it is not fair to assume that every famous resident or politician in an otherwise corrupt city is also corrupt. One of my ex's (who is a nice guy) worked with Obama back as a community activist & only had positive things to say about #44. Even as far back as 2004, my ex was hoping that Obama would run for Prez. Obama's probably not Lilly white, but this blind is crap.

Rahm Emmanuel on the other hand, is corrupt AF, but Obama felt he needed Rahm's inside knowledge to get elected. Notice how Obama evolved on marriage equality as soon as Rahm left to become Mayor of Chicago?

Newbomb said...

So the gangbangers that are getting killed every night in Chicago are really the other kind of gangbangers being silenced by Obama.

Sd Auntie said...


GoogleSleuth said...

@plot - Thank you, as well, for having some sense. There is not a single sentence in your reply that I don’t agree with. While corruption here is through the roof, not EVERY cop/politician/government official is a bad egg or in bed with the bad guys. It’s just a very specific group: the good ol’ boys who want only for themselves and who think the end justifies the means. It’s an outdated school of thought that can’t make its way out of here soon enough. Politicians are politicians, and I’m sure none of them are 100% truthful or moral all of the time, but there has to be a measure of the spectrum. I really just can’t bring myself to subscribe to the notion that they’re ALL terrible people. That’s just foolish. So I definitely agree with you on all of that.

Subliminal Success said...

LOL. I have never ever in my life witnessed anyone as delusional as "plot" - what a thick-headed gullible moron

PhyllisWhitweed said...

Sounds like enty got a lot of attention for the Harvey blinds and can't dazzle everyday like that so has started all these "someone is about to talk" blinds where nothing actually comes out. One mention of politics and the crowd starts feasting on each other. Be better.

asb said...

agreed too

just sayin' said...

great tweet from brian krassenstein sums up what's happened to cdan:
"hillary clinton could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and do nothing, and they would say she shot somebody."

Sadie said...

Enty really needs to stop trying to promote bullshit stories that please his deplorable fans. Let's have some Trump gossip - God knows, there's plenty to explore.

Rafael said...

Dumb racist Trump supporters are butthurted because FBI is getting close to arrest Putin´s puppet. lmao

just sayin' said...

the personal attacks have got to stop. plot has the highest integrity and reasons out every argument with logic and manners. oh wait, i forgot that "political correctness" is the new term for "manners", so i guess "manners" are a terrible thing to display.

GoogleSleuth said...

Thank you, @BayAreaGirl! I think we’re all just trying to say the same thing here. I just hate it how this is becoming right vs. left. Bad people are bad people, period. But they ain’t everyone. For the record, I identify very strongly as a Democrat. But to say that my party has no blood on their hands is just naive. But that doesn’t discount the good people, nor should it on the other side.

Anonymous said...

Sydney Blumenthal started the birther thing with HRCs blessing

asb said...

yup. my experiences are similar from the other side. i was just a shop lady but socialites gossiped about EVERYRTHING. all their husbands ish. heard no neg re him until he went national/birther bs. rahm? totally diff.

Subliminal Success said...

@just sayin':

It's dumbfounding to me how you don't recognize how absolutely biased, gullible and moronic you come off. You literally are quoting a Krassenstein, a moron who literally auto-barrages the President nonstop with harassment, first in line every other tweet.

Everyone has lost their common sense googles. Wikileaks proves Russia didn't hack/steal our election and you morons buy the changing DNC story instead of interpreting facts FOR YOURSELF.

Hear that?

FOR YOUR SELF. Turn off your beloved media and piece together facts and ask yourself, if you were telling this story to your boss, presenting the facts as evidence, would HE BELIEVE YOU, OR FIRE YOU?

Anonymous said...

Enty must be over the Target, cuz the David Brock Paid Troll Brigade has been unleashed on CDAN.

molly said...

" Rahm is friends with Geffen (guy who appears in blinds all the time)" Rahm's brother is Ari Emmanuel , Michael Moore's lawyer...Their father blew up buses in Israel, Rahm had duel citizenship , and still was Obama's chief of staff. Seems awfully close to a terrorist to me. but anywho.. Wayne Madsen wrote of Obama , Rahm and the gay bath houses years ago. Wayne is an excellent journalist...so good that he was nabbed for public drunkeness under the Obama regime..the public drunkeness was leaving a bar walking. I am liberal, but do not have a problem with facts.Obama was not our first gay president, and will not be our last. Even Trump was good friends with Liberance, Roy Chon was his mentor and his home interiors are very gold.

Phelps said...

"Dumb racist Trump supporters are butthurted because FBI is getting close to arrest Putin´s puppet. lmao"

Nah, trump won't let the FBI touch Hillary. It would interfere with the peaceful transfer of power.

fionafab said...

Why haven't I seen this as an episode on Dateline NBC or CBS 48 Hours! Dayum!

BayAreaGirl said...

I can't believe people are saying there is no evidence that Trump is "in bed" with the Russians. How about verifiable facts? Um, before running for POTUS, Trump Sr. & Donald Jr. were bragging IN PUBLIC about how many of their investors are wealthy Russians. For years, Trump has been trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, even taking the Miss Universe Pageant there in 2013 to woo investors & regulators. Let's not forget that the Trump organization has received several loans from Russian banks in the past. Also, Jared Kushner's business received a large loan from Deutsche Bank shortly after meeting with a Russian banker. Does anyone remember how I called Manafort & Flynn weeks before it happened? It's like I know how these prosecutions work...

@plot you're absolutely correct about the money laundering aspect. This can be verified too. Fun fact, when a bank gives you a secured loan, a Deed of Trust is recorded in the property's chain of title. Anyone who doesn't believe these journalists, can search the public property records of Kushner, Manafort & the Trumps. It's tedious and time consuming, but if you want to be sure... Sorry for all the links below, but there is so much evidence out there.







GoogleSleuth said...

+1 @just sayin’. What is going on here? This used to be an escape for me- a wonderful community of smart, nonjudgmental people who worked together instead of attacking each other.

Again, thank you, @plot, for having and displaying the courage of your convictions. And for opening up the floor to intelligent discussion. I’m sorry the haters have nothing better to contribute.

plot said...

-Sydney Blumenthal started the birther thing with HRCs blessing

And who rode it to the ground, to get elected president? WHO?????? Who was on TV weekly bleating out this birther nonsense? WHO????? And who promised great investigations into birth certificates once he achieved office? WHO DID THAT??????

Tell us.

Tricia13 said...

Since when (and where)is calling people dumb and bigoted considered...mannered? Don’t think Emily Post included that on her guidelines 😉some folks have really lost “the plot”.

just sayin' said...

while people are here calling each other names and wondering about enty's safety, schneiderisnext has been singlehandedly taking down "the church" for days now. go schneiderisnext! now there's a story worth looking at.

ps enty: they've requested that you give some kind of confirmation, through himmmm i guess, that they're on the right track.

Beyond EMF said...

Among the members of the gay “DLC (Down Low Club)” were Obama and TUCC’s choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly had a sexual relationship with Obama. Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. Young and Bland were brutally murdered, execution style, in late 2007. Bland was murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young on December 24, 2007. The latter was killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer reportedly died on December 26, 2007, official cause of death: “septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV.”


Maude Lebowski said...

^Thank you for mentioning this!!!

Everyday I wonder "Is the Henley blind coming put today?"

plot said...

-. Wikileaks proves Russia didn't hack/steal our election

Since WL has been compromised by Vlad for about 7 years now, of course they would "prove" that, though not to the satisfaction of any of our Justice departments and attorney generals who have viewed far more than the Lying Sack of Shit Assange has.

- David Brock Paid Troll

Let's say that everyone who you disagree here is on Brock's payroll (for the record, I wish the Dems had never associated with the guy or given him any role in the party. His shrill condescension is off-putting and unnecessary.)

To return, suppose everyone who doesn't agree with your wild exciting conspiracies is Brock Flying Monkey- then either why, what are any of them saying that is wrong or unfactual? That's the most important qualification, ya'know.

Thank-you BayAreaGirl! Great links!

Alexandria said...

Why is everyone getting into Civil War over politics? Obama, Trump, Clintons - they aren't here, and they wouldn't give a damn if all of You killed each other in fight about Obama being or not being gay or is Trump/Clinton - good/bad. They're probably laughing when people go fanatic for them. I won't go any further, because I don't want to be in the middle of this lol, but please guys, don't insult each other, these reptilians (it's a JOKE) aren't worth it.

Bleu said...

Rahm is as big a celebrity/polician as you get. He practically is the template for the category.

just sayin' said...

+1 bayareagirl. i've given up on doing that kind of research because they will not be reasoned with. the only thing that will matter is the mueller indictments and convictions. sad that it won't be until later in 2018, but good that he's doing it the right way.

mind-numbing that someone can say, "wikileaks proves Russia didn't hack/steal our election." i have no words.

Sadie Slays said...

You can easily spot the shills here by the fact that none of them actually read the Henley blind. I'll quote it since some of you are too lazy to read it yourselves. From the beginning of the second-to-last paragraph:

"In 2018 she's going to drop a bomb of a "reveal" on the Rocker."


IN 2018. Enty told us it wasn't going to drop this year.

Enty, your blinds must be hitting a real nerve if you're now on the shill radar. Keep spreading the truth. It needs to come out no matter how painful it will be for many. Thank you for your work. I urge everyone to reread Enty's last sentence as a reminder of how this sordid stuff is allowed to happen:

"Everyone just goes on to the next thing and forgets all the evidence staring directly them in the face."

Newbomb said...

The Trudeau/Obama relationship is starting to make sense to me now.

Newbomb said...

^Not that there's anything wrong with that.

plot said...

- none of them actually read the Henley blind.

I've read the famous Henley blind (assuming you think I'm a shill.) But see, I know what the term Blind Item means and I know that none of it's words or the speculation around it is factual information. That distinction is important though some choose to ignore it and the disclaimer posted at the bottom of every CDAN page.

Bleu said...

Hahahaha. I was wondering why people are saying things like "but Rahm is not a celebrity" or "prove he knows David Geffen" etc. That's aside from having run Bill Clinton's White House of course.

Anonymous said...

"By implementing continuous irrelevant postings that distract and disrupt the forum readers, they are effectively prevented from being productive...if good enough, the readers will stop researching and simply slip into a gossip mode"

----Disinformation, How Trolls Control an Internet Forum

Subliminal Success said...


Right, WL is compromised according to whom?

What proof? What quid pro quo? Last I checked he's still rotting away absent hope of being sent anywhere safe.

Oh yeah, our intelligence agencies said so. Because, they never lie. As long as your eyes are closed, sheep.

Thursday November said...

Is Alex Jones one of your informants now Enty?

AvignonVagabond said...

Trudeau is not gay. Sounds like you are jealous of him.

Beyond EMF said...

Norma Jean Young, the 76-year old mother of the late Trinity United Church of Christ choir director Donald Young, has spoken out and declared that persons trying to protect Obama murdered her son at the height of the 2007 Democratic presidential primary to protect Obama from embarrassing revelations about his homosexual relationship with her son.

Donald Young’s bullet-ridden body was found in his Chicago apartment on December 23, 2007, in what appeared to be an assassination-style slaying.

Norma Jean Young revealed to The Globe that her son Donald, who was openly gay, was a “close friend” of Obama. Mrs. Young also believes the Chicago Police Department has not placed a high priority on finding the killers of her son.

Mrs. Young, who is, herself a former employee of the Chicago Police Department, told The Globe that, “There is more to the story,” adding, “I do believe they are shielding somebody or protecting someone.”


AvignonVagabond said...

and there you go

With the first year of Trump's presidency coming to an end and his approval rating sitting south of 40 percent, Trump is the most unpopular president at this point in the history of the presidency. Conversely, since leaving the White House, Obama's favorability rating has jumped four points, with 63 percent of Americans viewing the 44th president favorably, according to a Gallup news poll from June. Obama's favorability was at 59 percent at the end of his presidency, according to a Gallup poll taken between Jan. 16-19, the days before Obama left office.

So majority rules and you Alex Jones type can kick rocks.

mike m said...


Just so you know the NSA has EVERYTHING and Admiral Mike Rogers met with President Trump right after the election, much to the dismay of one President Barak Obama.

The jig is up and if you would do a little research about the Presidents EO that was signed recently you might temper the rhetoric:

"Trump signed an executive order declaring a national emergency related to “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world” and imposed sanctions on 13 individuals, using his authority under the 2016 Global Magnitsky Act.
The Treasury Department sanctioned an additional 39 people and entities for alleged human rights abuses and corruption, for a total of 52 targets. Among those sanctioned is the son of Russia's prosecutor general."

In fact this Global Magintsky Act was brought to life by Obama.

You really are tied up in the hyperbole.

Don Kieballs said...

I'm posting words too

plot said...

-Right, WL is compromised according to whom?

According to their own actions and words. What happened to their stated ethos of never revealing the info of citizens? Oh well, when the Turkish dictator needs the names an habits of Turkish citizens, suddenly WL sterling promises go flying out the window!

What about that treasure trove of Russian documents promised @7 years ago? Sick Boy Assange sure used that promise to drum up cash from his supporters...but it quickly fizzled out.

How about Juley outrage over The Panama Papers, calling them "fake" unless he could set eyes on them to verify (like Juley is the world's beacon of Truth?) Gosh, his calling all the reveals against Vlad and the Kleptocrats in the PP false, while they were obviously true, might be in defense of Vlad, ya'think?

And what about the sick accusation by WL that poor dead Seth Rich was the source of the Clinton emails, huh? Because you know, dead men tell no tales. And by way of that, what about their flirty insinuations that HRC killed Rich? You think that the WL of 2008 would have done such a thing?

-Last I checked he's still rotting away absent hope of being sent anywhere safe.

Oh utter bullshit! That's what Juley would have you believe but there is no one out to get him. He is only facing one charge, that of jumping bail in the UK (and sacrificing the money of his supporters, btw, nice guy) which would earn him a year in British prison. Other than that, he is a free man. It is entirely HIS CHOICE to stay in that basement, living the martyrs life and being a nasty old drama queen. There isn't even a treaty between the US and the UK for the hand over of people accused of espionage or political crimes. So, Juley can do his bail jumping time and then find himself an ugly little studio in Manchester to live in. His choice.

plot said...

-Right, WL is compromised according to whom?

According to their own actions and words. What happened to their stated ethos of never revealing the info of citizens? Oh well, when the Turkish dictator needs the names an habits of Turkish citizens, suddenly WL sterling promises go flying out the window!

What about that treasure trove of Russian documents promised @7 years ago? Sick Boy Assange sure used that promise to drum up cash from his supporters...but it quickly fizzled out.

How about Juley outrage over The Panama Papers, calling them "fake" unless he could set eyes on them to verify (like Juley is the world's beacon of Truth?) Gosh, his calling all the reveals against Vlad and the Kleptocrats in the PP false, while they were obviously true, might be in defense of Vlad, ya'think?

And what about the sick accusation by WL that poor dead Seth Rich was the source of the Clinton emails, huh? Because you know, dead men tell no tales. And by way of that, what about their flirty insinuations that HRC killed Rich? You think that the WL of 2008 would have done such a thing?

-Last I checked he's still rotting away absent hope of being sent anywhere safe.

Oh utter bullshit! That's what Juley would have you believe but there is no one out to get him. He is only facing one charge, that of jumping bail in the UK (and sacrificing the money of his supporters, btw, nice guy) which would earn him a year in British prison. Other than that, he is a free man. It is entirely HIS CHOICE to stay in that basement, living the martyrs life and being a nasty old drama queen. There isn't even a treaty between the US and the UK for the hand over of people accused of espionage or political crimes. So, Juley can do his bail jumping time and then find himself an ugly little studio in Manchester to live in. His choice.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
plot said...

-much to the dismay of one President Barak Obama.

If you are going to make statements about the emotional states of others, you are going to have to do a whole lot to prove that.

-In fact this Global Magintsky Act was brought to life by Obama.

I know this. What's your point?

pegd said...

I find it so interesting that supporters of Obama are so blindly loyal. So ready and eager to read anything bad about a Republican, but when something hints at being negative about Obama suddenly everything is a right-wing conspiracy and other excuses. I vote, but I never believe those I've supported are incapable of horrible behavior. Pretty much think EVERY politician has something they're hiding.

Anonymous said...



plot said...

-I find it so interesting that supporters of Obama are so blindly loyal.

Nope, just don't like bullshit posted especially concerning important things like our national security and government. Get it?

-So ready and eager to read anything bad about a Republican

Oh you mean the Republicans under federal investigation?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tricia13 said...


just sayin' said...

anyone else notice this or have an opinion on this? follow my logic:

cdaners have almost always used full names, such as "geffen", because we feel protected by enty's disclaimer.

redditors and other gossip sites use initials to protect themselves from libel.

this site, since the daily beast and dailymail articles, has had an influx of new usernames.

there is a lot more commenting here now in which initials are used instead of full names.

the real fake news conspiracy, not donald trump's rhetoric, uses powerful arguments from both sides to gain followers and set communities against each other. russian twitter bots are the most famous example: there are many bots putting out liberal progaganda as well as alt right. this escalates the process of dividing the community, exponentially.

maybe true cdaners need to look closely at the new names and take them all with a grain of salt, whether they prop our beliefs or not. especially ones who use initials instead of names. the ugly powers we all want to bring down could be trying to break us apart to ruin this important website. just sayin'.

Tricia13 said...

They haven’t gotten over their massive loss. They are mashed up and it’s -startingly sad.

“Donna Marie” how’s the weather blowing up in 🇨🇦 ...? pretty cold I bet -feeezes the brain I imagine smh.

kregger said...


Anonymous said...

Enty's blind item is about Obama, Chicago, Homosexuality, and Murder. It's sad that some ppl are obviously trying to prevent any discussion of those things from happening.

Anonymous said...

"At Trinity, if you even hint at talking about Obama being gay, you are reminded of our dear departed choir director,” she said. “He was killed, and it wasn’t a robbery. The Christmas presents weren’t touched. The TV was not taken, nothing in the apartment was missing.”

Carolyn’s reference was to Donald Young, the 47-year-old homosexual choirmaster at Trinity who died of multiple gunshot wounds in his Chicago apartment Dec. 24, 2007."


Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
just sayin' said...

pegd, let's try a little paradigm shift using your own words:

i find it so interesting that supporters of trump are so blindly loyal. so ready and eager to read anything bad about a democrat, but when something hints at being negative about trump suddenly everything is a left-wing conspiracy and other excuses. i vote, but i never believe those i've supported are incapable of horrible behavior. pretty much think EVERY politician has something they're hiding.

Mike said...


"So majority rules and you Alex Jones type can kick rocks."

The only majority that's going to matter is the electoral college majority in 2020. Opinion polls and the pollsters that interpret them predicted Hillary Rodham Clinton had a 93%+ chance of becoming "Madame President". Now she's hawking books at Costco, while the man that had "no chance" of winning even the Republican nomination is President.


Separately, anyone with the weakest gaydar can see that Obama has lots of sugar in his blood. As a queer, that would make me proud other than he stayed in the closet. Well, he had secrets to protect.

Michelle a tranny? I never saw her as possibly MtoF--the hips are really wide. Those are women's hips. Another possibility is she is half-transitioned to male. Her bulge that can be seen isn't really that big--not big enough to be a black cock and balls. If she's loading up on testosterone, though, it would have given her an enlarged clitoris. Those almost start to look like penises. Maybe that's how Obama likes things down there. Or, maybe she was just blessed with a naturally huge clitoris and that's all it is.

mike m said...

"At Trinity, if you even hint at talking about Obama being gay, you are reminded of our dear departed choir director,” she said. “He was killed, and it wasn’t a robbery. The Christmas presents weren’t touched. The TV was not taken, nothing in the apartment was missing.”

Carolyn’s reference was to Donald Young, the 47-year-old homosexual choirmaster at Trinity who died of multiple gunshot wounds in his Chicago apartment Dec. 24, 2007."

Sounds a lot like what happened to Seth Rich.

Newbomb said...

What puzzles me is it seems BO wanted the hit to look like a hit. That sends a message to anyone else who may want to come forward. After watching him for 8 years I doubt he had the pills for that. I'm guessing Rahm made the order.

Ty.in.CA said...

Technically Obama started it himself early in his proto-political career. He's listed by his publishers as "Kenyan born" several times, when he was trying to get black street cred as a rich half white.

The Obama gay rumor is decades old, and pretty well documented in serious biographies that he probably had a gay phase in college before he chose to be straight (or at least down low).

Tricia13 said...


rocky619ca said...

@Donna Marie...you go girl...believe in your polls- "Keep the Dream Alive"

This has been the most emotional section to date. Been a lurker for 4 and 1/2 years. The people in the Comment Section are awesome, a subgroup within Enty ❤
I do respect the politics and move through them when I read the site everyday, even when I don't agree with them.

I detest anything having to do with #44. I am an American born of Mexican descent and I love #45.I'm a registered Republican.

Love to Enty/Himmmm and the og's in the Comments Section. Hope VIP is doing great where ever he/she is.

plot said...

-The Obama gay rumor is decades old, and pretty well documented in serious biographies

Proof. Name one serious biography, link on Amazon, por favor.

BayAreaGirl said...

@plot, I think just sayin' is right in that we just gotta ignore them. We're not getting through based on logic & facts, because they literally only see what suits them. I am an expert in white collar crimes, who because of my unique background & geographic convenience, has a well-informed guess of where the Mueller-Schneiderman probes are going. Take my word, we just have to be patient and skip ahead to the celebrity gossip blinds.

mike m said...

"-In fact this Global Magintsky Act was brought to life by Obama.

I know this. What's your point? "

Looks like some powerful people are going down to GITMO and all their assets are frozen and non transferable, it's a glorious time to be alive as the World Has Turned and these usurpers are on the run.

Did you happen to see the tweet Obama put out yesterday wishing everyone a Merry Christmas?
ITS FROM 2013, why is that? Is he in hiding?

This is about Obama.

plot said...

Thanks BayAreaGirl, I know I'm changing no minds here except those who are possibly lurking. My main objective is to resist letting sites like these treat our government and our institutions in the same way as Hollywood, e.g. making the Birther nonsense a serious election issue.

There has to be resistance of this kind because so many forces are seeking to trivialize and destroy our best institutions in this country (not the least of which are our universities and science departments.) With Trump, it's been proven that baseless, ridiculous, accusations hold sway over the public. We have to draw a line somewhere. Gossiping about Ben Affleck's many addictions or Natalie Portman's real babydaddy MUST be understood as something different from items that seek to undermine our political system.

I'm being patient, as far as Mueller goes, and hope Ron Rosenstein isn't fired.

plot said...

-Looks like some powerful people are going down to GITMO and all their assets are frozen and non transferable

Lovely little dream world you live in.

-Did you happen to see the tweet Obama put out yesterday wishing everyone a Merry Christmas?

Who cares? He's not in office. Deal with the idiot who is.

Terry Teratoma said...

"BayAreaGirl said...
I can't believe people are saying there is no evidence that Trump is "in bed" with the Russians"

It's 3 fold - 1. They really don't believe it because they never read multiple sources or they're just not very intelligent, 2. They believe it, or at least know it's probably true, but are in denial or scared, or 3. Don't care whether or not it's true, they're just there to troll and call people "libtards" and "snowflakes" and whatnot. In all seriousness, though, they know. They absolutely know.

Mike said...


Me: - "Obama has lots of sugar in his blood"

Me:- "As a queer"

You- "No gay man I know would use that first descriptor since it dates back to codes that heterosexual men once used to torment gay men."

"Nor would any gay man use the second descriptor for himself and frankly, you sound like a foreigner trying very very hard to seem US American."

I use those desciptors like "sugar in the blood" and "light in the loafers" all the time, so that is just another example of how wrong you are. And you've been living in a phone booth with the line cut if you didn't know the gay community reclaimed the word "queer" a long time ago. Ever heard of lgbtQ?

As far as being a foreigner, yes, I am Russian, and I am collaborating here with Putin. /s

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela said...

The site has gone shit full time.
It's as if the renewed interest in gossip, due to the downfall of Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and Bryan Singer had increased traffic here, resulting in right-wing people using the site as a vector of propaganda for their cause.
Previously, CDAN was more or less writing what The Daily Mail couldn't print. Now, it's used to back claims by the National Enquirer, this parangon of investigative journalism. Old Enty would mock the Enquirer, current Enty says that it's all true and that there's even more.

Let's consider for a minute that this story is true, and Barack Obama is a closeted gay, and political friends killed his male lovers shortly before the 2008 election.
- Obama was elected Senator in 2004. Why not kill people at this point?
- They eliminated everybody who could attest the truth. Why not kill Donald Young's mother too? Hey, she could have got a "flu shot" and it was over....
- If they did such a brilliant job with the gay affairs, which happened, why were they so powerless for so long against the accusations of Obama not being born a US citizen, which were utter bullshit?
- Why is it an entertainment lawyer from LA who is suddenly the most informed person on Chicago politics?

Also, why have there been zero blind items lately about conservative politicians (outside of Marco Rubio or another similar guy being blackmailed)? Remember the stuff about the gay escort and Mike Pence. It's now ancient history here. We just have every major Democrat leader being connected with a string of murders, and that's it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the "Trump is in bed with Russia" crowd make of Bill Clinton's $500,000 Moscow speech (after visiting Vlad's Dacha!!!). Or his wife's subsequent scheming to sell Uranium and computer tech to Russia.

The Clintons have DONE far worse than they ACCUSE Trump of doing. Wake up.

And please let ppl that want to discuss the actual topic of this thread do so without cluttering the board with "muh Russia!" BS.

Terry Teratoma said...

OK, 4 fold: 4. They don't care because foreign interference in an election isn't a big deal. LOL

Beyond EMF said...

Its odd to mention a 5150 hold in describing the fairly unknown mother of Donald Young.

Perhaps its reference to Man's Country, one of Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses” at 5015 North Clark St. in Chicago’s “Boystown,” which was a frequent hangout for State Senator Obama and Rahm Emanuel

Sources in Chicago’s gay community report that Obama was attracted to Man’s Country’s older white clientele because he generally enjoys being fellated by older white men. Obama would regularly be seen at Man’s Country on Wednesdays.


Sadie Slays said...

Getting back on topic, I think the last paragraph is a reference to Alex Jones (who is an obvious CIA plant).

"To make all of this look more like a conspiracy theory, a person is hired who is obviously a little off and who is always willing to do anything for money. They discredit the guy who doesn't care since he has been paid and everyone just goes on to the next thing and forgets all the evidence staring directly them in the face."


Look at the last sentence of that article:

"Obama is a known gay man who slept with Rahm Emanuel..."

Now before the gloating about Alex Jones being a crackpot starts, I urge everyone to reread the first and last parts of the quoted paragraph.

"To make all of this look more like a conspiracy theory, a person is hired...everyone just goes on to the next thing and forgets all the evidence staring directly them in the face."

Do you understand what is happening here? The masses are trained to have Pavlovian reactions to dismiss anything labeled "conspiracy theory" and peddled by "wrongthink" controlled opposition. This how they are able to hide their dirty laundry.

plot said...

-As far as being a foreigner, yes, I am Russian, and I am collaborating here with Putin

Who knows, but you ain't American.

Adrian Zmed said...

Plot. The expert on Chicago. Who do you know at Sidley and Austin? Who do you know ar U Chicago Hospital? Have you ever had to pay a bribe to an alderman?

Funny how you never answered my question about Nesbitt. Do you know anything about Vistria Partners?

You say Rahm is no buddy of Geffen yet Geffen donated as much ($150k) to Rahm as local companies and law firms do. Yeah. Geffen has such an interest in who is mayor of Chicago.

Obama comes from a murky place in the bowels of Chicago politics. The same place that got Jack Ryan out of the race in 2004. Hollywood and Chicago have some interesting intersections.

plot said...

-Scientific research lost my respect when getting an erection pill was easier and more affordable than getting chantix (quit smoking) or any medication for that matter that is affordable.

Sounds like you have an issue with the insurance industry, not science. Take it up with them, those folks vying for the most corrupt and Machiavellian industry in the USA.

Subliminal Success said...

Here’s what is so hilarious.

Can either “plot” or “just sayin” or anyone here for that matter define “collusion” as it pertains to your absurd narrative of hijacking the election?

Please elaborate. Explain what assistance you think was on offer for a Billionaire who has been around the block a few times, around politics long enough to know better than to err to high crimes. Financially the help wasn’t even necessary.

But what about the hundreds of millions in donations to the CF that subsequently dried up? Countries around the world paying top dollar as HRC was hijacking the DNC (yeah, that part is actually proven) but nope the collusion clearly was between Russia who wanted Trump elected!

If memory serves you, the only collusion on behalf of Trump and Co was that Pied Piper strategy to elevate him to Republican nominee.

You are so wrapped up in hysterics perpetrated on you by media that you miss THE TRUTH RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.

I am not a Russian Troll. I am not a right wing conspiracy theorist, whatever that even means. I just have a brain between my ears and enough sense to know that if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

Maybe you folks have never held positions of power or known anyone in our ICs. That’s the only way I can explain away your naïveté and gullibility. Lucky for all of us, time will tell truth enough to settle some scores. Many will be busy erasing their social media history to clean egg off their faces.

Guess who will be laughing? Trump! Who do you think leaked to ABC News? Lol. You folks don’t understand the man, the hysteria you are whipped into is his own doing.

To the detriment of our nation, you all play into it instead of come to the table or produce real thought on substantive matters. It’s all dumbed down to “Uhhh Russian puppet” or “Nazi!”

How dumb can you folks be?

Tricia13 said...

Did they make the rules through Clinton and Obama’s administration as well mate?..
Quite conversely (and humorously if you were attempting a factual statement); they rebel against everything that is in disaccord with their “beliefs” and “programs” and “charitable donations 😂”and their election loss turned what might have been educated rational people-into volatile,delusional, hypocritical assholes... (and sore losers again).
What do you care -you live outside of Toronto 😉right?

plot said...

-I wonder what the "Trump is in bed with Russia" crowd make of Bill Clinton's $500,000 Moscow speech (after visiting Vlad's Dacha!!!).

Those of us who never liked the Clintons much probably have a similar reaction to yourself.

-his wife's subsequent scheming to sell Uranium and computer tech to Russia

Uranium One was never our sell. It was between two other nations who could have done whatever they wanted without our input. Luckily, the interests of the USA were actually heard and none of that uranium went overseas.

Enough already.

plot said...

-the collusion clearly was between Russia who wanted Trump elected!

Yep, and if you would check out a source that didn't tickle your confirmation bias, you'd find out why many many intelligent people believe this to be the case.

BayAreaGirl provided quite a few above your post. Read them

Thia said...

Hysterical. Everyone knows Obama is gay. Have you not seen his girly run or him in a bike helmet. What a fairy. haha He is clearly gay.

Taylor said...

You think because you reference far left websites like Newsweek, Business Insider and the Wash Compost that you have all the verifiable facts? LOL. Your are just another loser lib that can’t get over losing an election.

Anonymous said...

"Plot" "Just sayin'" and "BayAreaGirl" are trying to steer the conversation away from the original issue. Engaging with them, no matter what good points you make, is furthering their agenda.

I find it sad that some ppl feel that it is their right to prevent a conversation from taking place. That they have the right to flood a conversation with a dozen long posts that prevent the discussion from gaining any momentum.

I despise Hillary Clinton, but her zany acolytes have the right to peddle their fictions without me trolling them incessantly.

Taylor said...

Obama hung out with terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife.

Sadie Slays said...

The bottom line was that Hillary was an awful candidate who ran an awful campaign. Russia didn't cause Hillary to not campaign in important states that she needed to win. Russia didn't cause Hillary to be involved in decades of scandal that disgusted Americans from all sides of the political spectrum. It's entirely her own fault that she lost.

Can we please stop falling for the obvious shill derailment and go back to investigating the Blind? Who is the "A- list dual threat actor"?

Raging Bunnies said...

Comments top tier today!
(Better than the entry!)

Tricia13 said...

Very,very dumb.
🤙don’t expect logical comments back on your accurate ,insightful , and eloquent post. They aren’t capable ..’you’ll probably get the th ol’ go to standby when left without a clever point or fact.. “F you@....😰👀is t that their mantra,is it not? Especially when they fail to produce a substantive point or counterpoint?

Sadie Slays said...

Candidate = Obama

Very Connected Politician = Rahm Emmanuel

A- list dual threat actor = Terrance Howard? LL Cool J?

Person hired to make it look like a conspiracy theory = Alex Jones

Murder Victim & Victim's Mother = Norma Jean Young and Donald Young
[More info: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?38840-Obama-s-Gay-Past-Being-Hidden-By-Killing-Ex-Lovers]

plot said...

-I find it sad that some ppl feel that it is their right to prevent a conversation from taking place

I find it sad that the responses to the discussion at hand involve nothing more than personal insults.

-I despise Hillary Clinton

That make you special I suppose.

-It's entirely her own fault that she lost.

It probably was as she is mostly tin-eared and stubborn as far as interacting with the public goes.

The concern is that someone (we know who) breached the voter databases in many states, and that someone (we know who) formed a troll army to hit all social media sites to further lies that promoted Donny Moscow, and that someone (we know who) is trying right this second to do anything detrimental that it can to the USA and our government.

The issue is bigger than the Reich's perpetual erection for HRC. This is our country at stake. This is our laws, our justice department, our state department, our relationships with our allies that are under threat.

Do you not think that is important? Or would you rather treat it like just another BI, thinking everything hinges on where Obama was born?

BayAreaGirl said...

oops, silly me. Missed the part about the 5150 hold. So, maybe we're all looking in the wrong place. Don't take my word, Google it for yourself.

AAnon said...

Obama was not a candidate, Americans, he was actually your president at the time.

He isn't known for "moving in high circles" or being "best buddies" with an a-lister, like him or not he is at least a-list in his own right.

& if the best-buddy a-lister who always turns up in these blinds is a Clinton it is definitely not him. He did kill 1000s of people in your illegal wars so that part is believable.

There were gay rumours about 1 of the republican candidates tho

Please send pizzagte info to 4 chan or reddit

Anonymous said...

Plot, if you have no interest in the subject of the BI, why are you flooding the convo with posts?

Why not find a chat dedicated to what you ARE interested in discussing and type to your heart's content?

Why is it so important to disrupt this conversation?

Anonymous said...

"Barack and Michelle Obama pose on billionaire David Geffen's superyacht"


Moedoodle said...

Hillary started the bitter nonsense. It's quite comical watching a libtard continue to have a break down because they lost the election

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
skywalkerOG said...

So enty is recycling conspiracies from infowars now? Good to know.

-1000 credibility points for CDAN.

@plot I'm with you all the way. Don't let these idiots get to you. Most of them are just here to smear Obama, they don't care if any of it is true.

Moedoodle said...

You know who else is not in office? HRC! Ding dong the witch is gone! ....... But she just won't go.... Desperate wench

mike m said...

These people are stupid, morons....Qanon

Like post who thinks he is clever with his Donny Moscow jive whereas after almost 16 months of taxpayer funded investigations has found zilch, nada, nothing about any collusion between President Trump and muh Russia.

Post is an obvious plant to derail this story and the implications about Barry Soreto.

You tried the same crap during the elections and it didn't work and it isn't working now.

YummyBoogers said...

Has anyone looked at the 2016 campaign finance? Nearly double the amount of funds were ponied up for HRC's election campaign, which proved unsuccessful, than was for 45's. HRC's campaign costs were reported by Bloomberg as being $1,190M versus Trump at $648M. She raised far more, and spent far more.

Think about it...all ducks were in a row to ensure a seamless HRC win. She had double the budget, the support of all the major mainstream US news outlets (save Fox), overwhelming support from outspoken celebrities amd via social media, and essentially controlled her own political party, financially, before she even officially won the nomination. Hil had EVERY advantage to secure a slam-dunk win in the general. The fact that she didn't win, has clearly left a very VERY bitter taste in many people's mouths - and without a doubt will go down in the books as the most painful election loss for a political party in the nation's history. A LOT of money was spent trying to sway the polls in her favor. Many thought it was inevitable that she WOULD win. I was certain she would. Too much money was being spent to ensure that she would...

Losing sucks, obviously...regardless of the sport. I'm sure losing sucks INFINITELY MORE when you let down your campaign donors - some of the most powerful and influential humans in the country - in what should have been an election victory as easy as grabbing a bottle of milk from a baby. A lot of money....A LOT LOT LOT of money was wasted for the dems in the 2016 election. Hilary is a known deflector on the simplest of issues, so it's obvious why she doesn't want to face the music here. It has to be ego-crushing to lose an election to a rival such as Drumpf. It has to be even more tough to swallow when you lose what should have been an easy race, and you're left with a measley $7 mil in campaign funds afterward, and you were given one of the largest election budgets to work with to start off.

HRC was a flawed candidate. Inherantly flawed. I truly believe that had any other Dem been sent up before Orange man, she or he would have fared better and easily won under similar campaign finance circumstances. It's not a matter of misogyny, Russian meddling, or a flawed electoral process. This loss was due to a very poor choice of candidate, and a false sense of security that certain states would be easily won (negating need to more campaign stops). The sooner that thr DNC m, and Hillary, accept their 2016 shortcomings, the quicker they can rebuild amd revamp in time to produce a better candidate for 2020. This game of "Pass the Blame" hot potato MUST STOP. It's not helping anything.... except for perhaps Hillary's bruised ego.

As an aside, evil exists on BOTH SIDES of the political aisle. Blind loyalty to either party is naive and ignorant. No one should get a free pass for terrible behavior. Obama is human at the end of the day, and no less susceptible to unethical behavior than you or I. If he is the subject of this blind, he deserves to face consequences. Simple. Quit making heroes of celebrities and politicians blindly! There are plenty of POS folks in Washington, GOP and Democrats alike.

lucy said...


you folks are a trip.

Anonymous said...

To understand the Clintons and the #Resistance, read Alinsky. These Satanists work backwards. They commit a crime and then blame their opponents. Anything Hellary is accusing someone of, she's done twice. She knows that by muddying the water it is almost impossible to attack her for the offence.

Example: Hubby meets with Putin, takes $. Hillary schemes to provide Russia with high tech and Uranium (through her longtime business partner Canadian Frank Giustra).

She loses in an upset, her sh!t is gonna be exposed...and suddenly it is Trump who is scheming with Russia. Not Obama who promised "flexibility after the election", but Trump.

She gets her longtime fixer McCabe at FBI to fabricate a case, and has Bush cronies Rosenberg and 9-11 Mueller jam up POTUS.

Now, if you try to mention her Russia shenanigans, all you get is "Bbbut Trump...!"

hunter said...

NEW USERNAMES - stop mucking up our site with your bipartisian blind-ass bullshit.

This is a blind about politics and murder. Full stop.
It's not about Trump. It's not about which side is better/worse.

We've watched enough of our favorite actors who we thought were "better than that" outed as shitbags on this site to believe someone we don't actually know is better/worse than anyone else.

Riff Randle, Rick n Roller said...

Not new at all. He was all over Boystown before he was POTUS.

YummyBoogers said...

Co-signed. This!! Newbs, please take note.

Anonymous said...

Obama's early life reeks of sadness and exploitation. His mom often abandoned him for a man, a party, or a school. He was left with some...quirky characters. A tranny babysat him, and later a notorious bisexual swinger poet was his mentor. There is a bad poem out there describing the stains on their underwear (shades of Crowley?)

Anyway, in high school Obama was known to creep out with older gents and return with cigs coke and cash. At Occidental College, Barry was in the circle of an out LGBT professor (very rare back then!), and was super-close to a delicate Pakistani lad.

Searching for pics of his early life, I found a doozy---he is playing on a beach with a famous NASA astronaut! He couldn't have been ten.

My conclusion: Obama was picked for big things early on. He was probably "groomed" to be bisexual, poor chap.

Kendrick Schroder said...

Without commenting specifically on the possible O aspect, it may be worth noting that this kind of scandal actually happened, and was one of the two biggest political scandals in the Anglo-sphere during the last third of the 20th century. Although he was found not guilty in criminal court, most researchers have concluded that the late Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe conspired to have his former boyfriend (Norman Scott, a sometime male model) - by then in his 30s (the relationship had begun when the boy was 15, I believe) - murdered for threatening to go public about their relationship. It was as big as Watergate in the UK, and ended Thorpe's political ambitions (he was, he believed, on the path to Downing Street - and he may not have been wrong about that, or least a very senior place in any Tory/Liberal Coalition govt).

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Riff Randle, Rick n Roller said...

I met Kevin at a mutual friend's party over 10 years ago and heard about BO's exploits then. None of this is new.

Anonymous said...

@adrian zmed, I agree with everything you've said. I was born and raised in Chicago, born and raised on its political corruption, going back to the first Mayor Daley, THE BOSS (great book by the late columnist Mike Royko). I covered politics as a reporter for many years, too. I'm also a lefty so no political judgment here. I've lived in LA since '8--as corrupt as the political scene is here, it does not touch Chicago's corruption.

Also, as the great @Tricia13 said, this is not the place to call people dumb and bigoted. If you are inclined to believe the evil that celebrities are engaged in, including murder, why is it such a stretch to believe the same about politicians??

jw11 said...

looks like the 4chan crowd has discovered CDAN

Adrian Zmed said...

So interesting to see the unwillingness of some to even dis cuss this blind and try to turn it into a partisan piddling match.

Reminds me of Jim Carville: looky over here!!

Thank goodness CDAN is about truth regardless of how ugly it may be. I suspect we haven't heard the end of this story.

Unknown said...

Do you think your opinion matters more? More than what, New Usernames? I don't even have the gumption to capitalize. Eh, whatever, merry boxing day mate.

YummyBoogers said...

Isn't 4chan mostly right leaning males? The influx I'm seeing is more bleeding heart libs and social justice warrior types, and they are equally as annoying and misquided as their conservative counterparts. Both sets of new users are unwelcome, in my opinion lol.

Unknown said...

Dat at hunter above.

TJ said...

lol look at this chimpout. Obama fans are a cult. This is what I've heard from my sources:

Obama is gay.
Obama is connected to murders. This is just Chicago politics.
Obama's marriage is a sham.
Michelle Obama is a woman.
Michelle Obama has another man in her life.
Pizzagate is fake but the pedophiles are real.
Q Anon is fake.
Mueller investigation is a dud.
Trump is not a pedo or a Russian agent.
Trump does enjoy sleeping around and cheats often.


I supported Obama in 2008 & 2012 and Trump in 2016. Don't regret any of it.

Obama was an ok President (better choice than McCain and Romney for sure). Trump is on track to be a very good President.

After the regulation fat-cutting and tax reform (particularly corporate tax rate reduction), I'm hearing there is a Trump economic boom building. When than happens, Trump will probably be considered one of the greats. Certainly the best in the past half-century.

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