Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Baby Lisa Cell Phone Call

This baby Lisa case is really interesting to me. It seems like one day, the police have basically decided they are going to arrest the mother and she is ready for it and then the next day some new piece of information comes out which makes you think the mother had nothing to do with the disappearance of Lisa Irwin so why are the police after her. The latest revelation is a phone call made from one of the three cell phones the parents say went missing the night Lisa disappeared. No one on the outside can establish what time the mystery call was made because reporters have been given three different times. Anyway, a woman named Megan Wright has been interviewed by police because she was the recipient of a 50 second phone call from one of the phones on the night of the disappearance. Megan has never met and does not know the parents of Lisa. She does however know that handyman guy who has been suspected because they recently broke up. Always nice to date a drifter.

Want a twist? Lisa's parents say it is impossible that any call could have been made from any of the phones because they had been cut off for lack of payment.


Rita said...

This gives me a panic-y feeling. I still pray that they find the child alive and well.

The mother is just a self-centered irresponsible twit who left her baby alone, I still don't understand how un-protective some parents are of their babies: leaving the house to have dinner with friends while the children are unattended and asleep, falling off drunk on your doorstep while people go in and out of your house... After all these stories, how can you still leave your children unattended is beyond me.

SusanB said...

Mom admits she had been drinking. I think she either dropped the baby and accidently killed her while drunk, or rolled over on her in her sleep, something like that, panicked and got rid of the body. Hey, it worked for Casey Anthony, didn't it?

kcqueen said...

I live in KC and we have been saturated with information about this odd family, but I never heard about the phones being turned off for lack of payment. Personally, I think the mother sold that child. Nothing else fits. She isn't smart enough to have covered up a murder, but she easily could have made arrangements for a sale and then just left the front door unlocked and the dad worked an usual shift, (first time ever) so that there were no witnesses to the "abduction". The mother seems to have a VERY disjointed emotional response to this whole thing- also there is no friggin way that not one of the three outdoor dogs didn't bark like hell if someone broke in that window- those houses are teeny tiny and right next door to each other.

Susan said...

Thank you for the cell phone deets. I was wondering about that.

This story boggles my brain. I got nothin. Just makes me hug and kiss my baby a million times more a day.

FrenchGirl said...

One of the neighbours changed his story saying during the party (from 7:00pm to 9:30pm at mum's house)no one bothers to check the baby
The guy who called Megan Wright with the stolen phone is her ex-boyfriend known by the police for several buglaries

i hope Lisa is safe said...

also supposedly that guy was a meth user, and the mother had "dabbled in drugs"....this came from the reporter lady who is like Nancy Grace, but isn't Nancy Grace. But is just as damn annoying.

Lelaina Pierce said...

^haha, brendalove - Jane Velez-Mitchell. That's the interview clip I watched as well.

This story is just so bizarre. So many people involved as well.

Sis said...

A very odd story. What about the guy carrying the baby? The husband still seems creepy to me.
Hope and pray the child is still ok.

Taylor said...

I also wonder if she drunkenly rolled over on the baby in her sleep. Didn't some of the first reports say that the baby didn't usually sleep in the crib?

Anotheramy said...
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ardleighstreet said...

I heard while Mamma was getting her drink on the baby was sick with a cold. What parent does that?? Sometimes God/Fate gives the wrong people children. I know a childless couple who would give almost anything to have that child. SAD!!


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