Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tonight On Broadway--Goonies, The Musical

Aaah. How many times have you seen The Goonies? I lost count somewhere in the teens. Obviously not the best movie ever, but definitely is one I loved. So basically you had a Steven Spielberg story which was adapted by Chris Columbus and directed by Richard Donner. Those are some good people right there. Richard Donner says they have thought about a 2nd movie but just could not find the right script. However, he and Steven are pretty passionate about a musical adaptation of the movie. Just show me where to buy the tickets.

In case you have never read the 20 year reunion article about where the cast is now, you have to read it now. Also, it will give you a HUGE clue to the missing actress.
Three clips. Make sure you turn up the sound on the last one.


Anonymous said...

love love love this movie. I watched it prob over 100 times. I need to find a pirate ship with the quickness.


Anonymous said...

Talk about nerd catnip! ;)

I must need a coffee, cuz I just read the whole article (and the comments!) and I still have no idea what is meant by the "HUGE clue to the missing actress," or indeed where this reference to a missing actress is. (In the article? In a post on this blog?)

Am I just not awake yet or do others require some more clarification too?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if "Chunk" knows where Ent practices law.

Also, could Kerri Green or Martha Plimpton be the missing actress?

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what he's talking about either, Hez...I was hoping someone in the comments could shed some light...

Anonymous said...

I believe ENTL is referring to the 80's-90's pinup whose My Space is down and she's pulled a disappearing act..and some speculation she has cancer.

Anonymous said...

Oh, its Diane Lane, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I did notice that one of the comments accuses Josh Brolin of beating his wife...

Maybe that's the BI about the marriage that's going to end badly that everyone will be surprised by?

Anonymous said...

Heeeeyyyy yooooou guuuuys!

Baby Ruuuuuuuuuth!

I had it so bad for Cory Feldman. Wow I suddenly feel very old.

Anonymous said...

Ent tooting his own horn! Well deserved, Congratulations. I intend to go out and buy the dvd so that my grandchildren can enjoy a part of my children's history!!

Midwest Surfer.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm. Chunk is an ENT. coincidence? haha.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm. Chunk is an ENT. coincidence? haha.

Anonymous said...

EL are YOU Chunk???? It would alll line up...same age as Eva Longoria who you mentioned either went to school with or dated someone she went to school with...hmm.

Anonymous said...

Hez, I think jb is correct, that the clue about the missing actress is the BI where the pinup girl from the 80's and 90's has gone underground after appearing to attempt a comeback - now her myspace page is gone, not in touch w/anyone.

Probably not Diane Lane, though, as her myspace page is still up (yes, I checked - bored today), and I don't think she was a pinup girl from the 80s and 90s.

Anonymous said...

LOL sb... I checked it too...

And I don't think it's Tracy Bingham either. There's a pic of her on licking some beer bottle at a party somewhere, so obvs she's out and about (and skanky).

And I don't for one minute think that EL is Chunk. He is not going to make it that easy for us!!! He wants to see us squirm! ;)

dreadpiratecuervo said...

OMG Goonies! I've seen this well over 200 times.

Chester Copperpot.

Anonymous said...

Huuuuuge Goonies fan over here. I'm a bit hesitant to admit that I know most if not all of the lines to this movie..My three year old actually had the DVD out in her hand earlier asking if it was scary. Had to tell her we'll watch it together when she's older (of course, I'll watch it about a hundred more times until then).


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