Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Post Secret Mystery--Who's The Daddy?

Jewel (from the blog, not the singer) sent me the link to the photo above and the website it comes from. (If you have never read postsecret, it can be uplifting or it can make you cry so be aware of that before you start reading all the entries.) Jewel wanted some ideas on who the father could be. Many of the faces in the photo have children and have had other relationships which resulted in children which are not public knowledge. When I saved the photo to bring it over to this site, it wanted to be saved as Christian. Don't know if it was a clue or because he has the biggest face or the most children or what.


Anonymous said...

I think 'Christian' is the file name chosen by the person who scanned the postcard. It wasn't sent to PostSecret as a digital file.

Anonymous said...

Wh-wh-whaaaat? These dudes have kids? Justin? Nick?

bmini said...

In my opinion it wouldn't be such a big deal f some of these men had secret children, such as Orlando Bloom, Vince Vaughn, etc. They are not married so I don't see it being a big deal. Someone posted this on the message board and I agree with her guess of Ryan Phillipe. Since he was married for quite some time, it would make sense that he would want to hide any secret children.

bmini said...

It's funny that Ryan Secrest is on there...

Anonymous said...

My guess- George Clooney.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Ryan. Probably Simon.

Anonymous said...

Being obvious girl, Vince Vaughn and is it Adrian Grenwhatever, I can't tell, their mouths are purposely covered with the first line of the card....other than that clue for me, I would guess R.P., Kfed if that is him or Dempsey. Would be interesting if it was Leo D. as he dates the modles soley and is funding a girl in Africa, so he is on the dady way...

Anonymous said...

Could be a hoax

Anonymous said...

Is Prince Albert on there?

Anonymous said...

Post Secret named it Christian, not the sender. Gingersnap is correct.

Anonymous said...

Is that Simon Cowell on the bottom in the middle? NOW that would be some good stuff!


Anonymous said...

JT is the daddy.

Anonymous said...

What a sad post!!! What a depressing website period!!!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a BI here about someone being paid to keep a star's illegitamite a secret? I read so many blogs nowadays I can't keep the BI's straight. Anyway, I saw this on Sunday (linked from another blog of course) and thought immediately of that BI. I'm sure it's just a coinky dink. ;)

FrancesDanger said...

I posted it on the message board and I'm sticking with Ryan as my guess. The reason is he was married, notoriously cheated, and he's fairly prominent on the card.

Although it'd be interesting if it were Springsteen...

Anonymous said...

you totally pulled this from gawker.com

FrancesDanger said...

Anon 11:50: It doesn't matter where it came from, it's an interesting mystery.

But, to soothe your worried brow, please note that I posted this on the board at 1 AM on 3/11, a full day before Gawker published.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:50 - I was just going to say that! So NOW do all you diehard fans of this "lawyer" finally get it? This site is a joke? The guy doesn't exist.
I love coming back once in a while to see how the "lawyer" uses other site's words (as he did here with Gawker) as his own and you all fall for it. This time though was too word for word so I had to comment.

bmini said...

umm, what's the big deal? He posts stories/links aoutside of the BI. Of course he gets them from somewhere.

Anonymous said...

thanks EL!


Anonymous said...

"X or should I say Ex marks the spot." And I choose Mr. What's Left of Me, a/k/a Nick Lachey!!

Anonymous said...

cindie....that's strongly rumored to be jay-z, and the baby momma some model from trinidad...litle boy appears to be early elem. school age.

Anonymous said...

cindie....that's strongly rumored to be jay-z, and the baby momma some model from trinidad...litle boy appears to be early elem. school age.

Anonymous said...

^^^ omg, sory every1 about the triple post...my comp had a mental freeze moment.

Anonymous said...

Who is under the words A LOT and is nearly completely covered up?

Thats who I'd look at being baby daddy.

Anonymous said...

Is that Brad Pitt behind " A LOT"??? Who is below "Lot"?

Anonymous said...

Nah, Nick Lachey wants to be a daddy, or so he's droned on about time and time again. Unless the baby was conceived when he was still married to Jessica, there is no reason for him to keep something like this secret...even if he doesn't want to be with the baby's mama.

No one would really care if a single guy knocked up some fan/former flame/one night stand. It's only interesting if the daddy is married/coupled. That makes me think it's one of the married guys on the list. Ryan P. is the best guess.

Anonymous said...

It's Brad Pitt behind A LOT and Tobey McGuire is under it. My guess goes towards Christian Slater...He seems the most random out of the rest of them. The rest are all pretty big names and in the gossip mags all the time right now, but Christian Slater is pretty random...I don't know...maybe it's stupid.

kristy said...

Freddie Prince is right above where it says "is the father" centered perfectly.


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