Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I Don't Like Nicole Kidman

There, I said it. I came right out in the headline and said I don't like her. I have tried. I have really, really tried. There is just something about her that resonates evil and heartlessness with me. I don't know if she was always like that or if she picked it up by being married to Napoleon for so long, but she just always seems to be looking out for herself and will do or say anything to make sure the focus remains on her.

She has somehow taken a very mediocre career as an actress and made a fortune by convincing people she is a star and good at what she does. She isn't. The only movie she was halfway decent in was The Others and the only reason she was good in that was because she got to play someone who was dead. She manipulates and pokes and I have no doubt that Keith Urban is probably terrified of her. I feel like she uses her child as a prop and used her children with Tom as props and has no time for them. I don't think she is particularly nice and has much warmth as an ice cream truck.

Nicole gave an interview to British GQ this month and in one breath says she doesn't want to talk about any past relationships and in the next breath says, "My life has been about exploring types of love," she says. "I've explored obsession, I've explored loss and love in terms of being in a grief-stricken place, I've explored strange sexual fetish stuff, I've explored the mundane aspect of marriage, and monogamy. But I'm still on that journey."

Do you get the feeling here that she thinks Keith is pretty boring? I think she just keeps him around until she has sucked every last drop of something out of him and then she will move on.

Also in the interview she says she doesn't want to talk about Tom Cruise or her marriage and then says that people are wrong when they say they started to drift during Eyes Wide Shut. "[W]e were pretty happily married throughout that period. People will always watch the movie in hindsight and go, 'Oh no, that must be where it all went wrong.' I don't want to say whether anything is or isn't true any more."

Conveniently for her she says she also burned all her diaries that she wrote during her marriage to Cruise. Why? Because they were filled with nothing but bad things. Uh huh. I think that when Nicole is desperately seeking attention in a few years some of those diaries will magically appear.


Unknown said...

I did some work at a local studio that had movie stars coming in all the time to do press interviews about their latest movies..

Kidman was the biggest bitch they could remember hosting. EVER. They said she didn't even acknowledge anyone, even when standing a foot away from them with them speaking to her. Just horrid. Unlike Halle Berry who they said was the sweetest they'd ever had. Just sayin'

Unknown said...
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Drcocks said...

There was an old blind a few years back, I even think I read it here right after enty started this site. It was about an actress who won an oscar and then became so big headed and demanding and cold that no one wanted to work with her anymore. If I remember right some people even guessed Halle but it has since been found she is pretty nice to people. I wonder if it was about Nicole. Hmm

MontanaMarriott said...

"Strange sexual fetish stuff" Let me guess Tom asked her to wear a strap on?

Although I am prone to believe the rumor that Mimi Rogers spread about Nicole being a trannie.

Anonymous said...

I still think the only reason she won't say anything regarding their marriage is because she can't due to whatever potentially damaging shit the Co$ has on her.

She does come across as generally unlikeable and icy either way.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I have a question. If Nicole can have "natural" kids, and Tom can have "natural" kids, then why did they adopt when they were together? I thought one of them couldn't have kids that's why they adopted. Perhaps the rumors about Suri not being his were/are true.

Syd said...

Who says they have "explored" all that shit. That's just weird.

Patty said...

Enty, How do you really feel?

ambernyc, I think you're onto something. Maybe she is talking about this sex fetish stuff to soften whatever they may have on her. The best defense is a good offense.

Urban Myths said...

Poor Keith. Almost makes me feel sorry for him.

TinselSass said...

She first gave me the creeps years ago when in a Vanity Fair interview she referred to TC as her "love drug." Yeah, right.

I've actually found her more human, humane and sincere since the divorce. However, she resonates cold, robotic and increasingly desperate and irrelevant. Talking about her sex life without coming clean on her she club crawls?! Now that would have been interesting.

Vikingwench said...

And she keeps getting scarier looking...

Osherrie said...

Wasn't there a blind a short while ago about a singer/actor couple where the husband was afraid of the wife? Was this a big ol' clue? Anyway, I've never heard of anyone who actually likes her, but I adore Keith Urban. How'd he end up with her?!

shakey said...

I liked her in more than one role, but what do I know - I like Eva Longoria, lol! But that comment about exploring "strange sexual fetish stuff" screams Eyes Wide Shut to me. Playing a part in a movie is different from exploring something on your own. And IRC, her character didn't do any of the kinky stuff in that movie, am I correct?

Enny said...

Well, I can only assume that her marriages to Tom and Keith have been legal, thus she's not ACTUALLY a man.

RocketQueen said...

To be fair, I think she was awesome in "To Die For". I hadn't liked her before that.

I re-watched Days of Thunder this past weekend and wow - the work that THIS Nicole Kidman has had done to her face since THAT Nicole Kidman is utterly astounding. Her eyes are just WEIRD now.

warmislandsun said...

I can only imagine what has happened to her over the past ten years. I met her and Tom in a baby store I used to work at in Florida. She was smiling, nice and pleasant. He was greasy-haired, mangy-looking and silent. I didn't even recognize them until after they left. Nicole left a very sweet note in the guest book. She seemed very warm back then. He was kind of gross - but it may have been a "disguise". it is weird how fame and money can change a person. Now she looks and seems cold, brittle and plastic.

Ms Cool said...

I didn't think her face could get any worse.

Enty's Next Ex-Wife said...

Everyone thought the marriage was on the rocks in Eyes Wide Shut because they had absolutely NO chemistry. I think Nicole got exactly what she wanted from Tom and SOC..a career. She became a hot celeb and Tom got a cover for his life.

Alice D Millionaire said...

After reading what I have about scientology recently, knowing that she was married to tom for so long and immersed in that cult culture, I have a hard time hating her. The leaders of that organization are manipulative and dangerous and I think you would have to have a thick skin and be pretty icy just to survive.

By all accounts she is a bit**. I would like to think that in her situation that I would act better and be a better person but I probably wouldn't be.

As for her face she does need to leave it alone but that industry drives so many men and women do horrible things to their bodies to keep from aging. Madonna, Karl L, CZJ & Michael D, have scary faces, and people like Posh have awful breasts.

sunnyside1213 said...

I have never heard anything about Keith liking men, so I too assume she is a woman. However, she is getting to be one scary looking woman.

nancer said...

well, i like her. i think she can't divulge anything about her marriage to xenu for legal reasons---that's how he rolls.
as for her maternal skills, where does that shit come from?? tom has alienated their adopted children from her and sucked them into the COS vortex. as for her baby, what do we know about her feelings? nothing, but i'd assume she loves that baby and is a good mother.

i think she's a very GOOD actress who's been in some crap movies, but the better ones, she's been very good in. ('the hours' and 'dead calm' are my favorites.)

i think she gets a lot of shit she doesn't deserve. i do wish she'd leave her face alone, but other than that, i'm a fan.

ellie said...

Can't even remember the last time she was in a "successful" movie. Why oh why does she keep getting big roles and keep making the big bucks?

AndrewBW said...

"My life has been about exploring types of love."

Gak! I just threw up!

lutefisk said...

I thought the Keith Urban marriage was an arrangement for both of them.
I don't see any chemistry between them, anyways.

Reese said...

I remember a few years ago when Nicole was doing something with Lauren Bacall, and the two were being interviewed together by some very fluffy press agent. Fluffy was trying to get LB to say that NK was "an acting legend". LB snorted and said something along the lines of "She's done nothing, she's a beginner". At the time the press tried to paint LB as a jealous old witch, but she was right. NK hasn't done a good job in anything since "To Die For" and gets scarier looking every day. I get so sick of her constant appearances in fashion mags as the "most model-like actress working today", etc. I'm with you, Enty; I don't like her either. Why anyone considers her still relevant is beyond me.

sunnyside1213 said...

OMG...she is going to be in Bel Ami with RPattz. Wonder if she is going to play his mother?

sunnyside1213 said...

OMG...she is going to be in Bel Ami with RPattz. Wonder if she is going to play his mother?

Little Baby Jade said...

I think all interviews with "celebrities" are stupid and they say the most idiotic things just to get blogs to pick them up and post over and over.

I think for whatever reason, she was in love w/GMD and the divorce took her by surprise and he has kept those kids away from her.

PotPourri said...

Nancer, my feelings exactly. Tom set his sights on her in Dead Calm. She was a sweet young thing of 21, and didn't know better. She had an ectopic pregnancy at Christmas one year, and that proves she had an ovary. She is female people.

After 10 years of Sci and refusing to leave her Catholic Roots, she makes me proud. He agreed to adopt those children, but he got to raise them as Scientolobots. She was NOT ALLOWED to see them after the divorce. Remember, she is not a Scientologist, and they are.

PotPourri said...

Nancer, my feelings exactly. Tom set his sights on her in Dead Calm. She was a sweet young thing of 21, and didn't know better. She had an ectopic pregnancy at Christmas one year, and that proves she had an ovary. She is female people.

After 10 years of Sci and refusing to leave her Catholic Roots, she makes me proud. He agreed to adopt those children, but he got to raise them as Scientolobots. She was NOT ALLOWED to see them after the divorce. Remember, she is not a Scientologist, and they are.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Kidman and as an actress I think it depends the type of movie she comes out. She was good in "To Die for" and "Malice". I never saw the "Hour" which she won the Oscar for. I heard the movie was very boring so didn't go to see it.

nancer said...

i thought 'the hours' was brilliant. i sure didn't find it boring, but to each his own.
rent it and see what you think. i thought she was excellent in it.

HannahPalindrome said...

I thought the weird alien cult would keep family members away from eachother if one left the cult.

I'm not a country music fan, but I have always liked Keith Urban.

I was "surprised" when he married Nicole.

I still have a hard time believing she was pregnant.

HannahPalindrome said...

I thought the weird alien cult would keep family members away from eachother if one left the cult.

I'm not a country music fan, but I have always liked Keith Urban.

I was "surprised" when he married Nicole.

I still have a hard time believing she was pregnant.

nunaurbiz said...

I loved her in "To Die For," but then, she was playing a manipulative bitch.

Loved her in "Malice," but then, she was playing a manipulative bitch.


Hey, Keith, come cry on my shoulder when it's over ;-)

JOY said...

Who knows why she said what she did but I think it will only add to the negatives for her & her career. We only heard GREAT things about Keith from the people all around Nashville when we were there on Oct. 30th, '09 for his Grand Ole Opry performance. When we were asked why we were in Nashville & we mentioned to see Keith perform, tour guides, waiters & others told us how nice & fan friendly he is & they are glad that he lives around Nashville. They think he's just an all around good guy.

c17 said...

Jesus, but some of you (including Ent) are judgmental!

I don't have an opinion on her one way or the other, but she HAS had some critically acclaimed films (Dead Calm, To Die For) and in the era of Jon & Kate, I LIKE the fact that she's not trash-talking her ex's for attention/publicity/money. Guess to some of you, you're damned if you do & damned if you don't.

lanasyogamama said...

There is something so non sexual about her - even in that super sexy outfit!

Choice said...

That is really the wax work of her dressed up like a transvestite. You don't really think a 40 something woman would dress up like that - unless she desperately craved attention:

J-Mo said...

I thought she was so beautiful at one time and plan on seeing some of her movies that I missed. I sooo wish she would allow some wrinkles to evolve so she'd look less harsh, cold, and fake.
I really think her image problem is from having to be so guarded and then taking it to an extreme so even her unguarded moments are totally scripted.
I've asked before, why doesn't a publicist make her aware of what's said about her, especially regarding the botox, her brow looks cro-magnon in this picture!

littleoleme said...

If Nicole can have "natural" kids, and Tom can have "natural" kids, then why did they adopt when they were together? I
First off, Tom CAN'T have kids. He's sterile. And he said so himself on The Tonight Show a long, long time ago. Guess he thought people would forget that truth when all of hte sudden he got some young girl pregant - yeah, right.
Mimi Rogers is the psycho who introduced Tom Cruise to Scientology so yeah, I can see her making crazy shit up about Nicole Kidman.
Nicole Kidman can't see her kids. Once you leave Scientology those still in it are forced to forever cut off all ties with whoever does not belive in Xenu. Fucking cult.

I don't think Nicole Kidman is an angel but I don't think she's the cold queen people,like the writer of this site, like to make her out to be. I do have to agree though that she took her beautiful face and fucked it up.

empyrios said...

c17's got a point.

IMHO Kidman seems like she's one result of someone being emotionally annihilated. There's the Lohan route or this one, it seems....

Dead Calm is a great flick. One of my favs.

laurenbelle said...

after the divorce, in Australia she was "our Nic". i think she wore out all the good will generated by that split here though. she does seem cold and aloof but at least she retains her dignity and class. i dont get the desperate fame-seeking whore vibe from her at all. to tell the truth, if i was famous i wouldnt want to kiss ass to every schmuck i ever came into contact with just so people wouldnt call me a bitch on a website.

Unknown said...

Ted C. has no love for Nic either. He is always bringing up the rumor about her sister being the biological mother of Sunday Roast. Supposedly, this is a big rumor down under. I think she should lay off the Botox, because she looks creepy. I also have heard the rumors that her marriage to Keith Urban is a sham, but who knows? I like her a lot more than crazy Tom.

A440 said...

Take whatever Kidman says about her medical history with a grain of salt. She had an ectopic pregnancy? She had a miscarriage? She's "completely natural"?

Oh, yeah? How do we know this?

Because Nik told us, that's how. No doctor has ever spoken in public (which would have to be with her permission, natch) to confirm her statements about fertility probs or her lack of cosmetic surgery. All we have is her word about it, and since she's proven herself contradictory at best, I don't believe a word this broad says.

Including her statements of how much she loves parenthood and her marriage to Keith.

PS: And the reference to the fellow who was afraid of his wife, and could it be Urban? I say, very possibly. Saw a bit of video on him where he was working with Huff. His cell rang, and that boy literally jumped -- and I mean, really jumped -- to answer it. I thought his hands were shaking when he grabbed the phone off the table in front of him. Maybe not, but he sure was damn quick to answer it.


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