Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Little Creeped Out?

The NY Post had an interesting little blurb about the Maxim 100 party last week in Santa Monica. Yes, the same party that didn't have many of the people that Maxim put in their top 100 including number one and number two. Ha. I just made a bathroom joke and wasn't even trying. Anyway, speaking of bathrooms, Brandon Davis was at the party. He came alone. The NY Post tried to make it sound sad, by saying, "Brandon came totally alone, without any friends, and was just following people around the party."

Awww. Do you feel sorry for Brandon? Me neither. I mean someone invited the guy so he has that going for him. Plus, if he didn't want to come by himself he could have stayed at home and played Clue or something with his brother Jason.

Anyway, so the Post continues by saying, "He was sweating and roaming the red carpet and kept following Kim Kardashian and her sisters around. Everyone was a little creeped out."

Well, I'm creeped out too. Ohhhh. They meant everyone was creeped out by Brandon following people around. I thought they meant everyone was creeped out that someone would actually want to follow the Kardashian sisters around all night. I could totally see someone being creeped out by the thought of wanting to hang out with the sisters. Brandon Davis creeping someone out is kind of par for the course.

Oh, and the picture above is not from the other night. It is just a sweating Brandon hanging out with Kim on a completely different night.


MontanaMarriott said...

Brandon always looks like Elvis Presley during his later chubby years to me, LOL

Also he should try Botox for all that sweating

mooshki said...

As if Kim wouldn't do him in a second. On film. Probably already has.

Maja With a J said...

He is one of a select few men that I'm willing to bring back the word "douchebag" for. He's worth it.

David D. said...

Made. For. Each. Other.
Please, have your reproductive organs seen to and then get married and find an island somewhere. Take yourselves out of the gene pool. For all our sakes. I'll buy a shower gift.

MISCH said...


Unknown said...

I think this guy is a total dipsh!t but going out by yourself isn't that big of a deal. It makes you more approachable to meet people.

nancer said...

i think giving up the coke might help with the sweating.

jax said...

forget this greasy bugger, i want to know who vandalised the Kardashians's stores!

CDAN Mod said...

i thought greasy bear's granpa gambled away his trust fund?

mooshki said...

Jax, I confess, it was me. It was well worth the cost of the trip and the spray paint.

mooshki said...

Oh, and the "We ♥ you Kim" was meant ironically, of course.

Sinjin said...

Enty, I lurves you and your silly jokes. You live in LA and haven't lost your normalness :) Sending you big hugs.
LOL & ditto on MM's comment. Why the hell does he sweat so much? I know obese people who don't sweat like that!

Cheryl said...

When is he not sweating? Greasy Bear and his brother Gummy Bear need to go hibernate.

Anonymous said...


I can't stand this bum.

ardleighstreet said...

Thank you for the laugh Enty that was priceless!

Judi said...

Ew. Just ew.

shakey said...

He was probably taking care of his regulars and looking for new customers.

AMD said...

Why is he always so sweaty? Is it glandular?

Montana, he always reminds me of Elvis's bloated corpse.

Katja said...

This is why we need estate taxes for the billion dollar club people.

Do you think for one red hot second these people or anyone but the GATES have paid their fair share of taxes?

Linnea said...

´ He is one of the few people i want to see get that over-the-top
spray tan that seems to be so en vouge. Can you imagine what kind of strange color he would have after that red blushing mixed with the orange tan?

Linnea said...

oh, wait. I guess thats what we are witnessing right now.


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