Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Photos Part One

No special reason to put Ashton Kutcher on the top. It's just the way it happened. This is him on the set of his new movie which is filming in Nice. Tough life.
I'm waiting for Amy Winehouse to tell the world she is pregnant.
Random Aussies of the day goes to Brain McFadden and Delta Goodrem.
Brooke Shields looks very nice.
I can't say the same for Ben Stiller.
Chris Noth on the other hand looks great despite the shaving nick.
Apparently Debi Mazar is going to rob a bank after the event.
I'm getting tired of Debra Messing.
I still don't like Eva Amurri much.
But, her mom looks great.
I have not seen Eve on a red carpet in awhile.
Or Estella Warren.
Now that she's finally married, Fergie has stopped even pretending to look like a woman.
Fightstar - London
One of my favorites is Greg Germann.
And one of your favorites is Hugh Jackman.
Even Jessica Alba looks nice.
Only Jennifer Lopez would actually stop and pose in the Narita airport.
Jordin Sparks & John Mayer - Los Angeles
It's too bad Jeremy Piven is such an ass. It doesn't stop him from dressing really well.
Lauren Ambrose looks downright giddy to be on a red carpet.
One of my favorite couples. Laura Dern and & Ben Harper.
Hello Milla Jovovich.
Mandy Moore is definitely glowing.
I think Marisa Tomei may have made this dress by herself while watching Project Runway.
Natalie Portman without her dog or Sean Penn.
Rosanna Arquette is now a dj.
Rihanna covers up her new gun tattoos.
Rachel Zoe and Nicole Richie are best friends again.
Rough night for Sebastian Stan and Ed Westwick.
An even rougher day for T.I. who was sentenced to one year and one day on federal weapons charges.
I wonder if Vanessa Carlton walked 1,000 miles just to walk this red carpet.
Who the hell invited Vanilla Ice?


nancer said...

sarandon looks like SHIT. 'hey, susan! nobody wants to see your saggy tits, ok?'
don't like her daughter either.

marisa tomei gets more bizarre in every picture of her i see. that dress looks like a home ec. project gone awry.

lauren ambrose i love. she just didn't smile much when she was claire in 'SFU.' it's nice to see she can.

ItsJustMe said...

It looks likeChris Noth got the bags under his eyes taken care of.

lutefisk said...

Is Ben Stiller wearing a Member's Only jacket?

Unknown said...

Ashton Kutcher Twittered this morning that he accidentally knocked a guy out on set. He said the guy was okay, but he felt really bad about it.

Cheryl said...

I agree AnonMom. Chris Noth looks really young and rested.

Natalie Portman is doing the walk of shame.

More Hugh Jackman please!

Molly said...

green wave - ellen

i just had to hop on today to say you looked beautiful on trivia pursuit and i'm really happy you won all that money! congratulations!!

i would have emailed you but your address isn't public and i'm not on myspace.

Anonymous said...

Ever since his temper tantrums on The Surreal Life I can't stand looking at Vanilla Ice.

Cheryl said...

Susan Sarandon is doing the "Goldie Hawn approved" having all this hair in my face to hide the face lift scars maneuver.

what is eight past six? said...

It never occurred to me to think about John Mayer's height, ever. But Jordin Sparks is 5'11" or 6', without heels, so WOW he must be one tall and lanky dude.

Vanessa Carlton looks tired in the face. Maybe she did walk 1,000 miles to be there.

Why is TI just now going to jail? I thought he got sentenced to the "year-and-a-day = I'll be on parole in eight months with good behavior" a year ago. Yet somehow he still won't be in jail until May. You sure can't tell he's having a rough day by the smile...I do have to admit all black looks very nice on him. He even looks tall in that picture.

Anonymous said...

When did Brooke Shields get a boob job?

Wow, Jessica Alba looks genuinely happy.

Milla is simply stunning.

Laura Dern has a beautiful complexion, but please get her some mascara stat!

Anonymous said...

I love Greg Germann. I've loved him since Ally McBeal. So thank you for posting him!

bionic bunny! said...

laura dern has got to have some stories - we sat next next to her once at the now defunked "dive" restaurant (i loved that place) here in SoCal, and all i wanted to do was ask her about her dad. silly me.
"glowing" mandy? if she is PG, she's too thin. but i wish her well.

warmislandsun said...

Ben Stiller is anorexic.

Hervana said...

Brian's Oirish. Milla's so hot I would crawl on my belly over broken glass just to wank off in her shadow.
That is all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Lainey's skinny BI on Ben Stiller was true! He looks really emaciated and aged in that picture.

jax said...

psst Enty. McFadden is IRISH.

lmnop123 said...

Hey Molly where have you been? I've missed your posts. Also I couldn't remember what day Green Wave was on so I missed her too. I wished she'd reminded us again.

How much did she win?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ben looks manorexic for sure. he's Kind of scary looking to be honest

Anonymous said...

Sebastian Stan and Westwick look a lot alike, and it's not a good look to look like. (did that make sense?)

Always good to have Hugh, Enty.

Implying Mandy Moore's pregnant? Not with that dye job.

I hate myself for being attracted to Piven.

Judi said...

Brook's area there is much covered so I'm thinking that dress is very well padded.
However, I too wish that Sarandon would cover up more.
Fergie looks fine. Stiller looks like h*ll.
LOVE Debi Mazar. She ALWAYS looks good.
Estella looks awful. Shame.

Unknown said...

Ed and Stan look hot (though I don't even know who Stan is...)

Sis said...

I am thinking Ben Stiller and his wife is the answer to the anorexic together blind.

I definately think Brooke Shields has had a boob job, and is she the answer to the "boob job" blind from two weeks ago?

Just wondering...if so I am loving the outs coming so quickly!!

Molly said...

nomd, she won $ 14,900 if i'm remembering correctly.

i've been losing a battle with cancer and having to put things in order. i'm too tired to do much and i'm supposed to avoid aggravation so i haven't come here because i don't want to deal with any more attacks on me. right now my big concern is my kids and i've got them in therapy to help them get through this. thnx for asking.

if ellen doesn't see my message, pls tell her she did the cdan crowd proud for me.

lutefisk said...

Molly--I am so sorry to see your post. I had no idea, and I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

Shame-schmame. Betting the Portman/Penn story is bullski.

Anonymous said...

Molly - sending you some love, lots of hugs, lots of good vibes, and prayers.

Marna Palmer said...

Did Eve get that outfit at Forever 21?

CDAN Mod said...

**hugs** molly. i miss you, you little firecracker. please take care!

lmnop123 said...

Molly your health takes precedence over anything else on this board.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and will make sure to pass the message on to Green Wave.

Anonymous said...

Molly, I don't think we've ever corresponded here on CDAN, but I'm so sorry to hear what you're having to deal with, and wish that sympathy were enough to ease your burden.
I hope you win this battle and I will send good thoughts/vibes/say prayers for you and your family.

keks said...

brian mcfadden is irish.

keks said...

brian mcfadden is irish.

WildGirl said...

So am I the only one that noticed that Jennifer Lopez is wearing... HAMMER PANTS?!? Yikes.

_ said...

woah - vanessa carlton. blast from the past.

Green Wave Gal said...

Hi there...

Molly-thanks for the kind words. I'm so sorry you're having health problems.

Sorry Not on My Dollar! I haven't been on here too much b/c I was busy at work. But I'm going to get a copy of the show on DVD so I can share it with whoever may have missed it. It will also re-run over the summer.

Maybe Enty would even post it so everyone can see it!

I did win $14,900 and the whole experience was surreal. I watched the show with some friends and it was weird seeing myself on TV.

When I get the DVD, I'll post a link to it or I'll ask ENTY to post it. :)

Thanks for the support everyone.

Best wishes to you Molly...sending healthy thoughts in your direction!

Anonymous said...

Can we ban Ashton Kutcher? His desperation is annoying!

Diana said...

Love and prayers for you and your family -

Don't know where you are but if you feel a wave coming from the SE USA it's from me.

Molly said...

to the people sending me prayers and well wishes -

thnx so much. pls just keep my kids in your prayers and good thoughts. i really appreciate it.

ellen, i'm so happy you're going to share the show w. people. you rocked.

ardleighstreet said...

Thank you for the Hugh.

jw12 said...


I will put you and your family in my prayers.

Sporky said...

First off, Molly I don't know you but I'm really sorry to hear about your illness, and send you a big hug. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts. oxox

I hate myself for saying this but Ashton actually looks good in that picture. he's still a big tool though.

That is the best I've seen Amy Wino look in ages. Which ain't sayin much.

Susan Sarandon looks great but why is she so against bras?

Ha ha @ the Fergie comment. She and Bret Michaels are the same person, I'm convinced.

And ha ha @ the J-Lo hammerpants comment, I noticed them too!

Love Lauren Ambrose, and miss seeing her.

Rosanna Arquette, you've got about as much business spinning records as Lindsay Lohan does.

Sebastian and Ed look like they've been up several nights in a row - either that or they're trying out for the next Twilight movie.

califblondy said...

Molly, I'm so sorry to hear about your illness.

Dizzy Lizzy said...

i read on a diff. site that T.I. is an informant...they give the one year and one day deal to all snitches...


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