Monday, August 25, 2008

Today's Blind Items

This B list film and television actor from a famous family and an infamous marriage really doesn't like to be bothered. How much so? Well in a hotel he was staying at, he decided he wanted to work out in the hotel gym, but only if no one was in the gym with him at the same time. See, he can't be around everyday people. So, when he walked in to the gym to work out and saw two teenage girls there, he freaked out. Instead of perhaps asking them when they were going to be done, or if he could have the room to himself, he instead, picked up the phone, called hotel security and had them removed so he could be alone. Nice huh?


Emobacca said...

Alec Baldwin fits for B list TV, film, famous family, infamous marriage, and doucheness.

Praetorian said...

Charlie Sheen fits, too...although I should say he is more A-list when it comes to TV, right?

wonderdiva said...

I think Alec would have just screamed: "GET OUT, YOU THOUGHTLESS LITTLE PIGS!"

So I'd go with the Charlie Sheen guess.

merrick said...

cant be charlie . he is the highest paid actor on tv .. certainly that would have to make him a list .. how about keifer?

poster_child said...

Balthazar Getty?

caralw said...

I was thinking Baldwin or Sheen.

junglekitten said...

I'm going w/ Baldwin. It was my first thought and I think it fits!!

littlemanwhatnow said...

i really thought sheen on this but baldwin sounds good too.

bookstalker said...

If it were Sheen, he probably would have been too busy getting phone numbers.

poster_child said...

Baldwin's gotta be teetering on A list TV. He's been nominated for an Emmy 7 times, two of those times for 30 Rock.

Sheen is A list TV all the way.

Although both have infamous marriages & famous families, I just don't think any of the other clues fit.

Stickin' with Getty. His family is super famous (not necessarily "celebrity") and he has definite reason not to want to be bothered right now. Plus, it's been said that he's an odd character.

sam said...
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jlb said...

Nice attitude Balthazar. As always money cannot buy manners.

WTF said...

I don't think Getty is B so I'm going w/Balwin.

Anonymous said...

getty was the first one to come to mind.

ms snarky said...

but is Balthazar even B list? he's minor at best.

Jennmcn said...

Alec Baldwin works out?

cinephan said...

Charlie was my first thought as well, but all these guesses are good and would fit.

jax said...

hmm i had Getty too.

but he cannot be around everyday people and he could be around Sienna who we know is everyday people. in fact she has several people...every day.

jax said...

lol@ Ella B.

shoe addict said...

I think its Balthazar Getty as well.

sheen is a list,
baldwin at least has a list name recognition. i think Enty threw us a grapefruit with this one.

Also, in the random photo9s xtina is not wearing her ring. Ent says its evidence of a previous blind..Anyone remember which one? Did we solve it?

Dead Angel said...

Balty! What an ass, he must be a horrible person to live with. His wife must be so happy she's got 4 little paychecks and he's gone.

MontanaMarriott said...

But is Getty's divorce FINAL?
I thought they were in the divorce stage so I don't think its done just yet, so not sure it would go with "infamous" marriage, also what would be infamous about a man having a mistress, now Baldwin/Sheen married to actresses whose marriage and divorces were scandle ridden, sounds like a better fit for "infamous"

*girl said...

Oh, we solved the xtina blind:

"Have a baby and then lose your husband? This A list singer recently had a baby, but it seems that the little bundle of joy was also just delaying the inevitable. The only thing that held them together was the pregnancy. Now that the pregnancy is over, so is the marriage."

JJ said...

My first thought was Josh Brolin. He's done both film and TV and it just kinda sounds like him.

ms snarky said...

*girl - excellent work. I couldn't face going back through the blinds to find it. thx!

Ashlae said...

I'm going to go with Sheen Or Baldwin for this.

bionic bunny! said...

both baldwin and sheen are a list, and i agree, i think charlie would be getting names and numbers.
i don't even see getty, i think we're overlooking something obvious.
it doesn't say divorced, just "infamous" marriage.
has michael douglas moved down to b list?
my first thought was brolin, also.

Lissa said...

how do we know for sure it was about xtina by that picture? i must be missing something

poster_child said...

Lissa, her wedding ring is conspicuously absent.

Lissa said...

ahhhh! good eye!

jax said...

deja vu

nunaurbiz said...


My thought exactly!

I don't think it's Charlie, either. His wife is preggers and I think he'd JUMP on the poor girls!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What about Chad Lowe or Rob Lowe?

One of the random photos is of Hillary Swank, Chad's ex-wife. Her imfamous Oscar speech? The divorce where his drug use came out?

selenakyle said...

Without even seeing any of y'all's guesses...Alec Baldwin.

selenakyle said...

...but looks like we've got it pretty well it narrowed down, eh?

bionic bunny! said...

i thought of the lowes, but chad is a producer, and i'm not i don't know if they fit the famous "family".
i'm thinking: sutherland, baldwin, o'neal, douglas.
either a large number of sibs or generations of family.
but i can't find any one that fits.
the one that fits best is alec baldwin, except he is not b list television (movies, yes), and i don't see him working out.
maybe 30 rock is still considered b list, because it's not "mainstream"?

nunaurbiz said...

I met Rob Lowe and he was the most down-to-earth guy you could know. He went out of his way once to make a "nobody" feel good. (I saw it.)

I've never heard anything but good things about Chad (can't say that about his ex). So I'm thinkin' it ain't them.

And I still don't think Alec works out! (God love him if he doesn't!) :-D

redgurl72 said...

I thought Getty for sure. Doesn't ENT normally say 'family of actors' when he's talking about the Baldwins et al?

Beth said...

I don't think it's Baldwin or Sheen. Sheen is the highest paid sitcom star, so he is definitely A list. Baldwin has too much name recognition to be B list. Michael Douglas isn't really fully B list, and I wouldn't really call his marriage "infamous."

Getty was my first thought.

The Rob Lowe guess is interesting as well, and he definitely fits. To respond to nunaurbiz, I don't think this story contradicts yours. He didn't yell at the girls. He maintained his nice guy image (alas, it might not be genuine) and had the hotel do it.

nunaurbiz said...

Not that I would defend everything Rob Lowe does, but I just don't think he would go out of his way to avoid mingling with "the little people" and have hotel security remove them from a public place when he clearly (at least when I saw him) enjoyed mingling with the little people. Besides, I don't think his marriage was infamous, just his boudoir videotaping with, ahem, young ladies.

Mags said...

My first thought was David Arquette.

Ayesha said...

My first thought was Getty, too, but I like jj's guess of Josh Brolin.

Goodgrief said...

What about Michael Douglas, I could see him with a holier than thou attitued.

Beth said...

Alec Baldwin is A-list tv people, the man has a damn Emmy.

Balthazar is the perfect fit. It didn't say famous "acting" family as EL does when it's from someone with famous acting relatives. It's just "famous family" as in the Gettys.

Beth said...

nunaubriz, Lowe's marriage was made infamous a while ago. A nanny sued him and his wife for sexual harassment. The attention was focused on his wife, and I believe some other employees came out saying similar things.

From the always reliable Wikipedia:

In April 2008, Lowe filed separate lawsuits against 3 former employees accusing them of breach of contract, defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Lowe accuses an ex-nanny of engaging in a scheme to hurt the couple by spreading "malicious lies". Another ex-nanny is accused of falsely claiming to have a personal and intimate relationship with Lowe, and also repeatedly expressing romantic interest in Rob, claiming that Lowe sexually harassed her and that Sheryl Lowe was an abusive employer. Lowe claims a former chef engaged in sex on their bed with third parties when the family was out of town, stole prescription drugs from the Lowes, broke several security cameras, overcharged them for food, and allegedly made statements to various people that Sheryl was heartless, cold and unclean.

Former nanny, 24-year-old Jessica Gibson, made 12 allegations against Lowe involving sexual harassment claims and labor-code violations. On June 19, 2008, Santa Barbara, California, Superior Court Judge Denise de Bellefeuille dismissed two allegations regarding labor-code violations due to lack of legal basis. Lowe's next hearing was set for July 10, 2008.

nunaurbiz said...

Go ahead and think Rob Lowe if you want then. I just don't think it's him in this BI.

Amy in MI said...

Emilio Estevez? Married to Pauler Abdul.

Screaming Oyster said...

I don't think its Kiefer Sutherland Ive run into him a few times,hes a very nice guy.

Three sisters said...

Woah, I'm totally going with Sheen after being informed that Alec Baldwin is in no way a B lister after an Emmy.

I dunno, Charlie Sheen just strikes me as a total douche.

Who is Balthazar Getty, besides Sienna Miller's sex buddy? I wasn't aware he was an actual actor......

Unknown said...

Lol I love how everyone STILL fights over what is B-list even after ENT clarified.

Ice Angel said...

OK-I think I have an idea for a much better way to differentiate the lists. Let me know what you all think:

A List-Can you say "hey let's all go to that new ______ movie this weekend!" (Fill in the blank with star of your choice.)

B List-Can you say "hey let's go see that new movie this weekend with ______ in it"

C List-Can you say "hey let's go see that new movie this weekend with a bunch of people and that one guy that I can't think of his name but he was in that one movie with that other guy"

D List-Would be that has-been or never-was that hangs around parties any chance they can trying to score or at least get their picture taken and everyone wonders how they even got an invite or got in to begin with.


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