Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

Lorenzo Charles - RIP
Elaine Stewart - RIP
Anne Hathaway in Harper's Bazaar.
Angelina Jolie in the grainy a mile away photo of the day.
This photo of Brad Pitt is like the ones you always see of Big Foot. You think it is him, but you are just not sure and could be talked into thinking this is David Spade if you looked at it long enough.
Another Beyonce London concert and
another Goopster sighting. Does she even go to Coldplay concerts?
Halle Berry shows Nahla how it is done.
The Happy Dog was somehow missed in the first photos of the kissing couple.
I wish he was in this photo to make it more interesting.


parissucksliterally said...

I like Gwyneth, but it seems so contrived, her hanging around with Jay-Z and Beyonce.

JA has such amazing legs. Someone on another site commented that she has CANKLES. Is that dude blind? lmao

RocketQueen said...

Jen A has definitely started messing with her face. It's puffy all the time now. To be expected, I suppose.

Mmm Brad. Not quite the body he had in Fight Club, but I still totally would.

MnGddess said...

Why is Jennifer Anniston dressed like a 8 year old girl?

Jessi said...

Ooh I like that dress Gwenny is wearing.

ms_wonderland said...

watching Coldplay at Glastonbury Saturday night - Beyonce, Jay Z, Simon Pegg and Mrs, Goopy. All in a row, grinning. Coldplay owned Glasto.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Nahla, Kingston, and Valentina are my favorite celebrity spawn by far.

I really love Gwyneth's outfit. And you know what? I don't think she's aging terribly. I don't hate her as much as other people do. I admire her for going relatively barefaced and not having craptons of work done...

...unlike Aniston. Who is wearing yet another little black dress every bit as boring as she is.

Bit dams said...

JA is adressingcting/ like a teen. maybe midlife crisis.

ForSure said...

Yeah Goopster tweeted from the Coldplay set at Glasto and posted a photo, so we know she and Chris saw each other at least once in 2011.

Pookie said...

i love that anne h. photo...she looks fantastic.

ewww goop.

eeep halle.

Marna Palmer said...

Who's the kissing couple? I'm confused. The doggie's cute but what's the story behind this?

Sherry said...

The kissing couple were at the riots in Canada. What actually happened was she was hurt and her boyfriend came to comfort her. Not quite sure if it is a kiss or him trying to speak to her over the din of the crowd. They were visiting from Australia. The dog is from photoshop and was not harmed in the riots.

Robert said...

Yeah, you can tell the dog was photoshopped into the picture. Some of those pictures from Vancouver remind me of Chicago, 1968.

MadLyb said...

Ann Hathaway looks great in that photo. I'm one of those who has nothing against Gwyneth or JA, except like a few celebrities, they're overexposed and you get tired of reading and seeing them every. Single. Day. I think they're okay other than that, though, and I'd be all for more of them if it meant less Lohan.

I roll my eyes at Gwyneth a lot of times, but she's not being mean - just clueless as to how the unwashed masses live. Must be nice! Her mom seems cool and I've always liked her as an actress.

ChasingHeaven said...

"I think Bigfoot is blurry - that's the problem. It's not the photographers' fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra-scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roamin' the countryside. 'Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here.'"
- Mitch Hedberg

God I miss Mitch Hedberg!!!

Lelaina Pierce said...

Good Lord, can magazines even make money off pictures that blurry?

The Happy Dog pic made me LOL.

LMAO @ Chasing Heaven
SIGH. I miss him too. Gone way too soon. :(

Tatyana said...

"The kissing couple were at the riots in Canada. What actually happened was she was hurt and her boyfriend came to comfort her. Not quite sure if it is a kiss or him trying to speak to her over the din of the crowd. They were visiting from Australia. The dog is from photoshop and was not harmed in the riots."

In the video, you can see how he trying to shield her when they were attacked by 3 riot policemen. Of course, since the photo surfaced first, for at least a week they were bashed as that crazy couple making out in the middle of a riot.

RocketQueen said...

Sigh - actually only HE'S from Australia, she's Canadian. And they refused to leave when the police read the riot act, which is why they got knocked over. Tough shit.

Jasmine said...

you ROCK for the Hedberg comment!


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