Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which high-profile celeb couple, who insist they are madly in love, actually sleep in separate rooms? They check into separate suits in hotels...


Mexi said...

brad/angie...tom/kate....shall i keep going?!?!?

Cheryl said...

Daily Mirror, so Posh and Becks. I can't imagine him snuggling up to her.

sassafrass said...

Jordan - Andre

Anonymous said...


West End Girl said...

Yes, I'd go with "Posh" & Becks.

mooshki said...

Posh & Becks, definitely.

Anonymous said...

Tommy-Girl and his Wifebot

nicola said...
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ms_wonderland said...

Chortle at Vitriol!

(seperate suits, bloody hell! Are there no subs at the Mirror!)

nicola said...

Tom and Katie -who are in England right now.

clatie said...

Tom Cruise + Katie-tron.  Didn't I read an item
recently about 'em taking separate residences
"for security reasons"? Because someone would
supposedly try to kill them.  Makes no sense, I 

Goodgrief said...

Tom and Katie or Mariah and Nick

GauchoGirl said...

Tom and Katie. I've heard that somewhere else and they were just in London for the Valkyrie premiere. Could be why it ended up in the Daily Mirror.

mooshki said...

Kathryn, it's just like the President and Vice-President. If there were an attack on one of them, we wouldn't want the country to have to try to function without the other. LOL!

Unknown said...

I agree with Tommy-Girl and his Wifebot because Victoria and David Beckham are never proclaiming their love in public, whereas Tommy-Girl and his Wifebot are always doing it.

I think this is the best situation for Kate-Bot!

Anonymous said...

Supposedly Gay Cruise snores so they can't be in the same room. That's his excuse.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if "snores" is synonymous with "fisting the houseboy".

Audrey said...

I love the Tom and Kate guess!! Make total sense.

parissucksliterally said...

Katie and Tom, or J.Lo and Marc Anthony.

Impertinent Vixen said...

Just because it hasn't been said: J-Lo and Skeletor. Though I think it's Tommygirl and Katiebbot.

cricket said...

Kidman and Urban. She goes on and on about how in love they are. She's trying too hard to convince the world of something that doesn't exsist. Keith would probably ger frostbite trying to sleep next to her anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I like Cricket's guess.

Molly said...

Didn't I read an item
recently about 'em taking separate residences
"for security reasons"? Because someone would
supposedly try to kill them.

Like the way the President and VP of the country and companies always fly separately in case the plane goes down? Tom and Katie are doing this this so the world doesn't have to lose both of them at the same time if something happens? Geeze, how warped ARE they?

man, if something happens to katie, tho, won't we all wonder?

Unknown said...

The Beckhams!!!

Char said...

All. Of. Them.

Sporky said...

LOL @ amber. I say it's Tom and Katie fer sure.

jax said...

Yeah, if "snores" is synonymous with "fisting the houseboy".

LOL...dead on.

Anotheramy said...

This is a mirror item so I am leaning towards a Brit couple but, the truth is, you can bet most have separate bedrooms.

So I guess:

Elle said...

From the clue I'd say this has to be a couple that makes a career out of insisting they are madly in love. Like a couple that takes any opportunity to smash us over the head with their lurrrve. The only ones that really jump at me are Brangelina and Their Royal Beckham's.

Heather Matthews said...

i think it is tom and katie, too - they seem so awkward together.

Ko said...

Jolie Pitt

rocky said...

This is TomKat. I remember Lainey recently saying that Tom was staying in a different hotel than Katie when he was in NYC and she was doing her show.

Dick Insideu said...

Tom needs a separate room because Katie doesn't like to sleep on the shit he leaves on the sheets after wiping himself after assfucking.

Kamikaze Butterfly said...

I thought this one was revealed a while back on some other blog's blinds... Tom and Katie admit to having separate bedrooms already.

bionic bunny! said...

snoring, hell, i would think katie's weeping would keep the entire household awake!

and i've been wondering, ever since this supposed "death threat" thing, was tommy-girl's blackberry ever found?

Ema said...
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Ema said...

How about gwenyth and chris?


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