Monday, November 01, 2010

Lily Allen Has Miscarriage

According to the spokesperson for Lily Allen, the singer suffered a miscarriage at six months. This is awful. You can tell how excited Lily Allen was to have this baby and she even gave up singing because she was worried about having a miscarriage after her last miscarriage in 2008. That one was much sooner in the pregnancy. At six months, birth is so close, and that point where maybe doctors can save the baby if given the chance.

"It is with great sadness that we have to confirm that Lily Allen and Sam Cooper have lost their baby." Breaks my heart. Not just for Lily, but for all women and couples that have to go through this.


awesome balla. said...

mentally sending her a huge hug, some tissues, a fuzzy blanket and a bottle of wine. and probably some macaroni and cheese because when im depressed that's all i can eat.

kathrynnova said...

oh no....

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

When I read this on Dlisted I felt awful for her. Her baby must have been really sick cause I thought they could survive (if they were relatively healthy) if they were born that prematurely.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Cool said...

That is so devastating. I don't have anything to say other than I hope she can see a good therapist to help her through this.

sunnyside1213 said...

I am so sad for them.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I might get a train run on me for saying this, but when I hear about stuff like that it makes me wonder if something really bad was going to happen to that baby, so God took it back cause it wasn't ready yet. Like it could have been the first victim of a serial killer, or patient zero for a new disease. I dunno. I try to justify things so the world doesn't kill me with sadness.

A.beautiful.mess said...

When I heard the news, I felt this deep pit in my stomach. It is truly horrible and she spoke out how her miscarriage (at a much earlier stage) was completely devastating and how she seeks therapy on it and now this happens. My heart breaks for her. Usually at 6 months, they can save the baby. My aunt had twins delivered at that stage so the child must have been really unhealthy. I hope she gets lucky third time around. And that this doesn't break her and sam up. Sigh she'll get through it but it definitely won't be easy.

BigMama said...

This just breaks my heart. I can not imagine the pain they are feeling right now. The is absolutly nothing you can say to someone dealing with this. I hope the press leaves her alone.

bflogurl said...

Sue Ellen: My husband thinks very much along the same lines you do, and it is beginning to make sense to me as well. If anything, I can find a bit of comfort in tragedy....

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Sometimes the world is so heart breaking you do whatever you can to not be swallowed by it.

chopchop said...

As a woman who is 7 months along, this is terribly upsetting. My heart breaks for her ... I hope she is surrounded by lots love and support. Poor Lily.

Karmen said...

This is so sad. I was happy for her to be with child after what happened in 2008. My heart goes out to her and her family.

RocketQueen said...

Condolences, Lily. And wine.

A. Bedelia said...

Technically she did not suffer a miscarriage, but rather a still birth.

I have had two miscarriages and they are devastating, but I comforted myself with the fact that they were early, before I ever even saw a heartbeat. But to loose a child at six months after feeling him move around and hiccup would make me want to die.

My heart breaks for her. I hope her doctors know what happened so that she can receive treatment for it during future pregnancies.

MommaBear said...

Sometimes, it can be as simple as the cord becoming wrapped around the baby's neck, effectively strangling the baby. That's what happened to my brother and his wife when she was 5 months pregnant. The most horrifying thing, is that she was so far along that she had to go thru labor and delivery, just with a lot more drugs than you would normally give....

I feel for Lily...

jess said...

Six months already? how awful..I hope she's up for a next one, wish her luck.

hunter said...

@Sue Ellen --

I'm inclined to agree but for different reasons (Re: why baby didn't live). I believe sometimes there is a congenital heart defect or it has 3 arms or no toes or Lord knows what - so the body disposes of the baby.

6 months is totally sad though. Lily Allen might act a twat sometimes, but this is a very sad story.

GladysKravitz said...

I was just going to say what A. Bedelia and MommaBear said: this wasn't a miscarriage, but a stillbirth, and poor Lily had to go through labor. When this happens to women in the hospital in which I work, I cry. Really.

There are lots of horrible things that can happen to people in the medical realm, but this, while viewed as an every day thing by most practitioners, is one of the most devastating. All the couple's hopes and dreams gone--and then 12 hours of being with medical professionals in a cold environment while grieving. Sad. Sad. Sad.

MISCH said...

Oh No, Lily....I'm am ending my most positive thoughts to you...I have been there...(at 10 weeks) can't even imagine how you must feel. One day at a time...heal.

hunter said...

Ooooo. 6 month stillbirth WITH labor?

That. Sucks. Hard.

wow, now I'm kinda extra sad for her.

Carrie said...

In September of 2008, my daughter was born sleeping at 24 weeks gestation. There are so many causes for these types of loss - Cord accident, premature rupture of membranes, incompetent cervix,infection, or fetal illness.

To the previous poster who said that the baby must have been sick - No. You're wrong.

My heart breaks for Lily because I know 100% what she's going through. My husband and I lost our daughter, and after undergoing infertility treatment, we lost another pregnancy in June of this year. I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant and I can't tell you how terrifying pregnancy is once you've lost one.

Please keep Lily and her boyfriend in your prayers. This is such an awful, traumatic thing and will take her years to come to terms with.

Angie said...

even more heartbreaking is that I read a quote that all she wanted in the world was to have children...she appears to have cleaned up her act. I hope she move forward while she is dealing with such a devastating blow.

chopchop said...

Thinking of you, Carrie. Big big hugs.

BigMama said...

@Carrie and ChopChop - love and light and many happy blessings going your way.

To everyone else who has suffered thru this, I hope your heart can heal as much as it is possible for it to heal. That kind of loss is truly tragic.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

@Angie, I totally agree. I've had FIVE miscarriages, I have one child here, and I'm 8 months with my 2nd. None of my five miscarriages - the remains were tested - showed any signs of anything being "wrong" with the baby.

And that far along, it's extra brutal, because you have to labor and deliver the child. When I read that this morning, I got so upset.

Peace be with them.

Lioness70 said...

My heart is breaking for her.

I believe, still not 100 percent sure, that I had a miscarriage very early on, maybe a week pregnant. Even though I'll never know for sure, I was devastated. I can't even imagine what she's feeling right now.

Carrie said...

@ Christine - big hugs to you. You're a strong woman.

Anonymous said...

I am sooo glad stupid Perez Hilton is on his "anti-bullying" kick right now...she was always one of his prime targets. I can only imagine the kinds of things he would have said otherwise.

Susan said...

So terribly sad over this, and for all of you who have had miscarriages and/or stillborn births. Reading things like this makes me realize how lucky I am. I'm officially one week from my due date. It took me four years to get here, but my husband and I are so thrilled and feel blessed.

My mom has always been paranoid about my pregnancy because I was a twin, and my sister was stillborn. I was the only twin who made it, and I was a premie so I was in the hospital forever ever. Basically, my parents had to come home to two cribs and no baby. My mom told me when I turned 30 years old that my birthday is the hardest day of the year for her. I never knew it was so hard for her, because she doesn't talk about it to me or my two sisters and always celebrated the day with her game face on. But when she told me the truth, I felt horrible. She's been talking about it a lot more this year since I am FINALLY prego. But, she is definitely more worrisome about my pregancy than she has ever been about my sisters'. They have six babies between them. Hope she's calm during my delivery. :)

Tempestuous Grape said...

I think her body has spoken. I hope she adopts instead of trying again.

Carrie said...

@ MB - are you joking me? I sincerely hope so. Would you tell a cancer survivor to roll over and die if it came back a second time?

If you're serious... wow. You need a major sensitivity check.

Ms Cool said...

To all who have mentioned their losses, I am so sorry. I had two miscarriages and can't imagine going through a third or a stillbirth. I wonder how I could get past it. People are so resilient, it never ceases to amaze me the strength that they have.

I do want to address what Dawn said about birth defects. My son was diagnosed in utero at 5-months with a congenital heart defect. We were given options on what to do, including abortion. Feeling my son move inside me made the thought of doing anything other than protect him unbearable. After he was born, he had 4 heart surgeries. He is now a happy, silly 7-year-old. We don't know what his future has in store for him with essentially half a heart but we are grateful for every day.

Through our experience with him, we have met so many children born with birth defects. More than any of us can imagine. I don't think that your comment was hurtful or intended to be, I just think it doesn't tell the whole story. Heart defect toeless, or three arms, there are so many wonderful human beings among us who just happen to have been born with a birth defect.

KLM said...

Wow - my heart just broke for Lily. I suffered through a miscarriage at 14 weeks and it was horrible - 6 months is just awful. I have two blood clotting disorders that require me to be on blood thinners throughout the pregnancy (shots in the stomach). I hope her doctors do extensive testing so that if she has any of these things, they can be controlled next time. To the posters who said they baby must have been sick, no way. If she has anything like me, the placenta is basically starved of nutrients because of blood clots. I truly hope she gets through this. I have a two year old son and I am so grateful that we kept trying after years of infertility and the miscarriage.

I am so sad right now for her.

__-__=__ said...

So many women go through this and I feel bad Lilly had to go through this in public. Nobody talks about how often this kind of thing happens. Many times you don't even know it happened until way later. Just look at all the stories here now. (No need to add mine.) Good luck to her. Hope that paps give her some peace for awhile.

mooshki said...

Carrie, I'm wishing you a happy and healthy baby!

Congrats, Susan!

Miss X said...

So, so, so sad for her. Poor thing. My prayers & thoughts go out to her.

libby said...

Such a sad story. Much love and hope for the future to Lily and the father.

Another anecdotal bit o' hope-- a co-worker's first child ended up as an induced stillbirth (baby had died inside her), she had to actually deliver it vaginally and everything--just heartbreaking.
BUT--They conceived right after the appropriate waiting period, and had a drama-free pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Lily is young. There is hope.

BigMama said...

@ Ms Cool - you are my new favorite person :) I like how you think

MadLyb said...

NOOOOOO! That is so incredibly sad. I feel so sick for her. :((((

lanasyogamama said...

Lots of positive thoughts to the CDAN pregos and want to be pregos.

And big hugs and positive thoughts to Lily, I hope you have a baby very soon.

memyselfandi said...

This absolutely breaks my heart. As someone who has been through two miscarriages (one at 5 weeks and another at 12 weeks) I can't even imagine carrying for 6 months and have a stillborn. By then you know the sex, have names picked out and are preparing for the baby shower.

My heart goes out to my fellow CDAN women who have had to deal with such a terrible experience and my prayers go out to those who are expecting now :)

I am happy to say that after my heartaches, I now have two beautiful children, ages 5 and 3. My son is autistic but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

I hope Lily has the courage to keep trying. And I hope her boyfriend, family and friends are extra sensitive and supportive for her at this delicate time.

Chrissy Buns said...

this was so sad :'( i feel so horrible for her and her b/f. such a sad loss for them, words can't even describe...

Meg said...

How awful for her. :(

My condolences to all you CDAN ladies who have been through similar experiences. :(

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Sending kind thoughts & good wishes to Lily, Sam, and all the CDANers who are or have been pregnant... *hugs* I hope Sam has people looking after him, too--you just know he's devastated, but he's going to try to "be strong" for Lily... :-(

rubyjean said...

Sending much love and light Lilly and Sam's way.

My Brother and Sis-in-Law had a beautiful healthy girl, then my darling nephew Kyle went with his angels to Heaven at 33 weeks. xx
His younger sister Leah made it thru at 33 weeks and now she is a happy healthy 4 yo.

To all you strong brave women @ CDAN you are in my thoughts and prayers xx

chihuahuense said...

Your stories are all so beautiful...thank you for sharing and sending lots of prayers to the mama-to-be's and mama-want-to-be's. You guys are awesome!

Prayers for Lily, I can't imagine going through this in public.

juicy said...

My brother would've been 27 yesterday. He was born stillborn. My mother knew there was a chance he wouldn't make it, but she says that she never considered the other options once she felt him move inside her.
RIP Robert Steven.

Kait said...

I'm in the unfortunate club of those who hold a handful of miscarried babies. It's devastating. I hope Lily is getting all the help and support she needs.

Now I'm the proud Mommy to two little girls and we're working on adding two little boys. All through adoption. It's a miracle too, in its own way, and I wouldn't take any of it back, including the miscarriages. I hope however Lily and Sam decide to proceed it is with hearts wide open and lots of luck.


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