Wednesday, July 21, 2010

13 Days For Lindsay Lohan

You would think that when someone is sentenced to 90 days in jail with a condition they must serve the full time that it actually means something close to the full time. 13 days out of 90 does not seem anywhere close to the full time. Lindsay went into jail knowing it would not be longer than 23, but when she got to jail, the county informed the press that because of overcrowding and good behavior Lindsay would serve 14 days. Later they changed that to 13 days. Plus, since she can leave at just after midnight that day, it will really be more like 12. Plus, yesterday she did not really have to spend any time in her cell because of all the processing and tests it is like 11 days. Can you imagine if she was sentenced to just that 30 days? She would be getting out tomorrow or the next day. Why even bother sending someone to jail? Now of course she could get in a fight with another inmate or something and then she would be back to the original 23 days. But, I am guessing that won't happen although with the nicotine withdrawal she is probably going through right now anything is possible.

But, if things get too bad she can always take some of her medicine and float off into fantasy land where she is a good actress and her mom bakes cookies every day.


Lady J said...

Why did they even bother to put her in jail if she was going to serve so little time. What little faith I had in the justice system has completely gone away. Had this been me or some regular joe we would have to do the full 90 days if not more, but this crack whore gets out in two weeks because of "overcrowding". Get the Fuck out of here!

Anonymous said...

I am sure she will be considered a hero when she gets out.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that this will end well for her. And even then, the rules will not change for celebs.

weezy said...

Can't she smoke during her one free hour outside each day? I guess it's like recess. Other inmates will probably trip all over each other trying to offer her a loosie (single cigarette.)

Unknown said...

did she botox, tan and inject her lips for this publicity shot? Somehow I don't think she took this seriously

Daveb said...

Yes she is only serving a fraction of what she should. But, if the jail is overcrowded, I'd rather they let her out early than some rapist, murderer or drug dealer. Come to think of it, if they need room to jail a politician, they can let her out this afternoon.

sunnyside1213 said...

I am sick of her!

Amartel said...

The sentence was always a fiction and a charade. It would really do the woman some good to stay in for the full 90 and get clean but that was never going to happen. No real punishment, no salutary effects. The justice system is just going through the motions here. That being said, she is a good actress. Or was. Drug- addled, delusional, desperate, depraved, and an embarrassment to the species in her current state. But a good actress.

Jenny said...

She is considered non-violent. So much for carjacking and kidnapping being taken seriously. This short term may help the people with the civil suit against Lindsay. With such candy-@ss actual time in jail, the civil suit may cost Lindsay dearly if a jury is sick of her antics and ability to escape real consequences.

chihuahuense said...

While *personally* I don't like drugs or what they do to people, I wish that people who DON'T carjack others or do other things while on drugs (i.e. person gets pulled over for not using a blinker, etc and cop finds weed in car, person goes to jail) would just receive a fine and education of the dangers of drugs and no jail time. I hate that our system is bogged down with a BUNCH of non-violent drug users. I know, I know, there is a lot of violence that goes along with drug use, but same can be said for alcohol. It is just getting preposterous.

parissucksliterally said...

Jenny, right? since when is carjacking NON-VIOLENT?

I wish she would rot for 6 months. She deserves it.

Fabulous! said...

i agree that any time is better than none, but 13 days out of 90 just continues to make a mockery of the justice system.

what's irritating to me though, is that the jail said she'd serve 14 days of 23 because of good behavior. wth does that mean? how can she be released early for good behavior when we don't know if she's going to show up and be an asshole the entire time? they're rewarding her before she's had a chance to be good. it's so fake. it's all a letdown.

kathrynnova said...

i think the whole thing was a publicity stunt.

i'm really disappointed though - i was looking forward to NOT hearing about lohan for three months.

captivagrl said...

The best thing I can say is the dosage of her meds is monitored and she's heading to rehab.

__-__=__ said...

She is this country's Pete Doherty.

timebob said...

Well the good news is she has to serve the full 90 days of rehab. So she will def be off the radar for 3 months in a few weeks. At least I hope she is put in a place that the paps can't get to her.

Seeing her last stint in jail was 84 minutes 2 weeks is a miracle. I wish the judge had said whatever days she gets off doing in jail gets tacked on to her rehab days. But most importantly the Judge said no house arrest or work furlough.

RocketQueen said...

I guess the courts didn't take into account the number of times she's thrown full glasses and bottles at people's heads when declaring her "non-violent".

Maja With a J said...

Timebob, that was going to be my question - does she still have to do the 90 days of rehab?

But my guess is that after that 90 days, we'll once again see daily pictures of Lindsay stumbling out of nightclubs. For some reason I don't believe this will teach her a single thing.

erin z. said...

nicotine withdrawal is not a big deal. people need to read allen carr's easy way to stop smoking. making it into a big deal makes it far worse for the person who is trying to quit or is not smoking.

Reese said...

I can't help but think that someone is already writing a script for her biopic. I don't think too many people are expecting Lindsay to ever see 30.

bionic bunny! said...

lynwood jail is 100% no smoking. the worst for her (which she even confirmed) will be the lack of attention (ok, she said "she hates being alone", same thing). and what drugs they DO allow her to take, will be closely monitored, so she will have a lot of withdrawal to deal with.
it's NOT going to be pleasant. how much time did parasite serve? and she damn near lost what little mind she has.
but isn't she serving time for the other stuff? leaving the scene, whatever all the other charges were, not just possession and dui? if that's the case,
i'm doubly pissed about how they've cut her time down.
i predict overdose as soon as/shortly after her release from re-hab. i certainly hope the real re-hab doesn't allow visitors for the first 30 days.


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