Monday, December 18, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Monster Icon

This foreign born permanent A list entertainer has always had a shadowy reputation.   Back in the day, he capitalized on it and it was part of his image.  We'll call him Mr. C.  What most people may not realize is that our entertainer's dark side wasn't just for publicity, it's really who he is.  But to understand this, we have to look way back at Mr. C's childhood.  He grew up in a different time and was exposed to some graphic life experiences that many of us can't imagine.  Mr. C had a very dark side from a young age, and many kids in the neighborhood where he grew up quickly learned that he was a strange and twisted individual.  Animals in the neighborhood kept disappearing and the kids our entertainer was alone with frequently suffered from unusual injuries.  One story that has been told involved another boy. He and Mr. C were playing with plastic swords and somehow the other boy found himself stabbed through the eye with Mr. C's sword.  Of course at the time, this was assumed to be an unintentional freak accident between two boys.  The injured boy spent months in the hospital and lost his eye as a result.  This is one of the many stories that have floated around about our entertainer and his growing up years.  It got even more interesting when Mr. C got into his teen years and began attracting girls.  He had a strange personal magnetism and although not conventionally handsome, could get girls to do pretty much whatever he wanted from a young age.  This caused problems and at several points in his early teen years, police became involved due to complaints from the parents of neighborhood girls.  There is also the story of the teenage girl, from Mr C's neighborhood, who died suspiciously.  The death was eventually ruled a suicide, but chatter among the old 'hood has been filled for years with speculation that it was a sex game gone wrong or murder or both. Much has been written about Mr. C over the years and writers and filmmakers have attempted to talk to people in Mr. C's old neighborhood about his childhood.  Old friends have been approached, and some of the responses have been dubious or the people just flat out refused to talk at all about our entertainer at all.   The dubious responses, of course, were never published. 

As he got older and became involved in the entertainment business, Mr. C's tendencies were actually in demand by many of those in power.  Our entertainer would do anything, no matter how deviant, with anyone, to further his success.  The more twisted, the better.  During those years, media was not what it is today, so it was much easier to operate in the shadows with these tendencies and not be exposed.  Mr. C's debauched and deviant lifestyle continued in the extreme as he became wealthier and more famous.  His proclivities were an open secret and in some circles, the behavior was praised, encouraged and admired.  As mass media has became the norm, Mr C. has had to ramp down his activities considerably, after several close calls with the police.  Recently, an acclaimed investigative Journalist was approached by an individual with information about Mr C and his activities. The rumor is that the source is alleging that Mr C's pattern of travel to a number of cities many years ago corresponds to the disappearances of young women in those same cities.  The source of this information has also told the Journalist that they attempted to bring these alleged connectionis knowledge to the attention of the authorities, and were brushed off as a crackpot.  This source even tried to bring Mr C's past reputation and activities to the attention of a prestigious organization that was honoring him a few years ago, and they ignored the information also.  Due to all the recent sex predators being exposed, Mr. C is on alert and is looking to cover his tracks.  Lots of checks are being written to silence people.  Watch for some diversionary gestures soon as clues.  The Journalist is also pursuing this story hard right now because coincidentally, someone he knows also had a very frightening encounter with Mr. C. years ago.  If anything is uncovered, this story is going to be huge.


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WickedBee said...

Criss Angel

Tuesdi said...

Criss Angel is from NY. And he loves dogs, so I don't think he killed a bunch of pets. At least I hope not!

Anonymous said...

If he wasn't already dead, I'd say David Bowie.

hoagiefest 2020 said...

I can't picture a world where Criss Angel is permanent A-list (and he definitely isn't foreign-born).

This reads as somebody much older.

Sd Auntie said...

Who is Ronan investigating?

Colonel Blake said...


sassyb said...

Gene Simmons?

just sayin' said...

ozzie osbourne? or another dark heavy metal type

Kat Rubin said...

carrot top?

i'm just joking btw

Poppymann said...

Aleister Crowley

just sayin' said...

i like the gene simmons guess, sassyb. his character is "the demon" and kiss costumes are called "monsters". been in the news lately, seems like a stone cold narcissist/psychopath to me.

Colonel Blake said...

Robert Plant? But, Gene Simmons is in the news now.

Tuesdi said...

So...singer, magician...someone who is still around but maybe huge in the 70s and 80s or thereabouts? With a dark reputation that people think is part of the act but isn't really? Like an Ozzy Osborne type (that is not my guess btw)

hoagiefest 2020 said...

@just - Good guess. Ozzy = Mr. C = his song "Mr. Crowley" ?

Elle Kaye said...

Ozzy Osbourne? Or is that too obvious? I also really hope it’s not him.

Truthseeker said...

I have met Ozzy on several occasions. He is not dark and evil, that is his stage presence, and the childhood stories reported have never been reported on him. It does say those stories are out there.

Tuesdi said...

I kind of like the Gene Simmons guess. Born in Israel. Is he perm A list though?

pkelly491 said...

I like the Gene Simmons guess, birth name Chaim Witz (aka Mr. C)

totaji said...

Gene Simmons?

americanpanda said...

Gene was raised in NY though. I don't think he went back to Israela lot. not sure though

how about sydney poitier to be different

Katie S. said...

Ozzy did bite a birds head off...

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Page? Born in Britain, involved in Satanic Occult practices during his time in Led Zep. (Although, harming others is actually highly against Satanist dogma, which teaches "Do what thou will, but do no harm.")

Beth said...

Also, Gene Simmons birth name begins with a C: Chaim.

sandybrook said...

Jagger or Charlie watts

Tuesdi said...

The prestigious organization mentioned....Kennedy Center Honors? Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Robert Plant could fit.

just sayin' said...

voting for gene over ozzy, particularly because of the "monster" clue.

ozzy's too submissive for this blind, ask anyone who knows his relationship with sharon. she used to manage my ex and wore the pants in the relationship.

gene has cruelty and insensitivity in his dna, based on his behavior toward his girlfriend/wife on their reality show. refusing to marry her, cheating and lying with any available female and enjoying the deception.

supercreepsandscarymonsters said...

I really doubt Ozzy, doesn't he love animals? I think he's a big softy. I don't think it's Gene Simmons either. They are both cartoonish.

filmfanb said...

I am going to say Robert Plant or Jimmy Page. Kennedy Honors a few years ago.

Truthseeker said...

Ozzy loves animals, he will never live down biting the head off a bird he THOUGHT was plastic when thrown on the stage. He was as shocked as the fans. and yes, as another poster stated, Ozzy is a persona, he is ruled by Sharon. spend some time watching Ozzy and Jacks world tour, that is the real ozzy.
Gene Simmons moved to NY from Israel when he was 9. Seems to have lived the next few years in a strict jewish home. He is a known D word though, so I would not put it past him, though there has never been anything written negative about his childhood that I have seen.
This is a tough one

fionafab said...

Although it is probably not him, as I started reading this blind I immediately thought of Jim Carrey!

filmfanb said...

@boo Hearne me too.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
just sayin' said...

gene simmons childhood idol was lon chaney -- not sure if jr. or sr.
but between them they played the phantom of the opera, the hunchback of notre dame, dr. ziska in the movie "the monster", the mummy, frankenstein, the werewolf).

wolfmom said...

Michael Caine

Tricia13 said...

My first thought was Sid Vicious ,but as he’s dead I’ll say JonnyvRotten/Lyndon. We’re awRded HOF but didn’t show up

ancoranonhocapito said...

It's Gene "The Demon" Simmons.

A tweet of his from Dec 17:

"I intend to defend myself against alleged charges you may have been reading about in the media."

just sayin' said...

gene simmons was awarded the "durning patriotism award" in 2013.

Rinky said...

So not Ozzy. He's a harmless mess who is mostly a danger to himself, not a Svengali.

My guess if he weren't dead would be Klaus Kinski. An ugly yet bizarrely charismatic man known for his sociopathic nature, cruelty and rape - including his ow daughter.

Unknown said...

David copperfield.

LuLu said...

@Tuesdi re wondering about perm A lis... Im no expert but pretty sure he is. Hes the only KISS band member ive ever heard named. I read this: Kiss is known for having the most gold records of all time, and has sold over 100 million albums worldwide.
GS seems cold and dark. Ozzy seems like a silly boy who does cray things for attention.

filmfanb said...

The permanent A lister is throwing me off. All these aging rockers I would put to B list. This one is annoying me because I feel like I should know who it is and I am close to the answer :/

moussemaker said...

Copperfield is not foreign born.

Thia said...

@Anthony Wilfred Fragglefrock, my first thought was also David Copperfield, but he is not foreign born.

Cinnamon Sticker said...

“Entertainer” doesn’t necessarily mean rocker.

Unknown said...

All I know about Simmons is he did a real good job of playing a creepy killer in Runaway with Tom Selleck and Kirstie Alley.

Shawny said...

Alice Cooper?

Guesser said...

Sorry if I repeat myself,I got another error message. Ozzy should not get a pass,he tried to kill Sharon,and also killed several of his cats at one time. Having said this,I think it is Gene Simmons, regarding recent accusations, and his behavior on Fox News that got him banned.

Don Kieballs said...

To go a different route, I enter Steven Seagull for your consideration.
Foreign born, many prior accusations, recently honored by MMA, Julianna Margulies says Steven Seagal And Weinstein tried To lure her into hotel rooms.
Plus, He's a Putin buddy and Mr C could refer to Casey Ryback, one of his many horrible characters.

Guesser said...

Shawn McGuire, shut your mouth,and he was born in Detroit, USA.

Thia said...

Alice Cooper is a great guess, but he was born in Detroit.

just sayin' said...

ozzy's real name is christopher, gene's is chaim.

longtimereader said...

Uri geller? made fortunes from oil exploration and was a pal of jackson.

filmfanb said...

Tommy Lee just to be different

Unknown said...

Seagal is US born isn't he?

Is there a clue that he says "Entertainer" rather than "musician" or "actor"?

Is there a clue in the word "Monster"?

Truthseeker said...

@Just sayin' Ozzy's real name is John Michael

BestMan said...

Simmons was the child of Holocaust Survivors. These children have often been known to exhibit a dark side. I worked in a facility once that he used to visit, and I can tell you from first-hand experience, he's at Twisted son of a bitch.

Kendrick Schroder said...

Was just thinking the other day: I wonder if/when one of these people will turn out to be a serial killer.

Unknown said...

I'm probably the last one to know that KISS had an album called "Monster." Released in 2012, at least 20 years after I last thought they were relevant, so that's my excuse.

Kendrick Schroder said...

Haven't heard anything about Simmons and animals but as a kid you heard that Ozzy "bit the heads off of bats" at shows. Well, not bats, and not at shows, but a bird - or rather two of them - for sure:

AppleThief4Elliot said...

I like the Michael Caine guess. To be different, I'll throw out Gary Oldman who is currently playing Churchill.

Silent H said...

I still think it's Copperfield. Parents are both immigrants. Has several islands off the Bahamas. Maybe Enty got it wrong.

Cinnamon Sticker said...

@Appalachian I thought the same, re: child of holocaust survivors and all that goes with that. @cali interesting about the album title. Maybe the GS guess is valid.

Alexandria said...

There is no way it's Ozzy or Alice Cooper...I'd say Gene Simmons too, if anyone of the rockstars, because I never liked him lol.

GingerGirl said...

But if it was a singer wouldn't Enty have said that instead of Entertainer? It seems like there are plenty of singers who could fit so he didn't need to be vague. I think Entertainer means someone more known for something else. Copperfield again?

Joshua said...

Dang. I was reading this thinking Mr. C was dead and I thought I had Hitchcock pegged for it.

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

FWIW: I also like the Michael Caine guess, because he grew up in London's East End IIRC, and that "neighborhood" happens to probably be one of, if not the, world's most famous neighborhoods.

Dan said...

Yeah, the fact that no band is mentioned, nor mention of reality show, significant spouse/other, steers me away from Ozzy and Simmons. Seems more like a solo person, too. Wish we had more clues.

Unknown said...

"Entertainer" would fit someone who branched out from singing into acting and other things, and whose singing career was quite a bit about spectacle, not just singing.

AppleThief4Elliot said...
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Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Sorry, my post above doesn't make sense. I made an earlier one that didn't make it through the ether where I mentioned I thought the word "neighborhood" was a little overused in the Item, and perhaps a clue.

Joshua said...

Just throwing this one out, how about Bob Geldof?

Alexandria said...

What entertainer is foreign born, permanent A list, have shadowy image, and was honored by prestigious organisation few years ago...?

As far as Gene Simmons, I googled that he was honored with Patriotism Award in 2013, if that could make an evidence

joshg g said...

Jimmy Page could fit, he was into dark rituals and bought Crowley's mansion (Mr C).
Simmons wouldn't have been living in the old hood when he was a teenager to be able to assault girls.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Ignore my bringing politics into it. Forgot it said Entertainer.

Rafael said...

My cocaine would be an A+++

joshg g said...

Also Page got the Kennedy Center award.

Don Kieballs said...

enty has used entertainer(singer) to describe Kesha, George Michael, Elton John, Gwen Stefani, Ciare, Cindy Lauper, Demi Lovato, and referred to Bill Cosby as "entertainer".
I think it can apply to anyone who entertains, without specifically naming their field

Guesser said...

With Geffen,Sambora and Simmons having all been blind suspects, Cher must be beside herself. Can also add an old blind about Gregg.

canroadrunner said...

My first thought was Gerard Depardieu.

Joshua said...

Anthony Hopkins. Mr. Cannibal? Mr. Chianti? I suppose his reputation has never been necessarily shadowy though. Same reason Caine isn't a great fit.

Unknown said...

@canroadrunner - I thought the same thing, and I don't know why!

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

@Joshua, and Caine is more or less handsome in youth and young manhood, so I'd have to say that is another point against. Calling Gene Simmons "not conventionally attractive" is hitting him with a soft touch as well: he's conventionally ugly.

B626 said...

Gene Simmons

meagan said...

Worked with Plant and he did not give me a creepy vibe. He was funny and very low key. Knew friends that worked with Page and they did not have kind things to say. Just a mess and not easy to work with. Alice Cooper was a sweetheart.

I put my hat in for Page. If it did not say foreign born, I would have suggested of Marilyn Manson.

Joshua said...

Josh's Kennedy Center award for Page was also a good point - honors don't get much more prestigious than that. I guess whether or not he was conventionally good looking is in the eye of the beholder.

Joshua said...

Pretty damning info. on Page here. Reliability of Cracked, I don't know.

ancoranonhocapito said...

Page is actually a good guess. But why "Monster Icon"?

Do Tell said...

I'm thinking Page as well. I see the David Bowie guess was removed, which is good. Definitely not him.

Alice Cooper did have the shock rocking thing going in the 70's, but from all accounts he is an extremely nice guy. I'd have a hard time believing this is him. Also, he is American, born in Michigan.

Do Tell said...

Well, can't be Christopher Lee since he's dead.

Alexandria said...

Wow, the link Joshua posted, I had no idea that Page kidnapped a girl...He certainly was twisted.

Ivy said...

Gene Simmons tried to have phone sex with me once. He's a pig.

Sus said...

Pete Townshend, Bob Geldof or Billy Idol.

Shawny said...

I know, I shouldn’t have said him. A sec later I realized he’s US born.

Do Tell said...

Tim Curry? :/ He seems very sweet though.

Anonymous said...

This is Gene for sure. He had a contract with a concert videographer to spit on him during performances. I've seen it. He's a creep.

Anonymous said...

Alice Cooper is a born again Christian and sober, and the only thing he abuses is golf clubs, if he's not onstage, he's on a golf course. Bob Geldorf? That's a funny guess, as he's not "shadowy" at all. You can't just throw names out. Most rock stars are a front, it's an act. Tommy Lee? LOL. That's funny. Tommy is one of the nicest guys in the industry. He's harmless. The ONE person who would fit here, but isn't foreign born is Marylyn Manson - I've heard stories about that guy, he has NO boundaries and has lived quite a lifestyle. Simmons? Could be, although from all accounts, he's never been accused of being interested in more than boring vanilla sex and money. Also, why is everyone assuming it's a white guy?

Mary said...

How about Ahhhnold? Born & raised in Austria, has stated his father was abusive, definitely has some questionable stuff in his past.

totaji said...

What is the blind about Sambora?

Gordon Scott said...

Things were different in 1974 Hollywood, and Lori Maddox wasn't exactly a blushing innocent. She was one of many underage girls who hung out at the rock clubs. Remember, this was the LA where Tippi Hendren's co-star in a movie about unconventional sex took up, and more or less moved in with, Hendren's daughter. Sunny, or Melanie as she's now known, was 14.

That doesn't excuse Page, but it's not like he was the only rock star banging teens. And Maddox wasn't exactly held in chains. Her family knew where she was. Remember that charming little movie we all love, Almost Famous? That charming gal played by Goldie Hawn's daughter was what, 15? And all of the other "Band Aids" were underage also.

It doesn't make it right, but back then, it wasn't as wrong as it would be today.

joshg g said...

Page was born jan 9 1944 just outside London, 1.5 years before ww2 ended. Could be traumatizing.

Nikleigh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PotPourri said...

Gene Simmons always seemed like a pushover with this girlfriend on his show...I think he's too easy of a guess, just like Ozzy.

I would think someone like Anthony Hopkins or Michael Caine would be a great guess because no one would believe they would do such a thing.

drlynn said...


aanjheni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
murphy nelson said...

Alice Cooper is a born again Christian and a teddy bear. This is like, the opposite of him.

melmanson said...

I actually live near Alice Cooper. He and his wife are lovely and do a tremendous amount for charity.
Gene Simmons on the other eas in line next to me at Safeway and his hair is a dyed, aqua net mushroom. He kept looking at me like I sgoukd be freaking out, instead I pulled my twin daughters closer to me. Creeper.

melmanson said...

Sorry about the typos

Retailprofit said...

Musician guesses way off. It says “ his tendencies were in demand by those in power.” And “do anything with anyone” So Gene Simmons did what? Played a meaner guitar solo?

timebob said...

Has there ever been a celebrity serial killer? I have to say as a gossip monger, the thought of it is pretty exciting. Side note, my Dad told me years ago he worked with Gene Simmons as a teacher in NYC. Said he was a nice guy. But so was Ted Bundy.

Unknown said...

@Gordon Scott, yeah, when it comes to rock stars, loads of teenage girls would fight and sneak and bring fake ID to get backstage and get with a rock star. They have to hire people to stop too many girls from getting to the dressing room. If we're going to burn every rock star who ever had sex with a 16-year-old girl, better stoke that fire high, because they're all going on it, even the nice ones. Or we'll have to make a distinction between the ones who simply accepted those that came asking for it, versus those that sought out underage girls specifically or harmed those they were with.

In this case, it sounds like we're talking about a serial killer or someone so nasty his victims have to be relocated ("disappeared"), so we're way past that distinction.

I wonder about the "acclaimed investigative journalist." Don't seem to be many of those around anymore. Hope he lives up to that description.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Probably a reach but could leaking documents be considered entertainment? Because Assange I would totally believe.

Colonel Blake said...

@Retailprofit: "Played a meaner guitar solo?" LOL!!! Laugh of the day.

LoriG said...

Longtime reader but my first comment. You guys are always too fast for me. I'm thinking this is Sean Connery.

Hollywood Outcast said...

A. I was born in Haifa, Israel. My mother and father were Hungarian Jews. My mother had been through the horrors of the German concentration camps. I never saw a television set, a Kleenex tissue, or toilet paper for that matter. But my childhood was actually pretty wonderful. My two toys were a long stick -- a kind of a Moses staff that I liked -- and a rock! And I would catch these huge scarabs, big beetles, and tie thread around the neck of the scarab and let it buzz around my head. And when other friends would come over I would pop the scarab in my mouth, just so I could gross them out. I suppose not much has changed.

The search on Thursday was conducted by members of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, a Los Angeles Police Department spokeswoman said, but gave no further details.

Gordon Scott said...

Cail Corishev: "I wonder about the "acclaimed investigative journalist." Don't seem to be many of those around anymore. Hope he lives up to that description."

The one who deserves the acclaim these days is Ronan Farrow. Honestly, I thought he was just another celeb kid whose road was paved, like Chelsea Clinton. But he's actually done some serious work here, and stayed on it even when NBC shot the story down.

fionafab said...

Maurice Micklewhite (Michael Caine) was born and raised in the Cockney East End of London. His father was a fishmonger. I had the honor and delight of meeting him in the mid-60s before he exploded into a super star. When I lived in London my friends knew him intimately. The nicest, kindest, most caring, brilliant man you would ever want to have fish and chips with. Definitely not him!

;) said...

Doesn't sound like Gene Simmons. Shadow and Shadowy keep being used. I thought of the movie, The Shadow starring, Alec Baldwin, Ian McKellen, Tim Curry.

aanjheni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Halloweenie said...

Paging himmmmm! Paging himmmmm! Please come help. What do you know about Gene Simmons? Are we on the right track? I was suprised to hear Simmons is a republican, not that republican = criminal abuse/ killing lol. * waits patiently for more info.*

LondonGirl said...

whoever this is...why were their strange tendencies 'in demand' and how on earth did it further their career as an entertainer? Doesn't sound like a musician to me, although Gene Simmons does fit the description with his mothers concentration camp memories (poor woman) being the harrowing childhood experiences.

Mag said...

@Boo Hearne - Have you rad the "Blame it on Rio" blind a month or so ago? I totally don't see him for this BI, but I get why people don't share your enthusiasm ;)

@Retailprofit - "meaner guitar solo" - ROTFL, and your argument is spot on.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

While I'm just flinging stuff at the wall...
Kelsey Grammer was born in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. He received a Golden Globe in 2012. Besdes his arch sense of humor, he's played the monstrous Sideshow Bob for years.
And oh yeah, he's seen some shit.

Casting Girl said...

If he wasn't dead...Klaus Kinski

Glue said...

I am at a complete loss w/ this one. I don't know what the entertainer "does." Are they a singer? movie actor? tv actor? musician? dancer? magician?

I have been racking my brain trying to come up w/ a name. I read bios from Adam Ant to George Formby and I got jack squat. lol!

Unknown said...

@AppleThief4Elliot Mr. [Frasier] C[rane]?

;) said...

What about a comedian?

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Unknown, you're right! I mean Grammer is still just a guess, but it's an interesting guess. The guy definitely has darkness.

Mag said...

"Pattern of travel to a numebr of cities" - this sounds like someone who tours and therefore his travels can be traced. If not a musician, then an entertainer who performs live at difefrent venues, not just a TV performer.

Unknown said...

No one likes Sean Connery? He was just investigated for tax fraud or something in Spain. He has some really shady behavior.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ulf said...


;) said...

Traveling to city to city could very easily be an athlete. I still don't get shadowy thought. Maybe OJ?

;) said...

Wait, I forgot about being honored, so not OJ but could still be a pro athlete

LondonGirl said...

The Grammer all fits. Entertainer = comedian and voice over work, singer and actor. x 2 murders in his family before he was a teenager. Mr C= Crane. has had drug and alcohol issues -debauched lifestyle.
the travel to a number of cities, did he tour with various stage productions in the 80s. Surely not though, he seems like a nice guy.

Buck Dancer said...

Tommy Wiseau – foreign born, and incredibly mysterious!

But for real, who could this be? I agree with what people have said that despite his dark and spooky rep, Ozzie seems like way too nice a guy for this to be him. Gene Simmons feels too obvious. Just seems like kind of a dick, not a murderer. And despite the makeup and the tongue, I wouldn't say that there's anything "shadowy" about him – that was just KISS's original brand of showmanship. And thank god Alice Cooper is American, because we shan't even begin to think such things about such a wonderful man! (his cameo in Wayne's World is still one of the best cameos of all time)

Jimmy Page really does seem like the best fit for this blind. I think shadowy reputation describes him to a tee – the Crowley house and obsession with the occult, the mysterious symbols, etc. It was a purposefully crafted aura of mystery. And let's not forget the whole business with playing the songs backwards... Plus, there's the verified story about Lori Maddox being kidnapped by Page when she was 14. Doesn't take too much of a stretch of the imagination to think he might have had a hand in other girls disappearing too.

What struck me about Jimmy, too, is that in trying to do some digging into his childhood, there's nothing of substance. There are some brief descriptions of his parents (names and occupations), which towns they moved to while he was growing up, and that he found his first guitar in one of the houses they moved to and then that's it. All the pages I found go directly from that to his early forays as a musician while a teenager. Not that I'm looking to find the sword story or anything on wiki, but the fact that there is nothing is kind of suspicious – almost like Jimmy doesn't want any details about his childhood floating around that someone could use to dig deeper (though I guess the town names are there, so it would still be possible for people to find these neighborhoods and do some snooping). Am I being crazy? I just find it odd that someone so rich, famous, and important to rock history wouldn't have at least a few more details about their early years out there. For comparison, I checked out Clapton's wiki and the bio on his website, both of which discuss how his parents were actually his grandparents, sister actually his mother. Idk, it seems like Jimmy might have something to hide...

What other super famous entertainers are known for being "shadowy"???

garrisonwrites said...

I hate to be *that* person but Gene would most be known for a bass solo.

I'll guess Arnold, with Mr. C referencing Conan the Barbarian.

Marlin said...

No way is this David Foster. I dont like him but he was a good father to the Jenner boys when Bruce couldnt be bothered. And also to Gigi and Bella Hadid.

mw843 said...

Do Tell: Christopher Lee was an f-ing bad ass.

Unknown said...

"Blogger LondonGirl said...
whoever this is...why were their strange tendencies 'in demand' and how on earth did it further their career as an entertainer? Doesn't sound like a musician to me"

I'm interpreting this as meaning whatever perversions he was in to, he was willing to fix it up for others to do also.. a kind of pimp if you will. Possibly that involved victims who didn't consent and were harmed judging by the next bit of the blind with links to missing women.

This whole blind actually reminds me of Jimmy Savile, he was thought by some to be involved in supplying kids to the elite . The elite were then be blackmailed and allegedly controlled this way, security services have been said to use that tactic. Saville was linked to 2 serial killers of women in the UK, The Yorkshire ripper ( who he visited regularly) and a serial killer called 'Bible John' who was never caught.

Regarding the guesses for the blind, would poor kids in the 50/60s really have plastic swords? Ozzy Osbourne was dirt poor growing up, so I wouldn't have thought so. Maybe it's someone younger or not someone who grew up in poverty.

Misty said...

Jim Carrey

YummyBoogers said...

I'll say Morrissey, just to be different, despite that he doesnt fit the majority of clues.

My guess is that it's Gene Simmons.

Halloweenie said...

Just googled Simmons and I guess he's being sued for sexual battery as of two days ago and was called out on his misogynistic behavior by two female Fox News employees in nov? I guess he's a frequent guest on Fox News ( this I did no know). Also not hard to find stories and rumors of him being a horrid person in general but especially in his attitude towards women. The use of the word icon would seem to indicate Gene Simmons because I think most music/ heavy metal fans would define KISS as an iconic bad. I think the music and stage antics are ridiculous but I would definitely say that he would classify as an icon.

MollyGolly said...

If it is Gene Simmons, I hope Terry Gross is lurking in this thread with a strong sense of irony and getting a good laugh.

I'm going to say, though, it is probably Jimmy Page as I've heard all sorts of creepy stories about him.

hothotheat said...

Where arenyou getting "magician" from?

Unknown said...

Wild guess: James Cameron??

Ur girl herel said...

I'm gonna throw Russel Crowe in the mix he started put as a musician

Anonymous said...

"tendencies were actually in demand by many of those in power."
-What tendencies?

"twisted, debauched and deviant lifestyle continued in the extreme"
This seems to be one sick evil person, hopefully somebody will get him!

Gene Simmons hair and look = Paedophile Gary Glitter look....

BayAreaGirl said...

@Halloweenie, I saw the news about the lawsuit too. I am familiar with KISS but not a rock fan, so don't know exactly where Gene Simmons fits into the rock hierarchy. However, my former roommate loves reality TV and used to watch his show. He always gave me the creeps. His tone and behavior seemed so odd. I understand reality TV is really staged, but this was totally different from the Kardashian/The Hills crap. It was like he had a complete lack of empathy and still trying to lull you at the same time.

346NYC said...

Gene Simmons was recently on the Today Show talking about his new book "Power."

"Gene Simmons believes that women can either "wear a potato sack"
or use their sexuality instead to gain power in the world."

I saw the interview and it seems he was projecting.
Pre-emptively acting as if he really cares about women and the power they wield in the world.

Not that Fox News is the Gold Standard,
but during that same time, he appeared on Fox
and they BANNED him for life from appearing on any
FOX network for doing something to
the women in the building.
Who knows what he really did,
but I find it curious FOX would go with a HUGE Public
Statement that Gene Simmons was banned for life.
Why not just never schedule him again?

hothotheat said...

Anyone would look like a good actor next to Kirstie Alley.

BayAreaGirl said...

Maybe the Journalist is one of these guys?

hothotheat said...

I like this guess except the "traveling to many cities" part.

BayAreaGirl said...

Sorry forget the link:

Bogan said...

Very interesting. Out of all the celebs listed, Simmons has the rep for being the biggest, most obnoxious asshole, and there is the odd link above of his house being investigated at some point. I kind of hope it's not him though. Monster icon? Here's Simmons, a horror film fan, discussing several of his favourite horror films.

and Simmons later started a company to make horror movies.

"This foreign born permanent A list entertainer"

Simmons is foreign born. KISS is an A-list band, not necessarily critically, but they've made many, many millions. Simmons isn't much of an actor, but he (and the other rockers listed) are definitely entertainers.

"Back in the day, he capitalized on it and it was part of his image."

Only a few rockers fit the dark, spooky image described here. Simmons is one, Alice Cooper another. Cooper starred in John Carpenter's PRINCE OF DARKNESS as he was a fan of Carpenter's work. Every other anecdote I've read of Cooper suggests he's simply a nice guy. Others may have heard different but I've bumped into several articles that describe a contrast between Cooper's spooky image and his personable, real self. Simmons, however, has quite a dark rep.

"He grew up in a different time and was exposed to some graphic life experiences that many of us can't imagine."

Simmons' mother escaped the Holocaust. Simmons spent his early childhood in Israel in the 1950's. Maybe he witnessed various war or terrorism atrocities (I'm no expert on this and haven't Googled hard enough to know).

"He had a strange personal magnetism and although not conventionally handsome"

Simmons is not conventionally handsome. Neither are a few other rockers, but Simmons fits that description.

"Mr. C's debauched and deviant lifestyle continued in the extreme as he became wealthier and more famous."

Simmons' rock god KISS fame years were through the latter half of the 70's, and into the early 80's - Studio 54, pre-AIDS, height of the shot-on-film porn industry, Times Square at its seediest, groupies, hookers, debauchery, the works. Pretty much all the big bands I've read describe that era as one big drugs and groupies orgy. Simmons, a guy who boasts about the thousands of women he's screwed, would have fit the profile in that era.

"Mr C. has had to ramp down his activities considerably, after several close calls with the police."

Here's the cops investigating his home. Simmons' wife puts out a statement that she's shocked, it was someone else, thank god the cops are investigating, and authorities say Simmons and his family aren't the subject of the search. All a big coincidence then.

"Watch for some diversionary gestures soon as clues. "

Today's headline - Simmons sued for alleged sexual battery.

Who can say? But few seem to fit the profile as closely as Simmons does.

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Clive Barker. An ex made some noise about him with a lawsuit in 2012 with allegations of drug-fuelled orgies, syringe-filled BDSM escapades and other sundry miscreance. "Entertainer" fits as he is a visual artist, director and writer. Can't find much info on his childhood, other than at three having watched a French skydiver plummet to his death.

Unknown said...

The blind says film makers and writers have poked round this guys old neighbourhood, so I'm guessing at least one film has been made about their life, a biopic.

I'm going to guess Eminem. He had a crappy childhood, he apparently became angry and violent towards women in his songs but then argued it wasn't literal ..... and his alter ego is Slim shady which fits with the
' always had a shadowy reputation' bit.

For the award ( Wiki) 'In November at the 2013 MTV Europe Music Awards Eminem became the first rapper to ever receive the global icon award due to his accomplishments and influences in music joining him with Queen, Whitney Houston and Bon Jovi.'

Unknown said...

.....Damn, I forgot the foreign born bit!

YummyBoogers said...

Not surprising at all to hear this about the man responsible for the Hellbound Heart a/k/a Hellraiser franchise. Knew he had to be twisted to develop that plotline...

Kendrick Schroder said...

Yeah, despite the knowns re: Ozzy - violence against Sharon, biting the heads off doves at some label event - it's a little hard to imagine him serially abusing animals, and disappearing women. If it's one of the listed candidates (in the comments), I'd be more inclined to guess Simmons or Page.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

I have a hard time considering Simmons "permanent A-list." As a band, KISS was popular for a few years, and yeah, some of their songs still get played. He's certainly succeeded in business. But the show hardly makes him A-list.

lucy said...

I LOVE this blind! after catching up I think I am going to come back to this and tool around with it!
what are our clues?

* alive
*born overseas
*childhood funk
* "monster"

grrr too vague!

Lynne said...

Simon Cowell. He is scary. Has he gotten an award recently?

BayAreaGirl said...

Wait, Simmons doesn't drink (ever) but he owns a bar & restaurant? Odd on many levels.

Hellokitty said...

Russell Crowe?

Colonel Blake said...

NOT Eminem. Too young. He himself was in his own movie, 8 mile. Lives completely under the radar. Comes into Detroit area often for many charity events, rarely advertised in advance or afterwards. He was brought up poor, but not truly violent. He's a huge influence to the younger upcoming music generation and hands-on involved. NOTTA.

BestMan said...


Mean Man said...

Lynne said...

Nevermind about Cowell. Wikipedia says he had a pretty nice childhood. Harumph.

Boobs Radley said...

Daniel Day-Lewis?

Colonel Blake said...

@Em Lew: :)
@Mothersauce: If your eyeroll is for me, back atcha, love & bacon!

Do Tell said...

Gene Simmons is permanent A list. KIss has had multiple top ten songs over four consecutive decades, they are iconic, and their tickets are still hot items. Family Guy references him quite often. People know who he is.

Anonymous said...

Here is another quote

“During his run on A&E’s Gene Simmons’ Family Jewels, Gene Simmons told his son that he shouldn’t try to fix his own car, because that’s “what gentiles are for”.

In other words, Gene said that goym, the non-Jews, are made for manual labor, to serve the Jewish people. You have to wonder whether while he was kissing the ass of the Christian Right, the chutzpah of which went unnoticed, Gene remembered that he was talking to gentiles.”

Bogan said...

"Clive Barker. An ex made some noise about him with a lawsuit in 2012 with allegations of drug-fuelled orgies, syringe-filled BDSM escapades and other sundry miscreance. "Entertainer" fits as he is a visual artist, director and writer. Can't find much info on his childhood, other than at three having watched a French skydiver plummet to his death."

Clive Barker's relationship with his ex, personal life, childhood, background and pretty much everything else about the guy are covered in the exhaustive Douglas E. Winter biography. He grew up in Liverpool and took part in experimental theatre, later chucking various Derek Jarman-style black-and-white shorts onto the Redemption VHS release of his early work in the 90's. No need to consider the 'drug fuelled orgies' as 'allegations' - Barker was part of the gay UK party scene in the early 80's and onwards (as were numerous genre writers like Stephen Thrower and David McGillivray) and popping pills, taking speed and 'enjoying' a BDSM lifestyle were par for the course with all those guys. The flip side is Barker, Thrower, McGillivray and several others are very well known in the fan scene as being absolute pussycats and among the sweetest people you'd ever meet. Barker's travails over the past couple of decades have been affected by ongoing drug addictions, health problems and (I gather) HIV, but I don't recall any allegations with Barker ever drifting over into non-consensual violence. The biggest victim of his addictions seems to be himself.

Jojo said...

As I was reading this the only person I kept thinking about was Russell Crowe

Mr Selfdestruct UK said...

I was thinking Rolf Harris but he like animals , what about Wrestlers?

just sayin' said...

what i want to know is, what are the business ventures he's gotten into that suit his proclivities? the online porn business makes sense. the kiss costumes indicate a taste for bdsm. snuff films?

Jenko said...

Marilyn Manson???

Unknown said...

This is Criss Angel - the hint being "freak accident" - his show was called Mind Freak.

"Mindfreak illusionist Criss Angel has been recognized with the two highest awards in the world of magic and has become the youngest ever magician to be honored by two top organizations." This must have been the prestigious organization honoring him?

Unknown said...

Plastic production in the US boomed during WWII and then spread into everything domestic during the 1950s. Plastic army men were already around, but really took off then. Plastic swords could have been about that fancy: a pointy plastic stick with a hilt. If the sword incident happened after moving to the US, they could have been a pretty cheap toy.

The thing with Simmons and Fox News is odd. The story is they banned him for coming into a meeting and pulling his shirt out and telling crude jokes. What? Did they leave out the part where he tried to hump Shepard Smith or something? Because that doesn't seem like nearly enough to ban someone for life, let alone make it public. Isn't shocking behavior what you're signing up for with Simmons anyway?

One wonders if they got a hint of something and decided it was time to create some distance.

HH314 said...

Another vote for Page, he is truly evil. Most people listed are nice, they would never commit these sociopathic acts. Exception: Steven Seagal, but then he has never been nor will he ever be A list. I am upset about Manson, he seemed incredibly articulate and smart in his interviews, but that doesn't mean anything apparently.

lutefisk said...

"Grew up in a different time" is probably someone who lived through WW2. Gene Simmons and most of the others are too young to have grown up in a different time. This is most likely someone in their 80's. The plastic sword reference at first threw me off, but upon researching plastic I found that synthetic plastic was common as early as the 1930's. My other thought that entertainer/monster could be a wrestler or boxer.

Unknown said...

I hope "grew up in a different time" is before 1970.

Sharon Mitchell said...

That was a bay. He thought in the dim light it was a plastic toy someone had thrown on stage as a joke. He was grossed out when he realized it was real, and even more grossed out when he had to get a series of rabies shots.

Sharon Mitchell said...


Sharon Mitchell said...

Heard he and half the cast and crew did underage Michelle Johnson during "Blame it on Rio."

Unknown said...

Is Clive Barker an "Entertainer" ?

H8zilla said...

king diamond!!!!! I hope not though

Mallory knox said...

If we are guessing wrestlers, what about the undertaker?

Amy said...

That's strange. My Grandad who has passed knew him before he was famous. He use to hang around Bermondsey in South London. No one liked him....he wasn't meant to be very nice at all.

Rosie riveter said...

Because white guys seem to do the stupidest grossest shit. Who knows. Just seems true

Dan said...

Don't think it is Paige. From the late 60s to their break up, Led Zeppelin was one of the biggest bands in the world. Don't see how the "older and became more involved in the entertainment business", and "would do anything, no matter how deviant, with anyone, to further his success" fit in his profile, as they were already on top of the totem pole, run brutally by Peter Grant. Also, would there be writers and directors going to his old neighborhood?

Unknown said...

Its tim curry ya'll

Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD said...

Thanks, Bogan, for the informative counter point to the aspersions I cast upon the apparent good name of Mr. Barker. I will walk back that guess and let the varsity team take it from here.

Rosie riveter said...

Daaanngg Geena.
Well done

Malignment said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

post is to clear the air for various posts about Ozzy Osbourne (John Michael Osbourne) born dec 3 48, Birmingham.
Accidentally bit into a REAL bat during a concert, thinking it was a prop. he went to hospital for a rabies shot, the bat went to the vet for a Ozzy shot. (2nd part is from the joke).

Ozzy did however knowingly bite off a birds head in a board room meeting with music execs post Sabbath (ie after he was no longer frontman).
the story is directly from the man himself, who saw that manager was having troubles convincing the execs to back him solo. To get their attention, he took a live dove into the meeting and bit its head off.

It is all on record in a doco about Ozzy, though I don't remember which one, as there a multiple. they are all on youtube, so it shouldnt be too hard to find.

Ozzy today however is a shell of his former self. He is 90% puppet and does whatever hes told to do by his controller. (formerly Sharon Osbourne).

Bally said...

I think this is one of the toughest blinds to be posted on here in awhile. I hope we get more like this.

joshg g said...

He took the dove into the meeting to symbolize a new beginning. He was so high he ended up grabbing it biting it's head off, doh!

Mary said...

What about Roman Polanski? Foreign-born, grew up during the Holocaust and witnessed horrific things, involved with underaged girls (more than one), has been honored as a filmmaker. Also has an extensive travel history and has been accused of raping, drugging, and assaulting several women as minors. Some of the accusations have been made public very recently. I could see him trying to cover a lot of it up and paying people for their silence. Mr. C could be a reference to "Chinatown".

Lissy Loo said...

My first thought was Jack Nicholson but he was born in New Jersey

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