Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mel Gibson Tape Part Five - Plus Mel Pulls A Gun And Hit His Baby

Wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, a pound or two of bacon and listen to Mel Gibson screaming and yelling and panting and proving he knows every nasty word in the English language. Probably Aramaic too. This has been my morning routine for the past week and it continues again today. In what has to be the last tape before they start releasing photos, Radar has audio of Mel telling Oksana he has no money and he blames her and then uses every derogatory word for a woman that I have heard.

So, if you want to listen to the tape, click here.

In other Mel news, Radar says they have pictures of Lucia, the baby, all bruised as a result of the attack on Oksana by Mel while she was holding the baby. Lucia was two months old at the time. So, not only does he beat women he also beats infants. Oh, and when Oksana tried to leave the house he pulled a gun on her to keep her from leaving. That was the day that he had already punched her in the face and knocked out her teeth. She wanted to leave. He didn't want her to leave, so he pulled the gun. While waving the gun in her face he told her that if she wanted to leave fast, the gun would help.


Shmooey said...

I wonder who "Sacha" is, and why Mel says her son is screwed up. Unless Sacha Alexander's nickname.

I find it hard to believe he is running out of money, even if he is supporting so many people, simply because of the sheer amount of maoney he has made with his films.

If true, he must have made some terrible investiments.

Shmooey said...

I wonder who "Sacha" is, and why Mel says her son is screwed up. Unless Sacha is Alexander's nickname.

I find it hard to believe he is running out of money, even if he is supporting so many people, simply because of the sheer amount of maoney he has made with his films.

If true, he must have made some terrible investiments.

mooshki said...

Well, that makes it official, bye bye career, hello jail. Not to make light of hitting a woman, but hurting a baby is beyond unforgivable.

MommaSaid said...

Why is this man not in jail yet for terroristic threats? He should share a cell with a Jew, a Black, and a Latino and everyone else he has ever ranted about to boot.This man truly offends me. I'm sure his children and grandchildren are very proud to have the Gibson name. Ass.

jax said...

i was going to listen to day but figured i'd just wait for the Box Set to be released in dolby surround.

MommaSaid said...



shakey said...

He's done.

I watched ET last night for the first time in eons. They played one of the tapes. Have to say her voice sounded too clear and too cool. I wouldn't doubt she does/says things to push his buttons but he really needs to put a filter on his mouth and actions. Walk away, leave her alone.

(I did tell my husband I'm lucky he doesn't get angry like that over blow jobs, lol.)

Seachica said...

Sasha is a common Russian nickname for people named Alexander/Alexandra.

Unknown said...

Good luck at next tuesday's custody hearing, Mel from Hell!

Lizzie said...

It sickens me to think there may be evidence of a bruise on the baby as well. (the baby would have been 2 months old)
I don't think I can ever watch a Mel Gibson movie again.
I still very much think he's mentally ill, but society needs to be protected from this kind of person.If it is proven that he also injured this baby, he should never be able to be around her.
He needs to be locked up!
I can't listen to anymore tapes, they're just too awful.
Oh, and "Sasha" (sp?) is Oksana's sons nickname.

Unknown said...

That man is sickening. I think he should be put in the cell with Joran van der Sloot where those two women-haters can wait to be stabbed/attacked by one of the other inmates.

__-__=__ said...

"He should share a cell with a Jew, a Black, and a Latino and everyone else he has ever ranted about to boot." Let's add at least 5 women on menopause to that, please.

Shmooey said...

So he doesn't get along with her son and thinks he's a mess and that Oksana is the worst mother in the world.

I hope Timothy has got his son out of that environment.

Also, if the baby got bruised while Mel was attacking Oksana, it is possible he was hit by accident while in his mother's arms, as opposed to being Mel's target.

Alice D Millionaire said...

He is obviously a complete monster but if I were her I would have called the cops the second he laid a hand on my baby. I know battered women don't always turn in their abusers but Oksana isn't opposed to turning these tapes in later? It isn't as if I don't believe all of this stuff is true, I guess I just don't understand her reasoning.

Goodgrief said...

Wow, and I really love "Signs", to bad will probably never watch it again. It just won't be the same.

Anyway can't wait to hear how Whoopi defends him now with the bruised baby and gun in the picture.

Ms Cool said...

I can't listen to the tapes - I start and then stop. That man is crazy. Evil or crazy, I don't know. There are no words for how vicious this man is and how much he utterly hates Oksana. I mean he seems to hate her in an OJ way.

Oksana doesn't seem like a pearl but at no point should she abused verbally and physically, no matter if she is a user, thief, blackmailer, or gold-digger.

The fact that there is a baby and little boy involved in this mess is horrifying.

People have to think very hard about who they want to have babies with. These people are tied to each other for life because of that little girl.

jax said...

goodgrief, THANKYOU. i am so sick of her bullshit excuses for this guy.
he is an abuser,not doing some Jackassery behavior.

cute it up any way you want Whoopi,he's a fucking monster.

i don't care what Oksana did, how she attained the tapes or even goaded him, it does NOT NEGATE what he DID.people need to remember that and stop blaming the victim.

Barton Fink said...

I like how the Radar Online transcript tries to give a textual account of the nonverbal portions of Mel's rant, for instance:

(crazed panting)

(out of control)

RocketQueen said...

Just what _-_=_ said. I want to see this guy locked up with gen pop.

Kara said...

Even if these tapes are doctored and there are parts we can't or aren't hearing, he is clearly a freak to get so completely insanely out of control. If she really was that bad, why is he still calling her?

That being said, I really think that we've made being a "victim" of abuse it's own profession in this country. I really think that she might have stuck around just for the money.

It's the children I feel really, really sorry for.

Pookie said...

omg, abusing that innocent baby...this is heartbreaking. i hope it makes a good case for him to never, ever have custody of her.

Goodgrief said...

Kara, I really don't of any woman who asks to be abused and have their teeth knocked out, threatened with their life, yelled at by a maniac and called every mean, degrading name in the book and be made to feel like a piece of trash and just live in fear for the next explosive rampage. That's a new one.

Karmen said...

I am so embarrassed to admit this, but when I read "Wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee ..." it went to the beat of "Tik Tok". The chagrin. Don't hate me!

selenakyle said...

Yep, straight to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go straight to both jail and then HELL after jail, to rot and fester forever.

The court of public opinion has doomed him forever, no matter how in the *right* he might have been at the seedling of the beginning of this whole fiasco, no matter how gold-diggy she is, no matter how button-pushy she is, no matter how fake her ties matter WHAT.

Just Another Blonde said...

Karmen bwahahaha I did too! So I guess we're nuts together! ;)

captivagrl said...

Arrest him.
I don't want to here he's entering rehab or he's in therapy.
Arrest him.

Meg said...

I cannot even listen to this one. For touching the baby, he deserves to do time. I really hope that she is able to get him taken in on charges for at least that & he won't get off.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Ok, I'm satisfied.
Mel Gibson is the AntiChrist.

PotPourri said...

Even this seems to crazy for him. I have to wait and see on the baby thing. Why? Because she knows no one would believe her, but if the baby had bruises, well, the world would listen to that.

Another thing, did she use the baby to block her punches? Come on, that just sounds dumb.

FrenchGirl said...


Melody the First said...

Jax and a a few of you have provided me great chuckles after listening to five seconds of that garbage.

Maybe Whoopi and Jodie and Robyn and Co. are defending him because they're terrified of him.

bionic bunny! said...

sociopaths can turn it on and off at will. his drinking would loosen his hold on the control button.

the baby COULD have bruises if the blows knocked oksana down and she did her best to shelter the baby.
oh, i believe he made contact himself with the baby, but just another weird possibility.

ChasingHeaven said...

I don't know...I wouldn't be surprised if Mel kills himself.

Anonymous said...

The premise of the beginning of this post sounds an awful lot like a comment I read on the Gawker network.


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