Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today's Blind Items

I think this this newly engaged NFL player would be surprised to learn that his future wife has been spending a great deal of time talking and texting her old boyfriend every chance she gets and even making plans to meet while she is alone and out of town. Of course it probably serves our NFL player right.


Lauren said...

Kendra Wilkinson --girl next door

Molly said...

yep - hank basett and kendra.

Molly said...


Hilary said...

Tom Brady/Gisele/Leonardo DeCaprio

mooshki said...

Tom Brady. He's Giselle's bitch.

Cooper's Mom said...

Hilary, that's exactly who came to my mind. But them i'm not familiar with US football so no clue really :)

mooshki said...

Jinx, Hilary! :P

the.princess.leia said...

"Of course it probably serves our NFL player right."

That one line leads me to side with Hilary and Mooski. This has to be Brady/Gisele/Leo.

Molly said...

oh, gisele and tom are another good guess!

Thisisridiculous said...

Oooh I'm on the Giselle and Tom bandwagon. "Serves him right" makes me think of his pregnant girlfriend he left.

Brenda22 said...

Maybe Giselle is consoling Leo over the fact that he didn't get an Oscar nod.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Kardashian engaged to Reggie Bush?

Kara said...

Well, that and the NFL player would be surprised to learn what she was doing. Who'd be surprised by the person they cheated with cheating on them?

It makes me think Kendra. I mean, she was paid to be in a threesome for an awful long time. Fidelity doesn't seem to be her strong suit. However, I doubt Heff is the ex-boyfriend!

Dee said...

Yep, I agree Thisisridiculous-I think that's a reference to Tom dumping Bridget Moynahan while she was pregnant.

Shegundala said...

This is Tom and Gi.

Melissa said...

Wow, I got one for once! :P

Anonymous said...

Tom/Giselle. Payback is a bitch hehehhe

twunty mcslore said...

If it's Gis, is she texting Leo? I don't think that he would be that much of a pig. Just don't get that vibe from him.

blog hopper said...

It makes sense to be Giselle bc don't they live on the East Coast? So if she was out of town, in say, L.A., then she could make plans to see Leo...alone

ItsJustMe said...

I hope Bridget Moynahan is laughing her socks off somewhere. I would be, too.

Anonymous said...

God I hope it's Tom Brady/Giselle Buttchin/Leo. I can't stand the former two, and schadenfreude is awesome :D

jgirl828 said...

Tom Brady and Giselle. I'm sure Hank Baskett wouldnt mind...I guess you know what you're getting yourself into if you're gonna marry her.

Goodgrief said...

I guess I am hoppin on the Tom/ Gisele train. Not sure about the Leo train though, I guess it's possible.Didn't she date a billionaire once?

Thisisridiculous said...

If it is Giselle I'm thinking she's not ready to marry and is sending an S.O.S to whoever she's texting.

kanonymous said...

I love how the media twists things around. Both Tom and Bridget have said that they mutually decided to end their relationship before she knew she was pregnant. The baby was born on August 22, 2007, meaning he was conceived sometime around November 22, 2006. Tom and Bridget broke up at the beginning of December. Since she was only weeks pregnant when they broke up, I kind of believe their story that they didn't know they were expecting a baby together. Tom and Giselle didn't start dating until the end of December so I wonder if it's really fair to say that he left Bridget for Giselle.

jax said...

Oooh I'm on the Giselle and Tom bandwagon. "Serves him right" makes me think of his pregnant girlfriend he left.

beat me too it,my thoughts exactly.

Unknown said...

Giselle but with her old bf in Brazil.

Elle said...

I bought a ticket to the same bandwagon... Tom and Gisele!

The whole Tom/Bridget breakup was messy and Gisele doesn't strike me as the type to settle down yet.

Miss X said...

kanonymous...Weren't Tom and Bridget together for several years? Even if she wasn't pregnant, it still looks bad for him to start seriously dating Gisele the next month. JMO.

I'm on the Tom/Gisele bandwagon. Maybe the ex is Leo, maybe not.

Shannon said...

Tom is my NFL boyfriend, so it won't make me sad it this is him. More time for him to spend with me!
HA! In my dreams!!

Anonymous said...

Way off topic, but I just noticed that today is one year since Heath Ledger passed... doesn't seem that long at all.

Robyn said...

Well, after being reminded of how un-gentlemanly Tom was to Bridget it would fit it.. and being the Leo has said he is ready to settle down.. that would prolly make Giselle come back around...

but the big NFL guys linked to people are:

Kim and her guy
Jessica and Tony ROmo?
Kendra and whoever he was
Gisele and Tom Brady..

could be leaving some out I suppose.. and being that is states 'newly engaged' leaves it open to the suggestion that maybe it isn't a public engagement

Dick Insideu said...

How about a blind item about Caroline Kennedy fucking and sucking the publisher of the NY Times? Don't be so West Coast Centric

Hope said...

Giselle is probably the only one independent enough (and would have a reason) to be going out of town on her own. Too bad, her and Tom make such a beautiful couple.

sandman said...

hey dead kennedy, because that might actually be true, unlike the rest of these bi's

Audrey said...

Giselle and Tom - weren't they in different countries recently? I saw a photo of her with another hot guy when they were apart.

Unknown said...

Tom Too Perfect and Giselle Leo Dumped Me!
Ick. Can't stand 'em, so I hope it's them.


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