Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

Adele wins one of a Mercury Prize. You know, the award that looks like some production assistant was sent by a Hustler store a few hours before the show to pick up things for the winners.
Long time no see on the red carpet for Chris Kattan. Long time no see for his hair too.
The GQ Men Of The Year Awards were in London and Charlize Theron was there looking lovely and supporting her guy who is below a few photos.
Emma Watson was there but I don't get this look. Matt Smith and Daisy Lowe were there too.
The guys from U2. Well, most of them.
There is Charlize Theron's guy.
Not Charlize Theron's guy, but also there was Hugh Laurie.
Simon LeBon was there but it looks like he washed his tux with a red shirt.
Johnny Depp and Keith Richards were there and won the award for most makeup worn by two men over 40.
Not there, but in Paris hugging a fan was Hugh Jackman.


ablake said...

Theron is a lucky girl, her guy is yummy.
Depp just he needs to come sit by me.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I hate Charlize's outfit. HATE.

And I wish Emma Watson would stop trying to be so ~edgy~ and just shoot for a baby Helena Bonham-Carter vibe or something instead. I know I sound like a squawking Memaw, but I just wish she would tone down the harsh eye makeup and brush her hair out of her face. And stand up straight! Dammit!

Really, the most attractive people in this post are Hugh Laurie and Keith Richards. Oh, and Adele, of course.

Ice Angel said...

Hugh looks like he has been stranded on a desert island for 3 years and threw on a tux before entering the room. He kind of looks creepy in that photo. Clean it up dude-you do clean up rather well!

Ice Angel said...

Suhyphen-ITA!! He is hawwwwt!!!!

RocketQueen said...

Only Charlize could pull that outfit off.

I'm beginning to buy Lainey's adamant assertions that Cooper isn't gay after all. Not only have I never gotten any gay vibe from him, I don't see Charlize playing the beard game.

It's happening. Depp is finally losing his looks.

Momster said...

I hate Theron's outfit, too. Makes me think of an elephant's legs, or that stupid Project Runway challenge a few weeks back, where they designed for performers on stilts.

MISCH said...

Oh Please, Bradley Cooper is GAY, I've seen him in person....he's very gay............
As far as Lainey is concerned....I simply can't trust her judgement on this issue...or exactly why she insists he's straight.

Cecilia00 said...

And there is Adele in the photos- with an award no less.

Maja With a J said...

I like Emma Watson's outfit! At least she is young enough to pull it off. I'm not, but I would totally try *LOL*.

I know I have professed my undying love for Adele on here many times, but last night I saw her performance from the VMA's again, and it actually brought tears to my eyes. Like, really. Singers just don't do that anymore, you know?

Davesmuse said...

What's happened to JD? My boyfriend is not looking very healthy there. Bloated and not at all well. (Sigh. Sob.)

portlandgirl said...

Charlize and Bradley - a couple? weird stuff. Why would she want to be with a guy that has gone out with so many actresses? Is her career really getting that bad?

MISCH said...

And as for Charlize she and Stuart Townsend were big on threesomes....2 women....

mooshki said...

Oh, Adele, that is not a good look for you. At all. You are young and beautiful; you shouldn't look like a middle-aged housewife.

ablake said...

she's probably just bored portlandgirl. She's gorgeous and has already won her Oscar. So now it's time to let loose and have fun with (what is considered) Hollywood's finest and most eligible.

Henriette said...

Why does Adele always dress as if she is going to her grandmother's funeral? Is Bradley Cooper going through all the best actress Oscar winners in the last ten years? Whose next? Julia Roberts or Hillary Swank? Does he think by dating them it will rub off on him?

The Black Cat said...

I think Adele wears black a lot for the same reason a lot of people wear black - because they think it will make them look thinner.

Henriette said...

@black cat
The color is fine, but the designs are not! They make her look twenty years older.

Sunnyhorse said...

Emma looks fabulous in that outfit.

Robert said...

@RQ (re: Depp): Who'da thunk it? I didn't think such a thing was possible.

Ms Cool said...

I think Emma is darling.

bluebonnetmom said...

I don't think Adele looks that bad. Pretty covered up, but that is o.k. @ Henriette - That BC part was priceless. ; )Depp is getting older and when your hero is KR I guess you have to say F it and go with it. What is that old joke about the end of the world and the only things that will be left are KR and the cockroaches? lol

Lori said...

I LIKE Emma's outfit...

Interplanet Janet said...

Too much wine for Mr. Depp. :(

Jolene Jolene said...

Keef Richards, Simon Lebon AND Johnny Depp in ONE PLACE! I'd die.

I love Emma's outfit. She's taking risks, she's young. Better than the snoozefest Middleton sisters. Why people covet their middle-aged, ladies-who-lunch clothing is beyond me.

MISCH: Your proof that Cooper is gay is that you "saw him in person"? Please elaborate. (I'm being serious...)

Rose said...

I like Emma's outfit too, it just looks out of place. It's cute. I would have worn it 10 years ago, uh maybe 12.

*girl said...

What happened to Charlize dating Ryan Reynolds? I missed her jumping over to the orange Bradley Cooper ship.

txtommom said...

What happened to Depp's face? If he were a woman I would suspect too much filler. He and Madge look related and not in a good way.

Maja With a J said...

Men get fillers too. Evidently. *L*

Anonymous said...

The Charlene/Brad thing is news to me...that is a super hot couple. He just does things to me. And really, so does she. Just saying.

califblondy said...

Momster, I didn't care much for that challenge. Kinda dumb. Just like Charlize's outfit. I saw a close-up shot yesterday and the pants were really bad.

I like Johnny Depp with shorter hair.

Gay, straight, or bi, Bradley looks nice here. Same for Hugh Jackman who always looks good.

ForSure said...

Where is the picture of all the members of Duran Duran looking awesome to accept their award?

I think Emma is wearing something from the collection of the designer that was honored, was it Hilfiger?

Depp looks horrible, I hope that was a one time thing. Charlize is definitely the only person who could get away with that outfit. I don't like it, but it works on her.

I understand why Adele does it, but I am getting bored with seeing her in nothing but black. Same with Stevie Nicks. Both are lovely regardless of their size or whatever and would look great in colors once in a while. As good as Adele's VMA performance was, the Brit Awards performance of the same song was 10 times better. Its on youtube.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Matt Smith's hair is...part Flock of Seagulls, part Conan.

I just watched the episode of SATC where Carrie hooks up with Bradley Cooper. He still pretty much looks the same.

Johnny's hair there so good. And Keith Richards is the epitome of death riding on a soda cracker.

Anonymous said...

JOHNNY DEPP IS NOT AGING!! He is merely portraying the passage of time.

Anonymous said...

Adele is lovely, and I hope she doesn't listen to those who would rain on her parade. I say they're jealous looking to make others feels as miserable as themselves. She's great just the way she is.

Aside from being too orange, Bradley's looking good.

I like Emma's outfit. Very cute and age appropriate.

Johnny looks a wee tipsy. Living in Frances and guzzling red wine all day--must be the life. He'll go the way of Keith and Hunter S. Thompson, but who cares. JD will always be a cool guy.

I always feel warm and fuzzy when I see Hugh Jackman. He seems like the nicest man.

Green Sea Anemone said...

Not the most flattering pic of her outfit, but I really like others I've seen of Charlize. Looks better than the way it was presented on the runway. WAY better.

As for her and Coop, I'm down with it if it's happening. I've also observed him in the wild and he doesn't ping my gaydar. I've been wrong before, but until proven otherwise I'm holding on this one.

That said, for the love of all that's holy, Coop, stop tanning. You're a good looking dude, it's not necessary.

Lux Luthor said...

I didn't think I'd ever find a Dr. Who other than David Tennant attractive. But damn, Matt Smith is winning me over. Cute photo of Daisy too.

Lux Luthor said...

Johnny Depp looks like Jack White's slightly slimmer, more handsome brother in that picture.

AMD said...

I want to meet Hugh Jackman just because he seems so fucking cool with his fans.

The Bitch Next Door said...

Am I the only one who thinks DEPP looks just like Damien Echols of West Memphis 3 (WM3) fame?

AMD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AMD said...

And I absolutely LOATHE, DESPISE AND ABOMINATE Matt Smith! You are NOT the Doctor!!!! The only good doctor was Christopher (sigh) Eccleston. David Tennant came a close second, when I'm in a good mood.

And your hair is stupid.

AMD said...

I'm not a Johnny Depp fan. I mean I like his movies, but he doesn't make me tingle at all. And although it pains me greatly to say this, but he looks like John Mayer in that picture.

Enty are you sure that's not John Mayer?

God, I feel so dirty.

mooshki said...

Sorry, AMD, the only good doctor was Tom Baker!!!!

AMD said...

But I can't have dirty slutty thoughts about Tom Baker. That'd be icky.

And probably illegal.

M. said...

AMD, I'm in agreement with you on Eccleston and Tennant. I loved both of them, though they each had their own Dr. vibe that was unique to the two. With Matt, I just feel like he's trying too hard to be like Tennant (was) as the character and while I like Amy Pond, I feel like the two of them are too young to be running around having the highjinks that they have with him supposedly as old as he should be. Smith just doesn't have the gravitas to pull it off. Tennant could, but it was close. If they go any younger with the next Doctor, he's going to be 12 years old at this rate...

AMD said...

Tennant's a good actor, but he just doesn't give me the slutty tingles like Eccleston (sigh) does.

Matt's hair just pisses me off.

Linnea said...

I have been trying to get into Dr Who but I just CAN'T. Does it get better after the first ten or so episodes? Or if I havent gotten it by now I will never get it?

Missy said...

@Misch: I don't trust Lainey either. My source says Bradley loves cock and I believe him.

Karmen said...

Ew, Enty. Charlize is gorgeous, but she looks awful in that. I love Emma's outfit. It's cute, young and sweet with a touch of tough.

Strange, if B.Coop loves the cock, then why would Charlize subject herself to be his beard? Especially when she's so supportive of gay rights. I mean, it's possible, but it's weird... Maybe he's bi?

Linnea said...

Texshan - OH MY. Just.... Yeah, haunting would be the right word. Are we sure that is really her?

Casual Observer said...

linnea -- as for Dr Who, you have to start with Eccleston and watch through the current series. It is so entertaining I find it hard to believe that anyone wouldn't like the show, but I've been wrong on other things before. The "Don't Blink" episode is truly brilliant.

Tennant is my favorite; Eccleston is a close second. I want to love Matt, but I don't. He just doesn't have the depth that Tennant does.

ablake said...

Yeah Tennant too the cake as far as this decade of the Dr goes.
"Blink" is indeed a stellar episode. As is "The Empty Child" (Which introduces Captain Jack Harkness, my bf) very very creepy.
Good stuff

jen said...

I absolutely ADORE what Emma is wearing. AS others have said, totally age appropriate, and so cute.

Bradley Cooper doesn't ping my gaydar at all.

Stacey Charter said...

and by chris kattan's hair do you mean his "beard" ?? LOL Coop has never pinged my gaydar either tho damn he pings my ladydar big time!!

Lux Luthor said...

Where is The Nightmare Child? He's missing out on all this Dr. Who talk. :)

Mutiny said...

Daughter met Matt Smith at Comic Con...She was a little drunk, not obnoxious, after several free drinks at the wired cafe.

She said hello to him in the hallway at the hotel and he ignored her-to which she responded with a very loud "Asshole". She's not a fan.

Side note on comic con: She did get to meet Mark Hamill and he took a bunch of pictures with her, despite what his handler and security guard said. Nice guy all around.

Side note 2: She is a girly girl. She wore a pink summer dress with white pin stripes and a white cardigan. She has blonde hair and is petite, some guy asked her if she was dressing up as Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. She said no, this is how I always dress.

Henriette said...

No one is raining on Adele's parade. But if she continues to wear the SAME black dress to every awards' show, then it will get old VERY fast. The same could be said for any celeb.

Tatyana said...

AJ is slaughtered for allegedly not having any women friends, Adele proudly proclaims in a legit interview that he only friends are all guys, and y'all continue to adore her? Double standard much?

AMD said...

I don't blame Adele for only have guy friends. Most of my friends are guys because women are bitches.

And are we sure that's Johnny Depp with Keith Richards? I still think it's John Mayer.

R. said...

I'm sorry but that double breasted giant lapelled tux of Cooper's is just. horrible. No sir, I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

No one is raining on Adele's parade. But if she continues to wear the SAME black dress to every awards' show, then it will get old VERY fast. The same could be said for any celeb.
No one is suggesting that anyone here is jealous of Adele. But I do think there are some 'in the industry' who will look to take swipes at Adele. Success breeds hate.

RocketQueen said...

AMD - could be your friends are all guys because you call all women "bitches". Just a thought.

MnGddess said...

True dat, RQ. True dat.

Hugh Jackman looks lovely. I just wanna squeeze him.

And Misch, please clarify your statement about the Coop. Did you see him doing something? "Cause he doesn't ping my gaydar. He just strikes me as way too intense sometimes. he needs to cool off and have a cheesesteak.

mooshki said...

"She did get to meet Mark Hamill and he took a bunch of pictures with her, despite what his handler and security guard said. Nice guy all around."

SEE! I'm still bitter about the people who guessed him for a jackass blind! :)

jen said...

RocketQueen said...
AMD - could be your friends are all guys because you call all women "bitches". Just a thought.

Thank you. Unless you're 14 years old that is such a stupid thing to say. Quite a few women think that makes them sound edgy or cool but it just makes it sound like THEY'RE the ones with the attitude problem, not everyone else.


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