Thursday, April 17, 2008

Random Photos Part One

When you don't want to do the whole lifts thing in your shoes, you can always do what Al Pacino does. Go out to your backyard, find a bird's nest and then glue it to your head.
Jay Sean - London
I always get suspicious of people who make claims against celebrities and then suddenly are having photo shoots for tabloids. Not random out on the street photos, but full on, coming over to your house and pose for them photos. That's not to say that Jessica Gibson isn't about ten times more attractive than Rob Lowe's wife, but I just start getting really wary about their claims.
Helen Mirren seems to be really happy.
I don't think the whole basketball thing is going to fool anyone Hayden. Maybe Hayden Christensen should head over to Spain. You know. Get some sun. See Javier.
I know the perfect wedding gift for Pete Wentz.
Hello Miranda Kerr. How you doing? That line works better with a little smirk, a head toss, and "What is love" playing in the background.
The alleged father of Minnie Driver's baby is Craig Zolezzi.
Mariah Carey almost got out of the way quick enough. Ryan Seacrest just missed getting all air.
No fancy dresses for Leighton Meester. Just get her a sheet and an ammunition belt and she is good to go for the night.
Lets count all the male Korean fans Keanu Reeves has. I count one, but it could just be a girl with really short hair. I love how none of the posters are actually of Keanu.
Where has Sadie Frost been? Not that I have been looking or anything.
The man and the legend known as Suggs.
That's right Reese. Keep drinking. It really is my only chance. Does Cindy Crawford ever look ugly?
One Night Only - London
The slouching is sure to distract from everything else.
Where else are you going to find photos of Willem Dafoe and Deborah Harry? Hmmm?
The lovely Virginia Madsen.
One of the great ones. Tony Curtis.
I know you wouldn't know it by looking at Scott Speedman, but this event did actually occur at night.
I think everyone would have to admit that Simon LeBon has probably had better days.


JJ said...

Yep, Al Pacino has to be the blind about the secretly married man. Right?

GammaGirl said...

That series of Pete and Ashlee photos is PRICELESS. She looks like she is trying to pin him against the wall/prevent him from escaping. Pimpa is going to break Pete, if he hasn't already.

MK Olsen looks like a troll in a mu mu.

selenakyle said...

I get the distinct feeling that we have some blind reveals today...
Anybody else?

YahMoBThere said...

Looks like it was Al Pacino.

Will some family member do an intervention on the Olsen twins and put them in fashion rehab until they're no longer addicted to looking fugly?

Julie said...

lol i wish i were a fashion designer so i could make people look like idiots and just laugh my ass off

and i'd still do Simon leBon.
as would i do Virginias brother.

jax said...

Scott Speedman wtf man? get thee a shower or you're coming off my list for sexy cananda.

im surprised you'd be intot Reese El, she puts Heigl to shame with the uber bitchy from what i hear.

Nanny Lowe- dig that gold baby,you're gonna need it cuz NO ONE is ever going to hire you again.

captivagrl said...

MK - Bea Arthur wants her dress back. man, that's got to be some kinda private joke. " i swear, i can wear anything and i'll still make the fashion pages. anything at all."

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

I dont understand why anyone posts pics of Ashlee and Pete. Who the hail is Pete anyway?

Kristen S. said...

OFFS ent...Simon is 50 years old! And still hot as a mofo.

captivagrl said...

pete and that olive/ashen skin tone of his....yuk.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

I have only one reason why I dont like this Gibson chickyPoo....she hired Gloria Allred. Freaking help me from evah seeing Allred's face on TV again. I just wanna beat the shiat out of her.

Pinky said...

What's up with Reese's chin? She been tellin' lies and it been growin'??

captivagrl said...

on a positive note, helen mirren is stunning and sexier than many stars 1/3 her age.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

Pinky it appears as though Reese is channeling Jay Leno's chin.

lutefisk said...

I think all 4 Golden Girls could fit in that dress, & still leave enough room fotr MK and Ashley.

Pinky said...

You said it hotpantz!! Except Reese's appears to have a large nipple on the end.

Anonymous said...

Ok, it appears that Scott Speedman is off the wagon, right? Looks like crap, now has a bit of a belly (which is a shame because his body used to be awesome).

So what blind was Sadie Frost from?

RagDoll said...


A couple of months ago, there was a blind about an actor who was dating an actress who was considered "way too young for him" and when they were (geographically) apart, the actor took up with a brunette closer to his own age...Sadie might be our "age appropriate brunette"

Anonymous said...

I believe Sadie Frost is a blind currently going around about a little girl who was wandering around a London park, who was taken home by a kind stranger, who got an earful from Sadie Frost, the girl's irresponsible mother.

Virginia Madsen looks amazing. Love her dress, the hair, the earrings. Love me some Debbie Harry and Willem Dafoe, thats awesome.

Its official, that Rob Lowe nanny bitch just wants money and her fifteen minutes. I bet she's hoping she can sell her story for Lifetime TV movie while she's at it.

WW said...

I have to agree about the nanny & photo shoot. However, the pubic opinion has been against her since 'household betrayal' accused her of blackmail. Lowe already has all the control. Street shots can suck. She won't work again as a nanny, Lowe's machine condemns her for being 'ugly' and b/c her attorney is 'ugly' or defends nipples. At least, she's not another slouchy Olsen.

Why didn't Rob negotiate with her first lawyer before she filed? Will her first lawsuit (b4 'household betrayal') be public?

OG Gossipmonger said...

those posters of keanu look like keanu, only chunkier... look at the eyebrows!

deity2 said...

The 1st time i saw the pic of mko, I thought they were blacking something out on her head (such as nsfw pics)......holy hell!!!! i had to look at it about 8 x's to figure out it was actually a fashion statement!!!!!!!!

deity2 said...

oh, forgot to mention, even though i absolutely love simon lebon, he looks like a hobbit in this pic! major bad angle!

OG Gossipmonger said...

haha i meant EYES.. well, general eye area..

Anonymous said...

My only concern with MKO's outfit is the ass-busting factor of it. The thing is puddled around her feet, and you know she's probably wearing heels.

Ass-busting factor: a perfect 10!

Anonymous said...

I know ENT puts blind answers in the random photos, and I agree there's a strong possibility that Pacino is the answer to the married guy blind, BUT I CAN'T HELP BUT WONDER if the only reason he's in there is because he's been EVERYWHERE today - BECAUSE OF THAT HAIR LOL

Meaning, he may not be the answer, and wouldn't have been included at ALL - IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT HAIR... LOL

YUP - nanny's scammin'. Is there ANYONE with a sense of decency anymore? Or even with a sense of "hey, this might be transparent, maybe people AREN'T this stupid"? O_O

Helen Mirren is AWESOME.

"alleged father" of Minnie Driver's child? Hmmmmmmm...anyone? Can't think of any blinds off the top of my head...

LOVE Virginia Madsen. Great actress, natural beauty. And Candyman. ;)

Scott Speedman....dude...ach, who am I kidding, I'd totally still do

deity2 - hahahaha "hobbit" so true lololol

Ellebee said...

thank you

Now I have to go listen to One Step Beyond.... and watch Madness on the Young Ones

califblondy said...

I was going to say something crude about Ryan Seacrest's firm grip on the rhinestone pole, but I'll be nice. Check out the way his hand is wrapped around... oh ya, I was trying to be nice.

Dang, is Minnie Driver's babydaddy fine or what?

Did Al Pacino hire Phil Spector's hair stylist?

Why can't we read anything or look at pictures without thinking there's a hidden hint for a blind somewhere? I know I can't help it even though it drives me wacko.

blankprincess said...

I would SO still like to play with Simon's LeBonBon, hobbit or not!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone assume Pacino is the answer to that blind? Keanu is right in there today too. Its one or the other.

Anonymous said...

I can't even look at Hayden Christensen. he's going to ruin the character of Case in "neuromancer" :(

OG Gossipmonger said...

lol @ helen mirren...i thought that nicole kidmans botox was finally starting to wear off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHE SHE said...

Remember on SNL when the Conehead family had sex they played ringtoss and threw rings on their heads? Well, MKO goes by Mary Kate Conehead now.

janice said...

why does reese's head look deformed? and is that a big fat vein on her forehead?

Unknown said...

what?!! hayden as case?? didn't EVERYONE see how he butchered "trying" to be anakin?? grreaatt....

Unknown said...

*Sigh* Why can't some sort of large predatory bird abscond with at least one Olsen twin so I can be spared the sight of at least one of their stupid monkey faces...

selenakyle said...

I'd do Virginia's brother too, nothingsacred!
Oh, I'm feeling a few other reveals than Pacino...
Every now and then I get the feeling Ent is dropping a mutha-lode of info on us out of the bule.
Kind of a gossiper's intuition, if you will.
jenner is funny today. Actually, a bunch of y'all are HIGH-larious today--thank you!!!

selenakyle said...

Oh, and yes--Minnie's babydaddy is quite fine.

Unknown said...

i'll forgive al pacino for the hair. he's an artist.

helen mirren is oozing sex, she'd give those 2 youngbucks the time of their life.

"alleged" father of minnie driver's baby? who are the usual suspects, if any?

mariah's so over the top, you gotta love her. i have an aversion to a.i. but i watched it when she was on.

it would be very hard for a woman to look good next to cindy crawford. run, when you see the flash of cameras!

luv the deborah harry and willem dafoe pic, virginia madsen looks awesome! candyman candyman candyman!

simon le bon, brings be back memories! i'm more for john taylor, but i'd do simon any day!

what is eight past six? said...

For some reason I thought Ent wasn't hinting at Pacino as the answer to the blind about the married man, but as the answer to an older blind - the one about the guy who kept stacks of 20's for tipping, and had 10 or 20 pair of the same kind of shoe and deliberated every morning on which pair to wear.

Ellen said...

Didn't anyone think the Willem Dafoe / Deborah Harry comment was another blind hint? It just smelled that way to me...

And, is it just me or is Cindy Crawford (who's awesomely hot) looking more and more like Padma Lakshmi from Top Chef (or the reverse). When I first saw that photo I thought it was Padma...

Virtual Boricua said...

regarding Minnie's "alleged" babydaddy, wasn't there a recent blind about someone being pregnant and getting married quick before the dude has a chance to figure out the baby ain't his?

RagDoll said...

Marina ortiz!!! Niiiice catch!! brendalove: I heard that! Pacino's cotton-candy 'fro made all the pages....and I think it's interesting that Ent pointed out all the <3 for keanu from across the hemisphere....hmmmm

Moonmaid said...

Simon is channeling his inner Joe Cocker there. English men - with the exception of Eric Clapton - usually age badly.

I love Reese, I think she's actually the real deal and a good mom.

canadachick said...

Marina ortiz - wasn't that one about a supermodel though ??

#1 - This world famous supermodel is head over heels in love. Or is she? Maybe she is just pretending to be in love with her new guy so he won't be suspicious when she tells him she is pregnant. Hopefully he won't find out that he isn't the real daddy. Oh, and hopefully the real daddy's B/A- list film actress girlfriend won't find out either. Oh, and I just realized that none of the participants in this little drama are Americans. In fact, I don't think any of the four people are even from the same country.

CarolMR said...

Helen Mirren is one of the few actresses around who is aging gracefully and naturally and she looks fabulous!


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